i wanna quit Sup Forums
what are some websites i could go to to get similar tech chat?
>inb4 reddit
i wanna quit Sup Forums
what are some websites i could go to to get similar tech chat?
>inb4 reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
ITT: Provide links to chans for redditfags to cancer up now that 4chin is kill.
Don't kid yourself. You're here for the rest of your pitiful life.
>tfw can't think of any websites other than Sup Forums
some other chan, do your own research
Similar? None. We have the best shitposters.
>Inb4 Reddit
It's that kins of attitude that is the reason you'll be here forever. If I or most of us went somewhere else we would get our shit banned.
hacker news
dragonflybsd digest
8ch obviously, retard
Out of the trash can and into the garbage dump.
If you know of non-normified place keep your mouths shut.
what will you do without your Sup Forumsenerals op
>wants to quit Sup Forums
>proceeds to shitpost anyway
There's no escape
You can't leave
IRC if you can stand obsessive namefags
#hardware and #electronics on freenode and efnet
4+Sup Forums
irc culture is fucking terrible. worse than here even.
Haskell IRC channels
#haskell on freenode
#haskell-blah and #haskell-offtopic for non-haskell
Since there are only two kinds of technology (haskell and not haskell), this should be sufficient
>expecting Sup Forums 2.0 to know anything more advanced than a smartphone
Why do you guys not like Redditors on Sup Forums? Are they too liberal for you?
Too Norrie, to cringy.
They type like how they would conversate with people in real life. small talk, small world, mundane chitchat. Sad as fuck.
>Quitting Sup Forums
Don't let it hit you in the ass on your way out.
You can't.
Just download Clover and remove all min Sup Forums boards.
This, yospos is kind of like Sup Forums and has lots of funny pics
>asks on Sup Forums how to leave Sup Forums
You're not gonna make it, bud.
This. I just can't filter myself online anymore. It's mostly why I got rid of my Facetalmud.
I hide my power level IRL but even that's slipping a little.
>nobody mentioned the secret chans yet
I'm proud
presen day
present dime
>start every post with "as a [something vaguely related], I have a [generic insight] into this"
>left leaning to the point of communist politics, will let you know capitalism is the greatest evil from their Macbooks
>constantly trying to manufacture screenshots for r/Sup Forums like >be me greentexts
>never shut up about h3h3 or other youtube celebrities
>quick to point out Sup Forums is a cesspit when their shit threads go nowhere
>generic Sup Forums humour everywhere, GTA5 gifs amirite
Chan culture has its problems but Reddit is much, much worse. There's a reason r/Sup Forums and r/blackpeopletwitter is huge there, they are incapable of producing entertaining content on their own.
kys robit
>he says while browsing a site owned by a guy known to sell your data to the highest bidder
You don't get to quit Sup Forums.
What part of "Don't forget. You're here forever." do you not understand?
I created my own imageboard, software and all. It's still in development stage. You want in? Drop your email.
I saw your post on reddit
I've honestly been thinking of developing a text-board software similar to futaba, or I guess more appropriately after the design seen in Steins;gate's atchannel. (still looking into the legalese of image-boards.)
Also been considering a sort of experiment
inf-chan is shit because you have, like a million, porn boards that never get a single visitor afterwards. Sup Forums suffers from generals even outside of generals boards (Sup Forums being one of them.)
So my experimental idea is to allow user created boards but they expire after a certain time-frame without a post (days). The more posts/unique visitors per day the board gets the longer the expiration timer (weeks) and after a certain number unique visitors/day, the expiration timer is basically background noise (months/years.)
Another is the idea of doing away with threads. Having boards basically be giant discussions (however I don't know how popular this idea would be. Nor would I know how to properly implement s/age to this style of board.)
You could have each board be one giant discussion and then add ability to filter messages by channel
What exactly do you mean by channel?
>Chan culture has its problems
In your opinion they are...?
I say needless novelty/laziness to make OC
Parroting language to the point of beating it to death. Anybody with a unique way of talking is shouted down or told to go to reddit until they pepper their posts with faggot, nigger to fit in.
Tendency for the audience to be underage. Hundreds of people miraculously always "freshly turned 18" when in reality they're 12. This only affects places like Sup Forums or Sup Forums badly but is also a problem on Sup Forums graphics card threads.
A crab mentality of trying to keep everyone down as the same autistic loser stereotype. If you try to do something for the community or a general you encounter huge resistance at every turn.
A massive amount of spoonfeeding and sauce posting ruins every single board by entry level casuals who refuse to lurk or learn on their own.
