Ausfags how do I wire this phone jack so I can get my internet working?
Phone jack wiring
Jesus fuck, dude, clean those skirting boards.
do you have a krone tool?
Yeah I think I'll be able to find one otherwise can't I just use scissors?
the wires need to be pressed into those little slots with the krone to terminate properly
Looking at it closely the wire fraud insulation hasn't been cut off so I'm wondering how to put the other two in correctly
jesus fuck dont use scissors.
butter knife or even use your hands to use the original termination kicks to sink them in.
if you know which terminals the wires came out of?
trial and error's prolly not the best thing to try here
Telstra are not cool with you fucking with their shit.
a 110 tool is like 4 bux on ebay tho.
gl user.
So basically I can't do it without a krone tool
They're not that dirty...
not properly, you may be able to get it to work unreliably though
I can't really afford to pay someone to do it so I'll have to just try it myself and no I don't know which ones they came out of
got another jack you can pull out gently and look at?
youre kinda fucked too - the issues in your house, so your problem - unless you rent??
So is it not a coloured coded system where white goes with black and blue goes with red
Nah I rent and that's the only one in the whole apartment
I kinda need to do it asap cause my mobile data bill with Optus is gonna break the bank if I don't get this wifi going
From that I'm guessing I put the black next to the white and the red next to the blue
>I'm guessing
You don't need to guess, the information is right there telling you where shit goes.
I've already watched that it doesn't help with my problem
yeah, the tool is needed to press it down and the little bits of metal in the socket make a small cut to the sheath for connection.
their is also this if you want to do it
Yeah but the two already in there are different from diagram there
Thanks so I know where I'm putting them now, I'm just gonna have to work out a way to do it without the correct tool since I need my internet connection asap
use a flat head screwdriver
plastic bread tag / knife might be better?
be careful as fuck, there's voltage on the red
where are you putting them?
are red and black going on the bottom left and bottom right|
Good idea thanks I was gonna use a Stanley knife but I'll use a plastic one instead now, I'm gonna put the black next to the white and the red next to the blue
i don't believe you can legally work on that in australia, mate
I know your not meant to but I need it fixed right away so I'm just gonna have to do it myself
then just make sure you get it right, then
Yeah that's what I'm trying to work out
>Telstra are not cool with you fucking with their shit.
It's not their shit, its a fucking wall phone jack.
you own the wires and wall plugs and all that, but as soon as you wire any of them to the telstra network, they have to be certified by a professional
see what happens when you send the wrong signal back to their dslam then...
i under stand a it's a wall plate, but if you mess it up you will be fucking with an ISP/telco and their shit, so be sure.
if its the first socket in the house, its telstras shit.
This wasn't me btw but I think I'm just gonna have to get someone from Optus to come in with the right tools cause I shoved them in with a bread tag and it's still not working
Yeah it's the only one, I was with Telstra but just recently changed to Optus the new connection is meant to activated with them but it's not working with the modem they sent
>ISP modems
Heh, semi related.
Some of the phone points in my house are fucked, rats or some shit I think
Anyway, I've got two lines running to my house and two lines wired throughout.
I was thinking of unplugging everything from all my phone points, unplugging everything from the box in my garage, running a continuity test between every wire, then giving it 12v and checking which wires still work on each port, picking the good ones and rewireing.
you literally just need to make the wires touch the metal pins
strip off the insulation first, you can use cutters or just use your fingernails.
otherwise if you cant do that, strip your phone cord and twist the wires together.
Nigga that's a problem on their end, not yours. Stop fucking up your shit.
The wifi's working it's just the internet connection I'm having a problem with
call optus and see what they say you may not get charged if telstra deem it a fault on their network, let them know its the first socket. How did that happen anyway?
I know I just want my internet working asap, it's gonna take them forever to get them in to fix it
so if you put black under white and red under blue it should have worked if you terminated it right, might be a dodge jack, you can see the numbers indented
5 4
5 4
6 3
6 3
the black and the red in 4 and 5 should have completed the main pair.
See hereThe wires already in aren't stripped
Yeah hopefully, I don't even know I might of been drunk and accidentally kicked the socket or pulled the wire to hard
you might not be able too see it but, if terminated properly, they are
fucking top kek
second, fibre also kek.
did you get red and black wire copper contacting pins okay?
if so maybe see if the service is live yet.
This is what I've done
Well they weren't stripped before they were put in cause you can see you installation on both ends
If you are using regular ADSL, then red + black is most likely just a dead/ spare.
If this is you, the modem is telling you the line is already connected but you need to reconfigure PPP settings
yep their not stripped but theres a tiny cut to make connection and avoid the copper being overly exposed
Yeah that's me the Internet light isn't going on and I'm getting this message when I connect to the wifi
re-terminate that fucking copper user
cause it's 1995!!!
make a little knick and slot em down again.
Yeah that's what I thought
any phone tone user, wait why would you have an analouge phone with a mobe.
what's your service type? ADSL?
do you have a landline or are you on VoIP>?
plug your phone into the socket and tell me if you get dial tone.
Yep it's ADSL, is that what the flashing DSL light means? How can I fix that?
I don't have a phone to test it unfortunately but yeah it's ADSL with a landline
log into that router and jam some settings in, is it pppoe i think it is with adsl right? if the dsl light is blinking that means it is trying to sync, get some creds in there user!
Well it's hard to see but they're pressed down as far as the other two and they don't pull out easily
If the wires are connected properly DSL light will be solid green. If it already is then you need to configure the modem/router. Easiest way to check is just plug your telephone into the socket.
Here's the options I've got in settings
Yeah I might have to buy a phone from the Salvos tomorrow, I was just hoping I could get it working tonight
you could try optus and see what they see on their end, if they can see your modem, you're golden.
should have an internet light up too though.
Yeah I'll have to try them Monday
Yeah the DSL light is flashing so I'm guessing it's the wiring
Bump to see if anyone else has any ideas
You don't cut the insulation on that type of jack
You need to change the pppoe/pppoa settings on your device. Those are the settings that your router needs to know to be able to authenticate itself with your ISP.
Your WiFi settings only affect devices that connect to your router.
Try phoning up your ISP to get some help configuring this up.