Lumia 550

I bought this and I'm starting to regret it, is there anything cool I can do with this phone?

Put it in your ass and then call it. Make sure you turn up vibration first.

thanks dude. i meant a jailbreak or something

you can browse the store to see what's missing KEK!

You're an idiot

wait for the Anniversary Update (Redstone)

No, there isn't.

As a windows phone user for over 3, there isn't.

Why did you buy this phone?

you can replace the battery and expand the storage applel and samcucks btfo

>Was $60.
>Dad walks into the f**cking Micro$oft Store in the mall.

>oh no muh apps
18+ kiddo

I actually want to get one as a backup phone and or hotspot device.

How Windows phones still exist? I've never met someone who owns one.

Holy shit, just fucking end yourself you massive retard. You've literally bought a phone with the most unusable mobile operating system on earth.

>is there anything cool I can do with this phone?
is there anything cool you can do on an android or iphone?

I don't think so.

Samsung is like one of the few companies that still hold that standard with excpetion to the newest phone

Back up phone or use it like i do.
Download navigation maps with offline maps (Here is still available i think, its the best for offline shit) and use it as your GPS, music player and else.
Just watch out for them RESUMING... shits


If you don't need apps, then you don't need a smartphone at all.

just why? why would you use a windows phone for 3 years? are you a special kind of masochist? just

Longtime Windows Phone user here, and no, there's nothing "cool" to do with it. WP's are not toys, they're made to be boring, stable, and just work.

it's a phone, got those for my tech illiterate family and friends. They are really happy with them because they can do some stuff like messaging whatsapp/facebook and but also it's a good phone. Battery lasts a lot too and it isn't laggy and shit like low end samshit and others.

640 fag here. At least it has pandora.

just grabbed the latest Insider Fast build for my 550, the performance increase alone was worth it.

Long-ish time WP user here.

I see people still get baited into it.
Atleast back when WP8 came out we still had hope.

Well, considering you already are on insider fast, there is nothing more you can do. It is basic phone for basic users with nice screen. Just use it as any other normy outside Sup Forums

>it isn't laggy

This isn't true, any WP user will have seen a "resuming" screen just hang for ages. And IE crash on websites it doesn't like.

Boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew.

>still get baited into it.

There really is no other way to describe it people, usually poor people are tricked into buying these phones.

Download the HP Prime app and turn it into a graphing calculator

I keep hearing this. How many steps back did they take with Win 10?

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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

That's a great phone for €90.

Turn it into a kick ass paper weight.

What is browsing the web?
> inb4 use the 1inch 320x320 screen

>I started with Samshit Omnia 7
>promised update to WP 8
>only got WP 7.8
>got Lumia 1320
>update to WP 8
>promised WM 10 never came
>switch to iPhone SE
>it just werks
>cool aps
>be happy
>fuck Windows phone

>just work
It really doesn't just work though does it. My Lumia 930 always struggled with the basics like get messages from Whatsapp and telegram, without having to open the app to check for them everytime.
I did like the hardware but the OS is ass.

burn it

What's wrong with it user?

Nothing, it's just a boring OS. It's like a cross between iOS and Android, with the best UI out of both of them by far, even in user designed apps. I still prefer my podcasting and uhh Sup Forums app to the ones I have to use on Android now. Battery life was far better too. Only real app I'm missing is Snapchat when I'm on Windows Phone. And flavor of the month apps like Pokemon Go, we don't get those, and give us your money startup apps either.

If I didn't save $10-15/month on my cellphone contract, I would still be using my Windows Phone. Sometimes I still do. Cortana is just as good, and works with Windows 10 well too.

Oh the SSH apps suck donkey dick too. But, they somewhat work. DESU, there isn't an SSH app for UWP that works well either, else I'd be using that.

Once more devs realize the can hit the entirety of Xbox, Win10 PC, and Win10 mobile with their shitty apps, there might be more edgecase apps made, as well as flavor of the month ones.