You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a Zenfone 3 Ultra

You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a Zenfone 3 Ultra.

already spent my welfare cheque

Because I have a Oneplus2, and its almost the exact same

Holy shit 4GB of RAM is considered little?

The software is niggerly bad. AOSP OR reeeee


Cause I have a ZenFone 2 instead

because that screen is retarded huge.

Because it is stupid big. Zenfone 3 Deluxe is bretty gud. I would get one if I was the kind of person who upgrades for no reason. My Zenfone 2 works just fine and I'll use it until it is kill.

I don't use a phone, PC Master Race.

>no qi charging
>no oled screen

because I have an iPhone 6S

Because my old ass nokia phone is still working fine

Because I prefer a phone to a tablet.

And if Android doesn't catch up to the iphone se I'll just have to buy one.

Because my refurb M8 that i bought a year ago still works.

how do you like the camera on that thing

It's okay. It isn't a pile of shit but isn't a good one either, works fine for your average picture and works well in low-light conditions too.

care to post sample pic? i always heard how the htc cameras were no good im curious. id get a m8 if it was so darn big.


thats not bad at all. good purchase m8. how much did you pay.

Because I'm buying an Amazon subsidized moto 6 for $150 and throwing a 128gb shark in it. Banking on a root coming out in a reasonable time frame to remove aids. Also that phone isn't even out yet nigger.

$150 from AliExpress.

As i said it's a refurbished one, i stopped giving a shit about warranties and buying new since i realized that i never used any kind of warranty or got an item DOA in my entire life.

AliExpress sellers still offer warranty for refurb phones though.


>6.8 inch 1080p
>6.8 inch at all

hee hee

you've got to be shitting me.

I doubt you have a job either.

Spotted the manlets.

$150 seems steep to me considering the age of the phone but if youre happy with it thats what it matters.

As far as warranty BS, the way I look at that is when I buy something I expect it to be as is, specially if used, I just expect it to work when it first arrives. If I want a cushion of guarantee then I go to walmart and buy it there,

Just search for "refurbished htc one m8" on aliexpress, there are plenty of sellers.

Then check if the bands are compatible with your country.

No Root
No Unlocked bootloader
Cyanogenmod hasnt compiled a rom for it

3 reasons in 10 second op.


Because I own a R3P

>considering buying a new phone because pokemon go doesn't work on my zenfone 2

fucking intel

wtf is this pokemon go shit being shilled all over the web today

Because tracfone is dirt cheap.
I'm surrounded by cutting edge computers all day.
tfw no gf

Litterally everybody is playing it. (not on Sup Forums) like I went to the grocery store and taco bell today and saw 5 people playing it.

I don't know where to buy one.
I want one really bad.
When are they finally getting released?

I'm literally playing it right now while posting from 4chins.

No, it's not a phablet.
It's a motherfucking 7" tablet that's what it is.

Spotted the manlet.

>It's a motherfucking 7" tablet that's what it is.

Get with the times gramps

>release date two days in the future

I'm still not sure if I want ultra or deluxe.
Why couldn't they give the deluxe a larger battery?
Or perhaps give ultra a 820 instead?

Ultra is also available in pink, so that may just have me.

Gotta cache 'em all.

No moneys

Would the Zenfone 3 basic be a good upgrade over a Moto G 1st gen. I'm poor as shit so I need a budget phone and $250 is kind of at the top of the price range but it probably doable with some saving.

Really want the extra storage space with the SD card since one 64GB ipod is no longer cutting it for my music library.

Also if my car stereo can hook up with an ipod and allow my to select tracks and fast forward and stuff through the stereo interface over usb what do I have to do to make my Android phone do the same shit? The stereo "doesn't support Android" but I'm wondering if I can get a PDMI to micro USB connector if I can do it by just biasing some data pins with 5V or something. I mean music is music. The digital data is the same on ipod or Android. All I need to do is make sure that data is output on the data+ data- pins and let the DAC take care of the rest right?

