Why is it acceptable for a company that practically controls access to all the information on the internet to make political statements? Especially ones in support of extremist, borderline-terrorist organizations?
Why is it acceptable for a company that practically controls access to all the information on the internet to make...
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It's not acceptable. I'm literally in the process of deleting all my google accounts right now.
You know Google founders are in bed with Clinton right
It's so wrong. We need to start trying to draft up a new society and government that isn't fucking retarded and is probably just all white. Somehow make sure other people don't destroy the Earth and just be completely isolationist. Better if cloning is realistic and we can not have woman.
Google is here to provide basic services for everyday use, not shove their nose in things they shouldn't. Even if I agreed with BLM I'd be ditching them. I prefer that the people I do business with remain neutral and keep their personal beliefs to themselves. Supporting a terrorist organization was just a bigger slap in the face. This is how you lose customers.
This. Time to switch completely to openmailbox.
Also this.
I can't imagine their web searching algorithms are impossible to recreate, there needs to be a neutral publicly run web searching service since it's so integral to internet use.
Their algorithms became public after some retarded lawyer patented them. It's the data that's hard to get.
Reminder that google is giving biased results about clinton to make her look better.
The real question is: who fucking cares about niggers?
It's honestly a disgusting thing to tweet. I notice that they've been a lot slower to put up a statement on the senseless and unfair deaths of five police officers, from one of the more progressive and community-oriented departments in the country no less, by BML terrorists.
Who the fuck are those people and since when does a single life matter?
I somehow don't find it controversial that police shouldn't shoot people who don't threaten anybody.
That's complete bullshit. There is no way there are people in the police force that became a police officer just because they wanted to kill blacks. I don't know if you've seen the last video but it looks so fucking staged it's fucking unreal. The guy with the camera is standing there perfectly calm and was just like "why did you do that..." in the most uncaring voice ever while the police officer squirmed around on the ground like an idiot. Why does there suddenly seem to be so many police shootings it doesn't make sense. The police are just trying to protect themselves while enforcing the laws that keep us safe what needs to happen is a radical change in black culture. Like maybe there should be free boarding schools for children so we can raise the next generation not to be niggers, whites included.
It isn't it's scary as fuck actually.
Twitter did it as well, I guess that's what happens when they have total market control.
Did you witness a shooting yourself? If you didn't how do you know how it's supposed to look?
>Why does there suddenly seem to be so many police shootings it doesn't make sense.
They weren't considered important, now they are. Therefore you see them in the news.
We tried once.
If you don't like it you're free to boycott Google's products and services and write your congressman to request that all government contracts and funding with Google be ended
It was alright until they started invading other countries.
This is exactly why people should care about their privacy. Things can escalate very quickly from something like this (endorsement of political ideology) to something sinister snd totalitarian.
are there any non-japan company that doesn't make asslicking comments?
Hitler was an idiot who did a lot of stupid shit that costed him the war. Hell, the reason why the allies stopped trying to assassinate him because they knew someone more competent than him would take over.
I fail to see how this correlates to privacy issues. Any company can do the same as Google.
>Thinking that your opinion matters in the sea of people who don't give a fuck
>Thinking your opinion is worth anything up against the vast amount of money flooding into the political system
Nazism is an interesting ideology, but has the same flaw as other leftist ideologies: they assume that people are good (limited to a specific race).
>that's the joke
Do you think you can assume that there's a large enough population of people that are capable of being happy at the same time other people are happy without causing trouble? Can we produce enough goods and create a culture with the help of modern knowledge of human behavior too create such a society?
all these nazi wannabee neckbeard autists raging here lol
>Thinking that any of this is a laughing matter
He's not saying nazism was leftist, he was comparing it to leftist ideologies. Besides, if the nazis won anime and the internet would have never existed.
its a new trend with uneducated retards and amerifats to call nazis left because it have socialism in it
I don't want to be a nazi I don't want to kill anyone I just don't want to be overrun and murdered by still developing niggers. I just want to take white people that are actually decent and create a stable civilization that is happy.
It is called freedom of speech, you cuck.
>anime and the internet would have never existed
And we would be so much better off.
Nazism claimed to be both anti-capitalist and anti-communist, but they basically employed some kind of "baby-communism" where access to the market was limited by race and a lot of resources were state-controlled. They also had a lot of corporatism in which big businesses were involved in politics, but at the end of it, the economy of the Reich was mostly a planned economy for the sake of war, so in Economic terms, Nazism could be considered "left" (notwithstanding racial and other politics)
here, have an upboat ↑
Anime is for degenerates
What's even the point of becoming a giant cyberpunk information broker if you aren't going to use the immense political power your position affords you?
Honestly, as long as Google is only tweeting about existing murders, instead of outright assassinating people, I'll be happy.
They could get away with it. You know they could.
How oblivious could you be? Why do you even have a google account they've always been an SJW shit hole but you should have been more concerned with your privacy before this happened. SHAME OF YOU
you can be both a leftist AND a nationalist
do not confuse the regular left with that abomination of a globalist cult modern "leftists" belong to
The concept of dykes didn't exist back then. If Hitler was alive today, he would send the dykes to the gas chambers where they belong.
Get a job and support your nation. Stop being a degenerate watching and jerking off your tiny dick to anime. Get a girlfriend and do something with your life.
It's not acceptable. It's just not illegal.
