Old Computer

>be at moms house
>find old acer laptop she no longer uses
>ask her if I can have it
>she agrees
>boot it up
>takes literally 20 minutes to fully load and get working
>fuck that
>wipe it out
>install slacko64 puppy
>very small OS
>runs like it is brand new

any suggestions on what I should do now? I was thinking of downloading a shit ton of emulators and stuff but I feel this computer has more potential than just a nostalgia machine to play NES games on.

Get a $30 SSD for it, replace hard drive.

sounds like a cool idea

Surely it isn't so old that it can't run a newer distro?

Low power server with redundant power supply

it 7+ years old but I was looking for a low space OS that make this thing zoom

Jesus sorry for the typos, im a bit retarded at 1 AM

>tfw 7 years ago was 2009
Where has the time gone

>it 7+ years old
can't be too bad
is it a dual core?

I believe so

you asked your mom for her old laptop? gross dude. and weird.

>any suggestions on what I should do now?
Go to college.

Fuck my life

I have an 8 year old son

7 years ago I was working a supermarket job and smoking weed erry day
Then I got a lab management job and smoked weed erry day
Then I got fired and now I do the same job I did 7 years ago and smoke weed erry day
But now I'm fucking rich so I literally don't give a fuck

bitcoin millionaire?

>work in super market and have a kid
>be rich
Pick one.

>old acer laptop
which one
some are really neat, you can replace the CPU and make it work ten times better for dirt cheap

You could use it as a low power server, plus if you have a good battery and or can get one cheap, you'd have a ghetto battery back up system too
Also full blown Debian should run just fine, posting from an old Pentium M Thinkpad using the i3 window manager.

remove that shitty os, install ubuntu mate and use it as browser machine, or buy vga to hdmi cable and use it as computer for your tv
even my 10 years old laptop is working still fine, thank you based lenovo

>remove shitty os, install ubuntu


Your mom has watched porn on that computer and has potentially gotten her juices all over the keyboard at one point. Mmm

>installing a distro made specifically to ran as a live OS from a usb stick
wow i didn't know there were people this retarded on Sup Forums

And who cares what random retards on Sup Forums thinks? If he wants to, he can install whatever he wants on it. That's one of the freedoms he has.