Can't understand why people still buying and using this shit...
Air Cooling >>>>>>>>>>>>> Shit AIO Water Cooling meme
Can't understand why people still buying and using this shit
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Gr8 b8 m8.
Liquid cooling outperforms air cooling 100% of the time.
air coolers don't like dealing with the thermal output from pumping ~200w into a 3930k
ITT - Stop liking what I don't like!
It's like you need your own safe space or something...
It takes up less space and it's better at cooling most of the time so yeah there's that.
Water cooling costs a lot more, that's why.
That isn't true. high end air coolers match high end liquid AIOs.
If you're talking about custom loops, that is a different matter altogether.
Spent 150 dollars procuring used parts for my custom loop.
> better at cooling
Tell me this after three years , I will continue with my Noctua cooling as the first day
Let me guess custom or nothing? It gets heat out of the case without a big hassle, on top of being quiet and performing well.
This thread is about AIO.
I just use it because it means there's less weight on motherboard and I move my PC quite a bit. And it's not worse than air cooling.
Same price or even better than some AIO Kits , same performance or even better than some AIO Kits , BETTER PERFORMANCE after 3-4 years than ALL AIO KITS
Your Noctua is just spreading the heat around your case and warping the mobo, no solution is perfect for every situation.
Aio's are crap. Subpar performance, non serviceable, expensive for what it offers, people buy them for looks essentially, and I know this first hand. Good air coolers and properly done custom loops will outperform them by a large margin.
>Liquid cooling outperforms air cooling 100% of the time
See pic
>just spreading the heat around your case
If you are useless and don't know how to install it yes...
How do you get this monster to fit inside my cute Mini ITX case?
AIO users fall into one (or both) of the following categories
-Poorfags who cant afford a custom loop and think its the next best thing
- le epic window case aesthetic builders who a favour form over function
I can hear your motherboard cracking over the weight.
There's arrows on the fans to help the slow ones install them correctly.
Ah, a skylake user I see.
form + function you mean, The best AIOs outperform the best Air coolers.
>I can hear your motherboard cracking over the weight.>>
You can post a picture of cracked motherboard because a air cooler please?
>75$ air cooler has the same performance as a 140$ watershit
Does the liquid in those things ever need changing? Can the liquid be changed?
>> 55438783
These things, in 3 years is useless, I do not know if it's because of the pump, liquid or wtf
* no , you can't change the liquid
ITT:Poorfags justifying their shitty performing air coolers housefires
you make me laugh
-Yes, it eventually starts evaporating or leaking over time.
-It's possible, but it's a fucking pain to do so, since you don't have an easy way to bleed the loop.
People buy water coolers for the same reason they buy cases with windows, LED fans, and color matching motherboards.
Water cooling is a perfect example of the worst parts of custom PCs, a bunch of crap that not only performs worse but is actually more expensive and dangerous.
Fuck off, retard.
>The best AIOs outperform the best Air coolers
By a couple of degrees whilst outputting ten times the noise, then failing after two years. No thanks.
AIO users are the absolute biggest morons around. Either do a custom loop or don't bother with liquid at all, you dumb babies.
yeah bro but it's LIQUID
lol top end NH-D15 gets beaten by the seidon 120V and you can buy the Seidon 120V and replace the fans with Noctua fans and still come out cheaper than the NH-D15 by a sizable amount.
>lol top end NH-D15 gets beaten by the seidon 120V and you can buy the Seidon 120V and replace the fans with Noctua fans and still come out cheaper than the NH-D15 by a sizable amount.
After 2 years , half performance...
Nice cooling system haahhah
>Buy big-ass air cooler
>Have to cut hole in your case to fit it
>Buy big AiO cooler
>The most inconvenient thing is looking at the tubes if your an idiot
>Still runs cooler then the bigass air cooler
It's twice as loud, horrible efficiency
The Seidon is louder but performs bettere. Its almost as if fans than spin faster movem ore air but makem ore noise.
In other shocking news, water is wet.
Wait, so you're telling me the 120v even outperforms the 240v on ?
Are there any good guides for custom water cooling? I was hoping to cool a videocard as they seem to benefit the most from water given the limits of heatsink size.
