Why do people say OSX is restrictive?

Why do people say OSX is restrictive?

Most people here use Linux which is comparatively much less restrictive. And we don't care to mention Windows which is even more restrictive and has a fucked up folder/permissions implementation

Coz it suck dicks

Less restrictive in terms of what? Just being able to change how it looks?

configuration options go deeper than aesthetics. I'm not bashing OS X, I use it at work, but using both extensively, this is my experience


With Sierra, you won't even be able to open software from places other than the App store. I called it when 10.7 came out and now it's actually happening.

Because it really is. You don't have to be an expect to notice. It's not as flexible though if you're comfortable with it you shouldn't be bothered.

In that aspect I have to say that while you can choose between several DEs on linux and make it look pretty nice and all, the defaults in OSX for me are pretty nice already. Not completely flat and boring, decent drop shadows, pretty consistent, font rendering is also good by default and animations while slightly laggy, are also pretty decent. The only thing that resembles it is Gnome 3 and that's considerably laggier on my end.

there are actually many "mods" and you can run almost everything with some tricks.
is also a very good base system for your tasks.
I have an hackintosh laptop with dual boot and I chose osx every day.

You still can, it's just slightly hidden for people who don't know how to use OSX.

Because it is.

>With Sierra, you won't even be able to open software from places other than the App store


No arguments.

>right click open
wow so hard

Doesn't work in Sierra. They're cracking down on unsigned apps now.

basically OP it's because OS X is forgiving to novices, which makes Sup Forums think it's like iOS, and therefore must be restrictive. they enjoy pointing to gatekeeper, SIP, etc... as evidence of this, despite the expert features (some commands in your favorite shell) being able to disable those things entirely.

>right click

Stop lying. Yes, it works.

Actually, that's how unsigned software is supposed to be open in Sierra
You have to set the security level to Mac app store plus signed developers, then right click and open unsigned software

Pic related is just some retarded Mac fanboy

How are ACLs fucked up?

Because people brainlessly extrapolate from iOS, basically. Most people criticizing OS X on here have literally never used it for longer than two seconds in some store while mumbling some mac hate memes that their favorite chinese cartoon board conditioned them to repeat. It's easy to spot those people, see

Because by default only signed apps can run. It only takes a click to disable it, but its stops grandma from downloading "funny picture.dmg" and having her credit card details stolen. IMO all OSes should do this by default.

Debian is working towards forcing signed binaries, so in the future most linux distros will do this as well.

Because they're talking out of their asses

That's wrong. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it happened some day.

Apple is not stupid. They know how to present new restrictions to make them look good and not scare people off.

Remember when they introduced the 15" Retina MacBook Pro? Well, it has soldered RAM, a glued in battery, and a proprietary SSD that can be replaced, but only by a single company who reverse engineered its interface.

Would they have sold if they just introduced this as a new generation MBP? No. It would piss people off, even Apple users. Sure, people would've bought it, but I'd go as far to say that they'd have seen a noticeable drop in sales.

But what did they do? They bundled those restriction with goodies. Now you have a high res screen and a thinner chassis. Can't upgrade your RAM or replace your battery yourself anymore? Well, that's a price you gotta pay. And people paid.

Same with iOS updates. If they stopped 2 years in, or made the phones actually unusably slow, it'd piss people off and they'd move away from apple. But if they continue to support 4, 5 year old phones, and just make them ever slightly slower with each update, people are not going to notice. They're going to be annoyed that their phone starts running slower, but I guess, after 2 years they attribute it to the age of the device and think, oh well, it might be time to get a new one, even though theirs was blazing fast with the original software.

>only parts of the OS are actually open and almost none free
>limited choice in file systems, coreutils, system libraries and etc
>you need to be a 15yo female or homosexual
>hardware support worse than openbsd
>drm bullshit implemented everywhere possible
>being able to disable those things entirely
Not for long. Pretty soon you'll have the Mozilla way of doing things and only developers that pay $100 will be able to do that.
>downloading binaries

>>limited choice in file systems, coreutils, system libraries and etc

No desktop user changes these on any OS

>I can't do it therefore no one does
I switched to btrfs a few months ago without having to reinstall my OS.

Of course you had to reinstall your OS, you lost all the OS files on your old filesystem.

Because OS X trolls tech illiterate linbabbies and trolls them hard

>change your titlebars in OS X
Disable system integrity protection for the filesystem only, entirely, or temporarily disable FS protections, remove the protected flag from the files you intend to edit, exclude them in rootless.conf, and then re-enable SIP
Edit images extracted from archives and then replace those images in the archives with a special tool
photoshop recommended because they're all .psds
>change your titlebars in linux
sed -i s/titlecolor FF0000/titlecolor 00FF00/ wm.comf

Nope, you can switch from ext3/4 without that.

You can do that with xfwm without the need of a special tool, lol?

And have more limited themeing possibilities with your lame "here's a pixmap, we're gonna tile it across the bar" system.

Not like you'd care, linux users barely eclipse furfags in creative ability. Every now and then, a WM+DE parallels the themeability of OS X. And it never takes off. Linux users can't figure out how to make something nice that isn't a bunch of flat boxes.

>use a mac
>never use them because the defaults are good
What's the point

If you don't like xfwm you can change it, or god forbid write your own.
>Linux users can't figure out how to make something nice that isn't a bunch of flat boxes
Only because "something nice" is what apple shits down your throat. It really is funny to see how iSheeple were always about superior skeuomorphic designs but the moment Applel tried to copy windows 8/10 they immediatly changed their """""minds""""".