Fictional lesbians are not the same thing as real life dykes you retard.
>Especially ones in support of extremist, borderline-terrorist organizations?
What? I can't see anything the like in that picture.
Also, what did you expect of Google?
>National Socialist Party
Where do you think the term Nazi came from, retard?
ITT pig sucking scum licking the jackboots of corrupt cops. The snipers are reminders that the Second Amendment is working as intended. Scum.
Good goyim, keep consuming our product and enjoy watching the country your ancestors worked hard to create falls.
t. libtard
go back to plebbit, you retarded nigger.
You actually thought that was witty?
Yuri is fiction. Real life dykes are vile.
>tfw the SJWs will win
Google is botnet.
Microsoft is botnet.
Yahoo is literally who.
What choice do I have for e-mail? I'm not hosting my own anytime soon.
Openmailbox is libre. It's hosted in France. Also, horo is cute.
If Hillary can do it so can you.
It's also a hell of a lot of maintenance.
yeh ok
No it fucking isn't
You're the cuck you faggot
>fight for racial justice
>why are entities that are infinitely better informed than me saying things I disagree with politically?
>the cognitive dissonance is too much; this must be banned
The problem is Google controls all of our information.
Imagine what they can do with that if they are trying to push their own political agenda.
She got hacked by Russians multiple times and they have it all.
>infinitely better informed
More whites were killed by the US police last year than nignogs
Now fuck off back to plebbit since you're a smug retard who can't even look into statistics
>if they are trying to push their own political agenda
What do you mean if? They have been doing this for years now
Didn't you hear?
>literally uses the word social justice
Jesus christ, Google has been infected
Can we get a list of alternative services that aren't that are trustworthy and secure?
I've heard good things about FastMail
should be a new thread for google alternatives, proper alternatives that actually work and not some russian bitcoin miners desu
Our times are so fucking confused and... weird.
Fuck all of you. Fuck me.
I am a left leaning SJW sympathiser. Every time I go to YouTube Google wants to feed me anti SJW bullshit from shitlords like Sargon of Akkad, thunderf00t and the amazing atheist. Their stance may be provided social justice but they're not letting it effect their content. As bad as the "Google are manipulating me!" tin foil hatters are now, how bad do you think they would be if Google actually did something about these skid marks on their website?
>I am a left leaning SJW sympathiser.
Kill yourself
>implying it wasn't google that told you that
Now try to actually think of something you're actually better informed about than google. I'll wait.
You do realise that Sup Forums and various MRA groups are the only ones who have negative connotations with the term, right? The rest of the world has looked up the definition and gone from there.
I expected as much. Thanks for being so predictable.
Well it's an interesting conversation because facebook for instance after years of tin foil conspiracy outright stated that yes they've been directing people in a certain direction.
Otherwise, the part that bothers me the most is the publicity statements. Google employees don't have such a narrow view of the world, some agree with blm, some don't, some want to see it all burn, etc. There is a huge variety of employees that work for google with different views, yet it's somehow acceptable for Google as an organization to make such a political statement? It's just some snake shit.
>fight for racial justice
Does that mean the race war is finally here?
>yet it's somehow acceptable for Google as an organization to make such a political statement?
It has always been acceptable and it's always been controversial. People on the fence and opposing side will view it as distasteful or maybe even immoral but those who don't have a very strong opinion still won't care but will now be aware of the situation at least. Both Apple and IBM have championed gay rights and equality for blacks respectively, both at times when it wasn't fashionable to do so.
I guess you could say that employees must remember to be representative of the company but the company does not need to be representative of the employees.
The race war has always been. The only reason we haven't cared is because we've been winning with almost no casualties. Now we've got hordes of weed smoking beatniks screaming about peace so now we're actually aware of it.
>appeal to authority
>ignores wrongthink authority
kys libtard
Nah, the "rest of the world" has bigger issues than social justice or first world problems in general, most people wouldn't even know what the fuck social justice is. The only partakers of the social justice argument are MRAs/4channers and upper/middle class libtards.
It's not exactly an appeal to authority to note that Google is an extremely useful source of information and cross-boarding Sup Forums shitposters aren't. Take your dank memes back to your Sup Forums hugbox if you want to unironically claim otherwise.
>implying you're not a smug retard who knows jack shit
It wasn't google
Now fuck back to plebbit where you clearly belong
>complaining about or discussing the political opinions of a business
>You do realise that Sup Forums and various MRA groups are the only ones who have negative connotations with the term,
Yea, that's fucking wrong
Also, MRA are literally fighting for equality where as self loathing cucks like you fight for even more rights to women despite them having far more than men as it is
Fuck you
kek, stay angry dude.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It's not wrong to hold police accountable for their actions. Just as much as it's not wrong to hold the fucks that shot the police last night accountable for their actions as well.
>Don't be a dick
That's all there is to it. And when you shoot a man in front of his wife and kid, who was already constrained, you're being a dick.
That's exactly what it is but as expected retarded plebbitors can't even grasp basic logic
>gets told
>meme response
Yup, you're liberal for sure
>you're wrong because they are big and you're small
>they are certain to evaluate the data correctly and without bias
>they are literally gods
>not a fallacy
Doubling sown on your retarded nonsense, eh? Take your 95 IQ back to Re ddit.
>private corporations shouldn't be able to publicly express their opinions because they hurt my feelings