Pointlessly negative criticism of literally everything to an unhelpful extreme and contrarian tendencies but this comes from a lot of people being in their teens here.
Never made a post on reddit.
The first one is only true for libtard posts
The third one is true for only r9k
5th one is fun, desu. I enjoy shitposts. I rarely want/expect a serious discussion from Sup Forums.
>i wanna quit Sup Forums
You can't.
>what are some websites i could go to to get similar tech chat?
4+Sup Forums if you don't mind Sup Forumsacks completely derailing threads with complaints about people invading their safe space at the slightest hint of someone having a different political opinion.
Just a suggestion, make a new thread and dump 2 Babies 1 Fox and you'll get a 7 day ban which should give you plenty of time and reason to try other websites.
Wow, mate. That was a good analysis.
Sup Forums-fur
If I wanted to talk to redditors I would go to reddit (or Sup Forums).
I think that's a problem though. As this kind of place was MADE for discussion. 2ch was created as an experiment to see how opinions would be taken if everyone was anonymous. 2ch evolved into Futaba. Which gave inspiration for Sup Forums... It was literally BORN with discussion in mind.
It was only after the news and normies started talking about "that anonymous hacker board Sup Forums" that shit really started to get stupid. Think about it, before then the random board was quite literally a place where aside from trying to get one another horny, you just tried to show one another the grossest shit possible, or share something hilarious. Random gave rise to some great and some not so great internet 'memes'.
What was the last 'meme' that came out of Sup Forums that was actually OC and actually good? 'Memes' used to actually be the word for internet in-jokes.. You had to be in on the culture and site to get the joke... Todays 'memes' are fucking retarded. Because 8 year olds go around spouting them out of context.
Hell, the word 'meme' is a fucking shit 'meme' on itself these days.
'memes' used to be funny, contextual, and actually have a 'story' to how it came about... Now even Sup Forums is reduced to talking like niggers, calling each other cuckolds, and frog-posting.
The last thing Sup Forums did right? Enacting that shitty word filter desu. Because when Sup Forums talks like fucking niggers... There's something wrong.
>7 day ban which should give you plenty of time and reason to try other websites
It's been years since being banned from posting has kept you from browsing.
>i wanna quit Sup Forums
top kek
Discussions still happen. Just not too seriously. I will still discuss programming in here but will call them pajeets just to not get too serious.
But you are right, random is a terrible place right now. Exact same threads with similar posts circle every day. Nothing original.
What was the last meme Sup Forums gave birth to btw?
>muh skret club
They are as incapable as Sup Forums when it comes to content creation. It's not like everyone contributes here either. The difference is reddit is more popular so it gets a larger crowd who are just watching and commenting which inevitably makes everyone who use the site look bad. There is literally nothing wrong with reddit itself. Just create your niche board and you have your peace but it'll be less entertaining.
That's just teens parroting the current lingo. You think it's nigger talk because you grew old and out of touch. Nigger culture is the most mainstream and popular thing of this generation along with emojis. If Sup Forums allowed emojis this place would be indistinguishable from nigger twitter.
I kind of miss it.
This is all true.
Also Sup Forums was shit before the cancer came, posting cats wasn't funny.
Yeah, but it's still a bit more motivation to find somewhere else to shitpost for a few days.
Nobody go there, you'll get arrested by the FBI. They're full of CP and also terrorism.
Shut the fuck up tbqh family
Bomb this planet until nothing but dust and sand remains; then burn it until the whole thing has turned to glass.
fuck off
>nigger twitter
you mean white teenager twitter
>actual black person twitter:
>This is the worst fried chicken I've ever had. Reprehensible. -sent from my android
>white person twitter:
>lol rollin doobies with mah squad 365 word up on the low down homie get blazed up wit dat shit holmes -sent from my iphone
Depends where you draw the line between autism and actually funny. I wish I could even remember 'memes' from'the good old days'. I just have a vague recollection of what it was like then. Simply because things move so fast.
Culture does change, and humour over time evolves and changes too. However the Sup Forums I lurked and sometimes posted in before, is definitely not the same Sup Forums I lurk and rarely post in today. Humour has regressed down to just posting images for 'instant lulz I'm a kool kid now r-righht?'
I guess if you're 8 (and underage) it's all the stupid frog posting that was the last meme... If you're actually 18? It was probably relating to cats, Momiji, '404 girl' as normies would love to call Yotsuba...