>>no cons

I have a superior OP3.

Well obviously they can't list and cons if there aren't any.

I got a Moto G 3rd gen and I got to say I love this little phone. I'm not a phone fanatic, this is my second smartphone. I wanted something cheap, fairly small, with good battery life, and enough power to handle my basic apps and browsing. The screen is 720p and that's fine by me because the battery lasts longer. Pics look nice.

I looked at the Zenfone 2 and the battery life was disappointing. Did they fix that in the 3? My Moto is going days without charging (depending on how much I use it.)

Every Asus device i've owned has had a digitizer that failed within a year.

Their budget devices are worse than Acer or HP at this point.

Zenfone 2 wasn't really shining for me until CM13.
But then I dropped it on the freeway while texting on a bike, and could not find it after several passes over the same section.

So I got a iphone se to make sure that they still suck. They still suck. Waiting for zenfone 3 deluxe now, out of inertia.


(Unless you are ASUS masterrace ROG)

Guys, the phones are starting to get longer than my penis. What should I do?

doesnt have an oled screen

>stupidly big
>still 1080p


>7 inches
This thing is too small for tablet but too big for a phone unless you're a manlet.

>too big for a phone unless you're a manlet.

>6.8 inches
Do I look like I have nigger hands?

6'7 here I honestly can't imagine holding a smartphone in 2 hands like a gigantic faggot.

It's a tablet.

Spotted the manlet.

But I have redmi note 3 pro

>it has no keyboard
>it runs Android
>it's fucking massive

Spotted the manlet.

>not wanting to carry a tablet in your pocket makes you a manlet
I swear, phablets are the new jacked up trucks. Nothing but overcompensation.

I'm just gonna get the base zen3 and sell my z2laser

>6.8" screen

Because anything goes larger than about 5.5" is retarded for a phone.

>being a manlet

>any year
>having a small penis
Must suck

spotted the brainless consumerist retard, and/or the asus marketing representative to Sup Forums

Literally nothing about my usage habits would benefit from that phone and I'd rather put my money toward things I'd actually care to get.

>Using a tiny phone
>Using anything other than 17 inches gaymen laptop
Fucking manlets

No intel.
I'm sticking with my 2.

Pokemon GO is the latest welfare normie placebo to hit the play store. It's a pokemon game where you catch pokemon (like ingress sort of) and has zero battles. It's beyond pointless and useless. A game where you do nothing not even touch the screen really and just walk around like a fat sweaty zombie.

>No intel
That's a good thing though, you can actually play Pokémon Go on this one.

>snapdragon 652
Come on, not even 800 something?

And whatever, do we really need 6.8" screen? I have my iphone 4s (3.5") for phone tasks and computer (24") for tasks that require a bigger screen. And this is android, this means applications would be stretched to whole screen. Literally useless.

tfw black screen after intro logo on nexus 6p fuck me ded m8

>Pokémon Go
who gives a shit

Literally everyone


Because I'm poor, of course.

I have other phones if I need to use something arm only.


Google Android.


Enjoy your 6 months lifespan


Clearly not?

I'm in Asia, seriously considering getting this when it comes out next week.

I don't use my phone for much other than reading text and websites, which I do a lot of, and my HTC One m8 gives me a headache after reading too long cause small screen.

Thought about getting a tablet or Kindle but then I'd have to carry around both.

Just need to get used to having a bigger phone.. and try not to smash the screen.

Because I just got my OnePlus 3 in the mail

My zenfone 2's hit a year now, and it's precisely as functional and strong as it was day one, which is more than I can say for my motorolas at least.

because im getting a moto Sup Forums 3rd gen, my 1st gen just died yesterday

why?, because fuck asus and i dont want a phone bigger than the G 3rd gen, and none of them has waterproofing


I would get those if there was a fucking community for them, there is no official CM or TWRP for them, so no dice.


Because I can't play Pokemon GO

What's with all this zenfone shilling lately?

That shit is snapdragon tho