1070 or 480?
1070 or 480?
poor and don't play games? - 480
have dough and play games - 1070
gaming at 1080P resolution? 480
want to feel like you have a big dick because you live paycheck to paycheck and you put the last couple pennies you had this week into your pc? 1070
they're different cards targeting different market segments
that's like asking whether you should buy a maserati or a corolla
Well, they still haven't fixed overhead with the 480 so unless you're using a 3770k or stronger cpu, go with nvidia.
Has nothing to do with that. Totally different markets.
The 480 is lowend mid card. It cannot beat the 290x/970 in the majority of games.
The 1070 is for 1080p 60fps +
It can do 1440 pretty well too
8gb 480 for 1080p (or wait for 1060 if you don't want AMD)
1070 for 1440p (or wait for 490 if you don't want Nvidia)
>poor because your gaming addiction prevents you from holding a proper job
>rich because all you do is gloat about your material possessions because its a vapid way of validating your sorry existence
Do you value your motherboard?
Yes: 1070
No: 480
>It cannot beat the 290x/970 in the majority of games.
And yet when comparing the reference 480 to the reference 970, the 480 wins almost always.
There is no reason to buy a graphics card that'll fry your motherboard and have horrible drivers
Similar question:
Used 780ti OC for $200 or used 7970 for $120?
Is the performance gain going to be noticeable enough to justify the extra cost?
if you've got a solid cpu the 7970 would be the better value choice, assuming it's nt reference
furute wise (as in you want this card to be relevant for at least 2 years) 480
now wise (given that 2016 might be the last year any big game will come on dx11 and you dont care about dx12 perf ) buy 1070
My CPU is shit but it will be the next upgrade since I will have to get a whole new board and memory.
So would it make more sense to get the faster card so I can get more time out of it? The 7970 isn't reference it's Double Dissipation.
the card literally stomps 970 on most games and in some cases are close to 980
and shills says the card is shit..
What is this issue you are mentioning, I have not heard of it yet.
Nobody uses low end cards like the 480 and 970 for 1440p.
its like a $100 difference jesus christ
mid tier became low end
being this much into damage control
>4% gain
>Against a card that can increase its performance by up to 15% and become a stock 980.
Maximus kek.
that depends, 780 ti is much more powerful than a 7970 so it will perform much better, but if it digs into you cpu budget later down the road you might come to regret it.
so if you have the money to spare, 780 ti would be better, but if you're trying to be conservative then the 7970 is a solid option. at stock it should perform right between a gtx960 and 970.
I'm considering upgrading my GPU to a 1070. Currently running a Intel 4670k, would it be worth upgrading to a 4690 to prevent bottlenecking?
because we all know 480 cant overclock
oh shit wait people are already on 1400+ that is already above 980
who would have knew
read the thread...
do you like wasting your money?
until they fix 480, not a 1070 but a 4mb vodoo is better since it won't fry your rig
The 970 is a 1080p card not a 1440. Eveyone knows that and
Please post that again in the 1080p
Because they can't overclock. Looking on reviews You'll be lucky if you gain something like 80Mhz on core without frying the card, most reviewers can't get a 5% gain out of it.
>Mentioning some ghetto cards that managed to OC by installing water cooling that's more expensive than the card itself.
Wew lad.
because surely with dx11 being so relevant on 2016 amd needs to fix the whatever overhead they might have...
god damn everyday paid shills find a new excuse and every day they get stomped
Oh and also buying a new gpu & then having to literally stress the bollocks off it.
Its bad when you have to compare it with a 970 which is 2 years old.
>Cooler is not good enough
>You cannot change it for another
what reference card can actually overclock well?
Second question.
Would it make more sense to spend the money on a new mobo/cpu/ram to replace this bullshit Core 2 Quad I'm on?
I feel like I'd get more practical gains from upgrading the main components but I don't do much but gaming, a little photoshop/video editing, and internet so a new GPU wouldn't be totally retarded.
But you didn't stomp anything, dx12 is being slowly adopted, there's still many dx11 titles, and there will be dx11 titles coming up.
skyrim was still dx9 ffs
who cares? 480 is obviously more than capable to provide nice gaming on 1440p..
yeah and i just showed to you 48 pages of people that actually can overclock it rather well
hmm who should we trust paid youtubers or random people that actually got the card and are doing tests with it?
They get stomped only in your head shill. Go call customers with fried mobos shills on AMD forum.
