How often does Sup Forums upgrade their computer?

how often does Sup Forums upgrade their computer?

how much do they normally spend per upgrade?

every three or so years

so when exactly do you replace your computer then?

you only spend $600 on computers in 9 years?

Whenever the taskbar icon turns from a checkmark to a exclamation mark.

most of my upgrades are complete system swaps with used hardware
my current primary box is a nehalem thinkstation S20 I got for free, I might throw a 950 in it for the occasional manchilding every six months but I really don't give that much of a fuck

This is my last dedicated PC. I'll be switching to an iPad Pro. It's enough for my daily computing tasks, such as setting up simple documents in Word, sending emails and browsing the web.

5-6 years

@1,500 usd

Every 4 to 5 years.

It's usually a GPU upgrade or mobo+CPU combo. Depending on when I buy it, I often end up getting great deals because I don't spend money on bleeding edge shit, with gimmicky features, that won't even be implemented for a few years or ever at all.

HDD and SSD are purchased when needed.
Everything else I obtain through deals, chink shit hunting, or shit I find online or locally.

$70 - $280 usd

Whenever I feel like it
Whatever I feel like spending

You say that but you'll likely go running back to a dedicated computer when you realize how limiting a mobile platform is, especially iOS. There's nothing like being able to work with a (or several) high resolution monitors with a proper keyboard and mouse setup.

My computer has gone 4 years without an upgrade aside from an ssd and a cooler. Next upgrade will probably be a new GPU. waiting for black Friday for that

High end GPU every year and CPU when it's needed alongside any additional hardware that may improve such as an SSD did.

Cost can range.

5-7 years
80-800, depending on what I'm upgrading exactly

New macbook every year

welp we finally have an honest answer in this thread

This is the way to do it.
>upgrade yearly
>sell old model before the upgrade
>use money for new model

It's nice to be on the seller end of that high resale value.

The iPad Pro has good first and third-party keyboards and also has a pen. It covers all of my, admittedly basic, needs.

Every single person I have met that claimed the same as you switched back within the year. To be fair they were of the older generation however, why do you think you will be different?

I've been using the same computer since the end of 2007, with only a few upgrades (added extra RAM in 2011, replaced video card when it broke in 2014)

Pretty low end stuff.
I upgrade every year though.

I was running a Pentium G3258 OC'd and a GTX 670.

I recently got a good deal on an i7 2600k+ GTX 770, so I got that.

I'm looking to get either an RX480/GTX1060 once they become available and money permits.

if you don't have an ssd, get one

when its too slow or breaks

However for my main desktop, I've been using a 2008 8-Core Mac Pro
250GB Samsung SSD
3x2TB HDDs
ATI Radeon 5770.

The machine never felt slow.

Maybe you're right and I will come running back to a dedicated system, but I'll at least try a more minimalist setup out.

Basic office usage is covered by Word and Excel, where I don't need many of the advanced features such as macros and VBA. I simply never use those.

The built-in Notes app supports note taking and drawing, and for more advanced tools I can use Procreate.

Simple features like emails, music and casual gaming are all supported.

I rarely program, but Coda supports the minimal web development I do outside the company, if needed.

Again, you might be right but there's nothing in the way of me testing this. Another option would be the Surface Pro 4, but it's more expensive and I don't need the extra functionality.

Every two years or so I replace something, I don't really buy whole new systems when most parts I have aren't all that outdated. For example, I won't just shell $200+ for a mobo because it's DDR4 and skylake compatible when neither DDR4 nor skylake gives much of a performance boost over my components.

The amount I pay is entirely dependent on what's become very outdated. I will probably upgrade to a gtx 1080 (non-founder's edition) because it's a very significant improvement over a 290x, but I don't see much of a point in upgrading my SSD, ram, motherboard etc yet since they're not worth the investment.

Every 3-4 years, new build. Though once this desktop breaks or I sell it, I will never do the 2 GPU Crossfire or SLI ever again, sticking with one powerful card as long as it has enough ports to drive 3 or more monitors, then again I may just ditch the 3 monitors and do one big 4 or 5K one.

Best of luck, I work in IT which probably had something to do with why they switched back they couldn't deal with the inefficiency. Hopefully you can make it work.

actual pc hardware runs me like 300 dollars every 2 years at the moment, i could see wanting to build a new rig completely every 5 years