Hell I'll even give Sup Forums a cookie for making Hiro-tan. As at least an ounce of thought went into making the character, since they needed a replacement for mooty-kinz.
Newfag. Building your own imageboard is a rite of passage
To add... Just look at some of the older banners for Sup Forums (you probably have that off with 4chanx... Which is a little sad.) you can see the old references and jokes via them.
Of course it's incredibly white to be saying senpai, on fleek, lit right now. By the time whites get hold of these black phrases and start using them they've already become stale memes to actual niggers. Nigger culture is like Sup Forums watching Pepe turn into Sad Frog but on a massive scale.
Reddit does not create much original content, or rather, they don't create any. It is inherently this way as the main concept is the linking to other pages. This makes the community more based on being impressionable to the content that is presented to them, rather than internally creating content that is spread from user to user internally. But these factors are in fact, inherent to the websites. Reddit focuses on attempting to present content from an outside source, while Sup Forums was based on creating unique, memorable, or provocative content that is repeated by users, long after the original post has been long pruned from the servers. Also the ability to stay anonymous has even extended this "desire" to present memorable content.
Sup Forums.reddit.com/
go there and apologize
>trigger warnings
>mouse turns into a trump/bernie pic
>just links to screenshots from Sup Forums
KEK, this is the worst combination of tumblr, reddit and Sup Forums I've ever seen
That is true for the front page and popular boards. That simply is not true for interest boards of reddit. Take /banishedporn subreddit for example. They produce much more original content than similar Sup Forums thread (I've not been there lately so subreddit may have been dead). What I'm getting at is that when the interest is the reason something exists original content comes by itself. I can just say that half of /g is just linking technology websites and it would reach the same conclusion as your post with websites turned around. It's the interests that create the oringality.
Look for niche tech forums
Literally r/Sup Forums the website. The mods and anons on 8ch are disgusting MRA tier virgin neckbeards.
I've been here since 08 code gayass shitstorm. I've quit watching anime, playing video games, and being edgey but I've never been able to leave this hellhole.
When you only visit the default subreddits like a retard you shouldn't be surprised when you see shit content. Sup Forums is filled with fucking idiots that are laughably elitist.
Gotta agree with this.
Not only is reddit ugly and unintuitive, I cant read their comments because they are cringy as fuck.
The voting system is retarded and often enough the top comments are either someone trying to be funny or someone not informed on the subject at all
I don't think people are more obsessive in IRC than here desu...
Fuck off ircfag
>with websites turned around
I do not understand.
But the origin of your argument derives from a fallacy. You are saying that there are more obscure heavily focalized subreddits that produce interesting content, and then are attempting to say that this entire website does not act like these obscure subreddits. That just is not logical. Here is another difference between the two websites. Sup Forums exists as a limited number of "interest" boards that contain threads that pertain to a specific topic or interest. There are also generals that can represent a certain grouping for an interest (a specific video game or even mechanical keyboards). Threads naturally formulate these communities. On Reddit you can make as many obscure subreddits as you want, but this is swimming upstream against the majority. Reddit is designed with sharing to a mass audience in mind. Creating tight knit groups is an aspect, but it deviates from the core of the purpose of the site.
It really was better that way.
And aren't you elitist by calling the majority of other Reddit users retarded, bud?
Reddit is the normie version of imageboards. The problems experienced by larger chans (mootchan, and cripplechan), is just the same on default subreddits. The lack of creativity, shitposting, and inherent laziness of posters. Smaller subreddits, and smaller chans that have niche interest meanwhile have creative, and quality discussion. Also they are comfy as fuck. The only problem on them is that they are slow.
And i'm not going to act naive and appear to be spouting that Sup Forums is the goldmine of the internet. But by the very nature of the website, it has gone on to sprout countless ideas, icons, and sayings that have influenced the internet. It has become an assimilation of thoughts, to the point that there is the term "chan culture", reserved for these ideas. It is ignorant to deny that Sup Forums has had an impact on the internet. And let's be frank, Reddit has a Sup Forums section, while this discussion started with Sup Forums users attempting to push Reddit away.
Not if your ISP/country got banned.
>country got banned
How is this anything but incredibly positive for everyone who doesn't live in your shitty country?
Smaller subreddits are mostly specific and usually have a shitload recommendation or "help needed" threads , even when all those things have already been answered
ITT: everyone thinks reddit is the front page
Subs like /r/netsec, /r/programming, /r/webdev, /r/privacy, /r/linux, etc are far more useful than you cretins posting your latest rice and your mechanical meme keyboards