Custom water cooling is stupid because you have to drain and remove everything every time you want to upgrade.
Except it's not.
That is the downside naturally. Such a downside hardly makes it stupid given the advantages a custom loop has over an AIO.
Plus some companies make quick release valves now.
So far the h100 has served me 4 years and is still keeping my 3930k at ~40c idle (summer) at the quietest setting. Still going for this bad boy for my next build, in the Dark Base Pro 900.
Do you even know what you're saying? Unless you need to modify the loop itself you have no reason to open it up.
Except when you're upgrading your gpu, like gamers do.
Better cooling performance than on air, useful for heavier overclocking, super easy to install vs custom loops, cheap vs custom loops, fits nicely into many PC cases... I don't think you've ever used one or checked measured results of the performance to say something like that.
>Dark Base Pro 900
I really, really want one of those but equally its a lot of money to spend when I already have a really good case (R4).
And for that you almost always need a new gpu block, which means modifying the loop.
You do not know much about computers....
Please go back to your gayming routine
Not true. My 212 evo cools the CPU an average of 10° cooler than my corsair H55 aio.
Custom water cooling is shit because you have to drain and remove everything every time you need to modify the loop.
Wonderful profiling, kek.
Oh please, a 212+ is a step above the stock cooler, but there isn't a chance in hell it's beating an H55 unless the pump is broken or you didn't attach the fans.
>Twice as loud
I think you need to know how numbers work.
I also pointed out that you can replace the fans with Noctuas and still come out cheaper and it would lower the db.
>tfw both cpu and gpu is cooled by AIO
No complaints at all. I'd do a custom loop if I could but I realized I barely play games at all. Theyre just not fun these days.
After many years messing with air and liquid AIOs, I'd suggest liquid everytime. It just takes up less space and is more aesthetically pleasing. As for cooling, both usually idle around 30. Sometimes liquid could get down to 28c I've noticed. Max Temps seem to be within the same range. The differences are that liquid cools down faster and takes a little longer to reach those max Temps. As for noise, I've found that liquid allows you to have your fans spin at a much lower rpm. There is extra noise coming from the pump, however it's not audible outside a closed case. If it is, then adjust the voltage going to the pump whether it be through a provided software or your motherboards fan controller.
You are grossly overestimating what is widely regarded as one of the shittiest aio's in existence
>gaymers defending their disposable sprinkler systems
Its dba, not db.
db is logarithmic, it is twice as loud
Water cooling is incredibly inefficient, loud as fuck.
Loudness perception isn't linear you fucking mongoloid
I'm not him, but decibel values scale exponentially, meaning 40db is *not* twice as loud as 20db etc.
>what are QDCs
Expensive. Those particular ones are THE SHIT, though. Can you even buy them separately for custom loops ?
So you guys are telling me that air coolers are more reliable and on par/better than closed loops?
Air coolers are far more efficient in every way.
But looking at tweaktown's overall cooler rankings several AIOs perform not only cooler, but lower noise levels as well \:
they are a bit expensive compared to air coolers...but they DO perform better it seems, at least the nicer higher end ones.
The best AIOs are slightly better than the best air coolers but are generally significantly more expensive while also being more unreliable, low/mid-range AIOs are a meme.
So what's an AIO you can recommend with a good price/value ratio?
AIO have multiple points of failure
Worst thing that can happen with an air cooler is the fan breaks, in which case the CPU is still passively cooled by the heatsink and ambient airflow from the case fans.
>CPU is still passively cooled by the heatsink and ambient airflow from the case fans.
Lets be realistic here, depening on a million factors passively cooling a chip isn't going to happen. Pic related - a cooler rated for 95w tdp passive or 300 with a fan.
What site do you guys reference for heatsink performance? I have an h60 with like a 200cfm push pull configuration and I'm worried about it failing since it's been in use since 2010. I don't care about noise I just want a reasonably priced air cooler that will let me max out my i3 6320 with a z170 over clock.
Why do you absolutely want an AIO? Unless you you're building with smaller form factors there's no reason to not go for air.
