Github project doesn't have a README

>github project doesn't have a README

get over it

>github project doesn't have a test suite

You're not hacker enough if you can't read code better than English. Readmes are for n00bs

>mfw all the maintainers are white males

>conflating the idea of repository host and project website host
>maintaining a website-specific file in a website-specific markup language in a source code repository to serve as a homepage for sjwhubarians


>Trying to sound smart on Sup Forums
>Sounding stupid on Sup Forums
Try harder, lad. Github didn't invent markdown.

>project is only on github and doesn't have a binary download link on its website

sudo make install


>github project doesn't have a code of conduct

>implying that works for all source code
>implying some source code doesn't require specific configuration
>implying that resolves dependencies
>implying compilers are preloaded with Linux distributions
>implying that always works
>implying it doesn't take an eternity to compile software compared to just installing it

Source code is not software. If you're pretending to distribute software, compile it or fuck off.

>every source file doesn't start with a copyright header and location of the LICENSE file

>Their code of conduct doesn't stand against discrimination of minorities.

>mfw all the people who can code worth a shit are white, and chinese males

someone make a github project where anyone can do whatever they want. see how "creative" that gets. make it a magnet for "idea" people who have so many ideas, yet lack the means of execution

>>implying some source code doesn't require specific configuration
it looks like you think ./configure is there just to waste your time

you're an idiot.

>mplying compilers are preloaded with Linux distributions
Any distro will come with gcc by default.


True, they shittyfied it even more.

>they shittyfied it
They added syntax highlighting, task lists, and some stuff related to your git repo. How have they 'shittyfied' it? Or are you just talking out of your ass again?

>and chinese
Go away, stinky chinky. :^)
East Asians have actually been pretty good at programming, in my experience.

Markdown was a cancer all along and standardized in a additional cancerous way, without tables.

Github have added table support, I give them that, but they first ripped out their syntax highlighter and switched it against another, slightly incompatible one. So it's not that they added worse features to it - because they shouldn't have chosen MD from the beginning - but things keep constantly breaking, especially in the issues view. That's not restricted to their markdown converter, though.

i didnt even want my project to be public in the first place but fuck if im going 2 pay them money so im just going 2 obfuscate the code

>zombie simpsons reaction image

bitbucket has free private repos

They did that already.
We're on it right now.

So does Github if you're a student

Why are you using code like that? Use spoiler.

>No screenshots