>relevant in 2016
Can't wait for those whole 10 games coming out in 2017 that include DX12 - Not to mention AMD poorfags probably won't be playing most of them since they're protected by Denuvo and somehow I don't see you buying a $60 game lmao.
Because the card (the 480) was marketed as a cheap low/mid rnaged card.
Who the fuck buys a cheap gpu and 1440p monitors?
people who do work and play occasionally.
rx480 is perfect card for this people.
AMD fags do, they waste money on an AMD gpu, they then need to choose a stronger cpu or higher resolution screen to overcome the horrible drivers.
Honestly? Youtubers, you shills already convinced me to buy 280x once, had to RMA it after a month. I'll pass on your lack of drivers and overheating issues even on non-ref cards.
I have a Gigabyte ULTRA DURABLE motherboard
Is it safe to buy a 480?
its slow compared to what? to dx8? dx11 had its first game 2 years after ms released it..
dx12 had its first game 8 months after ms released it..
also i have yet to see any BIG game on dx11 this year the majority of them are on mantle/dx12 already
go get your daily check shill total warhammer
>hurr durr nvidia can do async
>much awesome
>no problems at all
the stuttering just burns our eyes
thats what you get for emulated hardware features
>majority of games are on mantle
So they won't work with preGCN cards or anything from Nvidia?
That sounds exactly like what a dev wants when he's selling his game, right?
>slowly adopted
no, DX10 was slowly adopted, DX12 is as fast in adoption rates as DX9
Jokes on you, Nvidia actually pushes for Mantle/Vulkan as they have a slight edge. DX12 will probably become mainstream anyway since it's easier to use and MS is just too big and powerful to give up but it's nowhere near majority you pathetic shill.
the card is literally replacing 380 a mid tier card now its low tier
god damn those paid shills
how do you recognize a paid shill
>had to rma it
>overheating on aib cards
literally you dont know wtf you are talking about do you know..
oh no he is going to remove all of his features he had on amd consoles just because nvidia didnt want to use them..
rotr did this and look how it became using vxao along with dx12 literally destroyed everything below 980 what a good path lel
>Nvidia actually pushes for Mantle as they have a slight edge
yea, from 100% to 0% sure is a slight edge.
Yes. Relax.
nvidia doesnt have a slight edge never did on mantle or vulkan lel
especially on mantle since it was built around amd cards....literally using async as a prime feature..
what nvidia is doing is they are impleting an nvidia specific path
because when we keep saying that when nvidia say dx12.1 is just a marketing BS we know it and ok you could say aots was a benchmark game..
qb showed the exact same thing
hitman too..
and now total warhammer..
that is the price of emulating instead of using it on hardware
You're too retarded to even talk with. Stop wasting my time. It's kind of ironic that Nvidia tries to push for Vulkan when they were all about DX11 and anti-AMD (Since AMD created Mantle which is basis of Vulkan) since it turns out their current cards can't do async in dx12. But please go and tell me how 6 incoming dx12 titles are majority of released games in 2016.
>It didn't happen to me so you're lying :DDD
Everyone who has any sort of technical issue with AMD products is getting boycotted by rabid fan base, I get it. Never again,I had to fucking manually undervolt and install a custom bios on my 280x to make sure it stops displaying artifacts when reaching 80-85 degrees.
What would you guys recommend as an upgrade to a 4670k if upgrading to the 1070?
only reason AMD has worse performance in Vulkan is because their OpenGL driver sucks.
Vulkan is not build on Mantle, it's build on OpenGL.
we need proofs your word is as good as mine
saying an aib was overheating is just shit there isnt any aftermarket 280 that have passed 70c
unless you are saying that 70c is too hot now.......
vulkan is literally mantle over opengl....
their code path is literally the same
as it goes with dx12 too only thing that changed is the name of the commands.. the structure the usage its the same
>mid tier
Choose 1
if you dont know amd brackets then why do you even post
amd has 4 brackets..
low mid high enthusiast.. 380 was a mid stop denying the facts shill
What Vulkan does is take renderer of Mantle and replaces is with OpenGL and then creates compatibility with what is left.
It's still OpenGL that draws the image and DX12 it's still Direct3D that draws the image.
Get the GPU that you can get the highest FPS in games with. Money is just a scam and you should ignore the price completely.
Wanting to have the best experience graphically is not about ego, it's about enjoying life.
this the guy said it right
look how good you can enjoy your fps on a 700 dollar gpu
>Nvidiot talking about GPUs overheating
So you are going off what AMD say. They said the 480 would use less power than a 390.
They were wrong.
Why should I go off AMD brackets. They literally have 1 decent upper mid card which is the fury.