>A E S T H E T I C S
>there are still peoples that consider zalman shit as being the best aircooling solution
Curse my poorness
>Crappy old corsair H60
>Cooling a 45nm Phenom II x6 1055T overclocked to 4.2ghz at 1.6vcc, a hot CPU being pushed hard
>Temps never go over 34c
I don't know what the fuck you cunts are even moaning about most of the time. I've had this H60 for years, it's still going strong.
All they do is sit on the internet all day, and all people do on the internet is complain when shit breaks, so the small percentage of people who get DOA AIOs or have their pumps die after a few weeks/months all bitch about it online making these sad cunts think all AIOs are shit.
The meme just hasn't been true since the first generation AIOs basically. I've had two AIOs in the past 4 years (different builds) and both are still going strong.
>all those noise levels
complete trash
show something at 24 dB
Assuming a fan for an air cooler suddenly shit the bed, the procesor would simply reach thermal shutdown. Of course, the same goes for if your pump or fan failed in an aio, but if the coolant springs a leak youre fucked.
show air cooler performance at 24dBa...
PC must be noiseless
Learn it you fucking braindead retard
o-o-okay? Show me a fucking air cooler that is 24dBa and it's performance you fucking autist.
Watch me solve this whole thread guys:
If you like AIOs, buy them.
If you hate AIOs, don't buy them.
Bam, problem solved. Everyone wins.
Question for my liquid cooling lads. My radiator had to be screwed in on the top part of the case, with a fan positioned on top of the outside of the case (right above the radiator). Should the fan on top of my case be blowing air in to the radiator or sucking air out? I've read that you want to blow air in to the radiator, but I've also read thay fans on the ceiling of your case should always be sucking air out of the case since heat rises. Am I better off blowing air in to the radiator, or should I be sucking hot air from the case through the radiator and out of the top of the case? My temps are usually pretty good, idle around 19-24C and rises up to around 40-50 while under stress.
There's not really a cooling difference between blowing air into a radiator and sucking air through a radiator. It's better to have air pulled out of the case if it's going through a radiator though, because otherwise you're heating up the case significantly. And because it's on top, you also have the hot air rising thing, which doesn't matter that much either. The only plus that sucking air through a radiator has versus pushing air through, is that you'll have an easier time cleaning the radiator of dust because there's no fan in the way.
So, fan on top, pulling air out.
Thanks for the input, gonna turn the fan over today.
Why do retards like this even bother posting?
>I want jet engine under desk
Why do retards like this even bother posting?
for the price, you are 100% wrong as fuck
Why would you make such an unreasonable noise level such as 24dBa though?
I dont know a single air cooler that is that low.
You just look retarded when you specify 24dBa
Oh look, another retard. Fails to even see the reason why I called him a retard.
You know what is on average rated at 24dba? Falling leaves.
Aren't your standards set a tad too high?
My corsair h100i keeps my 8350 at a cool 20 degrees
My brother gave me his PC with a custom loop.
I lost the cap off the resovoir and then I had to replace it with some blu tac.
One day it just stopped working and I found out it had a load of gunk and shit inside it and then my PC almost died. I didnt deserve a uber watercooled pc but still lmao
Honestly, I just like the way they look.
The problem with this, and all the other shit, is distance. At what distance do falling leaves have a noise level of 24 dba? 2 cm? 20 cm? 200 cm? Same thing applies to these cooler tests. Reviewers from different sites don't adhere to the same standards, so obviously you can't compare the results from one site to another. Take the NH-D14 in for example. 49.9 dBA. Is that loud? You have no way of knowing that until you know what kind of distance the noise was measured from. And this is why is retarded. He comments on the noise levels despite not knowing the distance the testing used, and then wants 24 dB without mentioning the distance at all.
For the curious ones, frostytech measures their noise from 6" away. If you apply inverse square law as an estimate as to how much it would be from further away, then you get about 33 dB @1m, 27 dB at @2m, etc.
All memes aside, why is it that amd recommends water cooling, (including aio since one version of the cpu package came with one) and not air cooling? Can you even air cool something with that much output?
Used to have a seidon 120v in my core 500 but I can't be bothered thinking how it could leak plus it wasvery loud so I just opted for the l9x65