Sup Forumstells me to use naked browser for privacy

>Sup Forumstells me to use naked browser for privacy
>Sees this
Is naked browser Dev a Jew or just a whiny 13 year old kid?

Other urls found in this thread:

source on this?

His fucking website

Posting y the current page layout because he lurks here and will try the best to save his ass

Yes he's a 13 year old kiddo who thinks making a wrapper for webview makes him a genius. Just look for the comments section of that browser to see how assblasted he is for the slightest complain.

no need

Only the dev recommends using Naked.Its just he is very good at spamming that makes it look like its popular amongst those here.

Oh and the most popular ones here are Chrome,Firefox and Lightning

I do naked browsing all the time. The Internets is a much more exciting place for it.

the developer also from Sup Forums, that guy literally emailed the developer that he is using his paid app without paying, he pretty much deserved it

it actually works much better on poorfag phones.

Fuck off kid.Nobody likes your stupid app.Please stop spamming this board with 'I came to post this','Naked Browser Master Race',reddit tier stupid spamming

Use Opera Mini or UC Mini or any compression proxy enabled browser for that.

>trusting shill thread on Sup Forums

I didn't defend the app, I just said the guy who pirated it is an asshole. I pirated lots of apps, but at least I didn't emailed the developer saying I'm pirating their app.

this guy stole it from github school project

hes known over at github for stealing peoples work then trying to get it ln appstore. hes been banned half a dozen times already

Yeah he is stealing custom roms too and trying to sell them on craigslist

Why do people recommend the pro version so much? I've always used the free version. Pirated the pro version and the only difference I noticed is that the search function was harder to find. Both versions seem to just be very basic browsers (which I like). Why pro?

No one does.He's really just good at samefagging and promoting himself

No one recommends it. The "dev" just samefag shitposts. You can find the source code at github, this autistic teen stole it and uses the money and ad revenue to pay for runescape.

>mfw the best android browser is a stolen webview school project