Holy shit a fucking 1080 can't even break 60FPS?
What the fuck else is he running this with? I'd be salty as fuck if I spent 500+ on a GPU and it was still the bottleneck.
>had a chance to get Zotac 1070 from Newegg
>waffled for a day
>Auto-Notify when back in stock
Theres no cpu out there that can handle the 1080, they all bottle. Common knowledge
are you actually this retarded that you suggest a card with less hardware and on a new node is actually passing the 350 watts of 390?
did you actually stated that now or you are drunk?
that is async in action not a cpu bottleneck
the last card nvidia had and could actually do a decent level of async was the 780ti
Even if he was drunk he still stated it...
God dammit you're both autistic fucks
How is that card? I have an opportunity to snag a used OC version for like 200 bucks.
How much better is a 1070 than a 980? I'm considering getting one but it's 130 dollarydoos more.
in aots it trade blows with 980 till 2k after that it doesnt have the memory for it..
but the funny part is that nvidia cant gimp it on dx12 because it has a hardcoded hardware sc it will naturally be fast on it
It averages above a 980 ti, so I'd say it's fairly better
Wait for the 490, better clock speeds + async compute means it'll blow the 1070 out of the water and cost $100 less.
>tfw my 1080 arrives today
Well then, I'll have to mull it over. Would a 4670k bottleneck the 1070 too hard, or would I have to upgrade that as well?
>the last card nvidia had and could actually do a decent level of async
2 780 here
I hope this true or
if you can get good aftermark 980ti for less, you should be golden.
future wise (dx12) dont even think about it
Async is LITERALLY a crutch for shitty drivers. If the GPU is hitting 100% utilization like Nvidia cards are and AMD cards aren't, async compute has no benefit.
>future wise
Kek. DX12 is dead in the water.
>When the 3.5gb meme triggered nvidia shills so much that they pretend it's possible for a graphics card to "fry" a PCIe slot.
well amd calls it async
nvidia calls it stuttering
>not a single big dx11 except of rotr
dx12 is dead on water
seriously throw that psu on the trash can or in nvidia hq same thing
get an enermax with a lifetime warranty
for triple screen 22"? 1070 or 480
Ditch the unlocked processor since you'll probably never overclock. Use the 50 bucks you save to get a real PSU that won't set your house on fire.
Is enermax really that much more bang for buck, I got this one cos there was a offer for it and Im kinda running out of cash, I mean I could trash the case and get something cheaper, put the money from there and get a enermax but they are shit out of offers and i kinda wanted a 500W one because if I get the 480 it might zappidy zapp my mainboard from what I have heard. Problem still is that im probably gonna be running this trashcan with potatoes for gpus, im not getting the stock 480 and even if I wait most likely i will still be shit out of cash cos its vecation time anyway almost.
But what if in 10 years I dont get bombed and still want to use my pc and my cpu and gpu and everything are shit out of time. Would overclocking for that jucy 5% I'm gonna get not be worth it really ? I was really planning on overclocking it at some point. Also sorry for retard sentenses and spelling im stoned like a cheating muslim wife.
>was gonna buy a 970 for my gaming pc at first
>then i decided on the 480
>then i decided to wait for the 1060
>then i decided i might as well get the 1070
>now im eyeballing the 1080 every few hours
someone please stop me i dont want to buy the 1080 and go into debt.
Just do it. Really senpai its no point in waiting, waited for so long so I can be on the safe side and then the smallest thing still fucks me over. So next time i built a pc I waited, and waited, and waited. AND THE END NEVER FUCKING ENDS. Just go out and buy whatever you feel like getting.
Naw you'll be fine.
intelligent and play games @1080p? - 480
intelligent and play games @1440p while fully acknowledging the misfortune of having to pay nvidia tax - 1070
>4670k to 4690k
Man, you are stupid
4690k have better TIM (Thermal Interface Material) and clock speed is only 100MHz higher
Upgrade is waste of money
which games can a 1070 max at 1440p 144hz??
what resolution are you playing at? if its not 4k then dont get a 1080, if its not 1440p then dont get a 1070, if its 1080p then get a RX 480 or 1060
Ahahaha yes remember wat they said about the 480.
>wait for the 490
My sides...
Get a 1070 for 2k as it handles it well
A aib 480 for 1k and maybe 2k decently in future
The 1080 cannot into 60fps 4k so don't bother as it will be dissapoint and overkill for most 2k
Actually the 1080 doesnt preform that well in 4k.
Its very good in 1440