Lion still looks better

The funny thing is that it's always "left to the user" which means that unless you do have the creative mind and the time to spend on it, you won't get shite. You see a lot of gtk3 themes out there that are fairly similar or "comfy" which is just another wording for "what we had buried in the archives that nobody looked at anymore because it looks dated as fuck and people don't use windows 98 anymore". You want to achieve something better you always have to do it yourself for the sake of "freedom".

Something is not there? Well, make it yourself, duh. You don't know how to do it? Just sit right there, stop doing your work or anything else, learn how to do it, accomplish it and then upload it so you can contribute to a community of people who won't even give a shit and will only point out the flaws.

But it's the price of freedom. You want to fight the evil corporations? better grow some fucking tomatoes.

do you care about paying money for ported features which were originally free?
do you care about having to buy a whole new system every year, because replacing one faulty part costs almost as much as a new system?

if you answered no, then there is nothing wrong with using Apple products

>Not for long. Pretty soon you'll have the Mozilla way of doing things and only developers that pay $100 will be able to do that.
if that happens, then i'll agree. until then this just sounds like you're yelling that the sky is falling.


>unless you do have the creative mind and the time to spend on it,
Many people do and as a result it isn't "left to the user" anymore. You won't find many retarded plzdonotsteal types here.
The problem with gtk3 is that the developers only stabilized the theme API in 3.20 (recently). So most theme developers copied the likes of arc/numix and adwaita to ease their lives. There is a lot more variety in the stable gtk2 branch.
>who won't even give a shit and will only point out the flaws
Do something worthwhile and you'll get the praise you crave, nobody is entitled to it. Pointing out flaws is how you fix them but I guess your tumblrite community will find offense at any bit of criticism so I don't really expect you to understand this. Also freedom isn't about fighting megacorps you idiot.

>just make them ever slightly slower with each update, people are not going to notice.
It's really time to stop this meme.

>lolipop runs better than stock on my 4yo tablet
>macfags still bring up the newer versions do more meme

>You won't find many retarded plzdonotsteal types here.

Instead I find degenerates with flat minimalistic everything, there's very little creativity within /wg/ or Sup Forums when it used to have desktop threads (which we all know were garbage).

>nobody is entitled to it
Indeed, the same as nobody should have to spend time on people who think they are entitled to better stuff for free. Bugfixing and criticism is important but if you're going to join the pile of garbage without proper feedback, you could be doing actual work instead.

>degenerates with flat minimalistic everything
>saying this while using one of the flattest GUIs created by a company with a former hippie CEO and a current faggot one
Anyway the current /wg/ trend is copying material design, hardly minimalist or flat.
>doing actual work
Why would you even bother with ricing then?

I consider myself a fairly hardcore unix guy, I run BSD for my server at home and I'm responsible for a 10 machine cluster at work running rhel, as well as doing actual development work on centos. The ability to change any setting I want (including rebuilding packages with different build options or patches) is very valuable to me/

However the desktop I actually interact with? That's always OS X. It's smooth, things work well, and what would I actually need to configure?

The alternatives, when considering the GUI, are GNOME and KDE. GNOME is headed towards no customisation allowed, and KDE is an absolute mess of configurable options and ugly widgets.


>One of the flattest GUIs

Material design is one of the flattest and laziest things, what the fuck are you on about? People use material design because they need something easy to design that doesn't require any creativity for their own apps.

>Why would you even bother with ricing then?
Exactly, why would you bother?

whiter than you fuckboii :)

I don't think you understand what material design is. Material design gives programmers some tools that will let them be creative in presenting data and information.

>they need something easy to design that doesn't require any creativity for their own apps.

you mean every pajeet shit coming up with his own oh so beautiful aesthetic, so every app on your phone looks and works differently?

sounds good man.

Those are some pretty feminine hands. No wonder you use fagOS.

>Why do people say OSX is restrictive?
Because some people can be honest with themselves and others.

Women do generally prefer getting fucked by grubby dirty hands, I suppose.

They actually do. Enjoy being a cuck.

hahahaha holy shit i have never heard such pathetic damage control.

Grubby dirty hands of hard work. Women give up their pussy for hard working filthy men more than clean fancy weaklings. If a woman has to date a woman, she'd date an actual woman.

>Sup Forums
>knowing anything about women
honestly, nobody is coming to Sup Forums for your input on what you think women are attracted to. and nobody is especially curious what your thoughts are about this reality check.

Seems like they hit a nerve.

Women only want burly pajeet hands. Whites need not apply.

no, i'm just blown away that anyone on Sup Forums thinks they're credible authorities on what women want, let alone that this is the place to assert that authority (like as if anyone will ever believe them).

but tell me about all the girlfriends in canada you have.

Did you notice how the zealot was freaking out about pajeets and then as soon as his ass was blown out of the water he turned it into a sexuality thing?

If you didn't notice that not so subtle pivot, that's because you're a zealot.

Nah it just seems to me like you are incredibly butthurt over your cult being insulted.
>b-but Sup Forums doesn't know what women want
no one does

>no one does
women do. you need to go out there and talk to women. this isn't a fucking riddle, dude. go outside in your life.

even a fat neckbeard can get 1 or 2 over the years.