Why wont Intel step up their game in the gpu market? There's only two other competitors.
Why wont Intel step up their game in the gpu market? There's only two other competitors
They'd rather slowly eat Nvidia and AMD's lunch from the bottom up than try an all-out assault.
Because there's no real money to be made in doing so. Intel are doing their best to move away from the desktop PC market and put their eggs in other baskets.
Well whatever they're doing in other markets, it fucking sucks
Would be cool.
I like to imagine them waiting for AMD to bring something worthwile with Zen, and if there's nothing to fear they will get into the GPU market with a GPU they've been developing all this time
Their igpus are getting better every generation, new laptop iris range actually has close to low end discrete levels of performance
Intel did bring out a discrete GPU once, it was called the i740 and competed against the Voodoo 2. It was merely OK at best.
I suppose the Iris Pro 580 has pretty decent performance for integrated graphics though.
Why wont nvidia step up their game in the x86 CPU market? There's only two other competitors.
Doesn't Intel OWN Nvidia?
I thought the Rothschilds did.
Why would any company do something good for consumers?
The majority of servers around the world use Xeons
Why would they own it
((Why wouldn't they?))
Why would Intel?
Actually 3 (Matrox on the Industrial, Economical and any other usage that needs multi monitor support)
They only supply the average onboard GPU because thats all they need.
Besides if they compete with these guys they are going to get charged with another monopoly lawsuit.
Nobody else can due to licensing. I think only AMD and VIA (do they still make x86?) have the rights to do it.
Their leatest integrated are pretty decent
Yesterday I installed mass effect it ran pretty smooth maxed out
And it was only an HD 510
They tried to do that with Project Denver, but they couldn't obtain x86 license
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>Xeon Phi
>in any way shape or form relevant for gaming
top lel
they'd have a long way to go
They have more interests in the business market then noscope360faggot and his gaming rig. And if you want to do machine learning or anything just go for a Nvidia Kepler.