What did Steve Jobs do?

What did Steve Jobs do?

Being a cancerous fag

nothing. he couldn't even save himself. pathetic.

he rendered a service to humanity by dying of cancer


>create a hipster cancer
>die from real cancer
It's like pottery.

Which one is better?

- dying young
- living long while starving and suffering from other non-lethal diseases without any hope

didn't steve try hollistic medicine for a long time before finally realizing that it wasn't working? I mean it's bad that he died and all but it was still pretty fucking dumb of him.

Yeah, that was pretty dumb, but I wasn't talking about Jobs. I'm talking about Bill viewed as some kind of savior of Africa. However I think he caused as many problems as he solved.

bill gates gave cancer to steve jobs

prove me wrong

Most people would rather be alive and poor than being dead.

I don't want to

Steve Jobs died of aids cause he is such a massive faggot



>believing le Bill Gates humanitarian meme

Gullible fucking 90s babby detected. At least Jobs was honest in his slight cuntery.

>spending billions publicly to help niggers in Africa
>not striving to better his nation's weak points of which there are many

This is called publicity. If he wanted to help niggers so badly he could have un-fucked 1/4 of Detroit with his own money, but no, he decided to sink a shitload of money into places nobody even knows about or will ever see or hear from.

>However I think he caused as many problems as he solved
Like what?

Is that true though?

I'm not sure about this Bill Gates philahthrophy stuff. I reckon there's more to it than meets the eye.

>In fact, Bill Gates recently went public with a very bizarre declaration, before a live audience, that vaccinations when used strategically could help reduce the world population by as much as fifteen percent. Whether Gates meant population reduction through sterilization of men and women, miscarriages of babies or newly deformed children who can’t procreate, nobody can be sure until he clarifies. Population control is part of the vaccine agenda, obviously, and a look at the OPV (oral polio vaccine) and the MMR II vaccines serve as perfect examples. MMR II has been linked to autism (in African American boys under age three) by the leading, senior CDC scientist – Dr. William Thompson.

>The campaign called “Global Polio Eradication Initiative” (GPEI) is also funded by Gate’s (Bill and Melinda) Foundation – – and to the total of $1.3 billion. It’s primary “targets” are India, Pakistan and the Philippines, but oddly enough, oral polio vaccines have been banned in most industrial nations because they actually cause polio. As reported by the 2012 Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, more than 47,000 cases of vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP) and acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) arose in the year 2011, and those cases arose regionally in proportion to oral polio vaccine doses administered to children. This comes in light of the fact that only 42 cases of wild virus polio were even reported in India in 2010 and India had already declared that polio was no longer a health priority.

>If he wanted to help niggers so badly he could have un-fucked 1/4 of Detroit with his own money, but no, he decided to sink a shitload of money into places nobody even knows about or will ever see or hear from.
He wasn't trying to create economic prosperity, he's just about getting the abslolute basics like medicine to people who will otherwise die.

Niggers in Africa are a moneysink, they'll die next week anyway, they will never grow and they will never prosper or even live normally. Its like trying to give a normal life to one of those brain stem babies.

Charity starts at home, not 8000 miles away.

remember the 6 million, goyim!

*tips fedora*


You see third world countries have very low resources, and they're not really increasing.
Now Bill is "helping" with his vaccines and medicine so more people are staying alive. The economy however is not growing (at least I'm not aware of it). So this increased population has to share the same amount of resources.
At the end of the day this generates even more poverty, hunger and thus wars.

>I have nothing to say so i'll just tell memes instead


remove pajeet

>The economy however is not growing
It is but most of the national income is going to 1% of people who are mostly foreign investors. 99% of the domestic population are worse off.

Yes and the totality of said national income is generated by those foreign investors.

Jobs died of pancreatic cancer, one of the most painful types of cancer you can get.

I'm pretty sure he suffered plenty m8.

>the totality of said national income is generated by those foreign investors.
No. The most majority of output that is sold is created by the labour force.

Sucked alata cacks

>its muh right to reproduce
fuck off, population reduction through humane means is important to humanity's long term survival on this planet

>six million

if the west wasn't there to force those lazy fucks to work there wouldn't be any generated income anyway. So what i said still holds

That's right. But the decision isn't to Stink Gates to make

This is incorrect. Outside capital has always been destabilising to developing countries. The developing countries that did relatively well (like Botswana) relied largely on domestic financing to prevent this.


I don't really care about reproduction, but I don't wanna die of cancer because this niggerlover puts heavy metals and shit in vaccines.

Botswana's economy survives mostly on exporting minerals.

>dah white man is so raciss, he be keepin us from being succesful n sheit

Sure..keep living in your fantasy

Killed himself

ate shit from his hands

6 million blacks to rape your family

steve jobs?
>6 millions lives were sued by steve jobs because he just was a subhuman

How do you believe the stuff you type.