>slower than the 1080
>draws way more power
>higher temps
>much louder
Other urls found in this thread:
user, you really need better bait.
You sound like that one ugly kid that everyone keeps around to make them look better.
top kek
poo in the gpoo
Those are two gpus so yes they'll draw more power. I would hope so. They are mid-low range cards so yes they'll be slower. They're also about 300$ cheaper than a 1080 at msrp.
Please don't spread this bullshit like it's surprising or new. I bought a 1080, but what suits your needs, and price range. But don't be a dick
Go back
>Ubisoft games
>A credible benchmark
You can try again it's okay
Even a crossfire 480 can't beat a simple 1070
HBAO+ is Nvidia proprietary SSAO which will always run worse on AMD. If there were an option for HDAO (amd's proprietary SSAO) they should have used it and, if not, should have used standard SSAO.
This test is by default biased in favor of Nvid cards, though I dont believe being able to use hdao would give amd an advantage, maybe even the fps at best.
>complaining that a $200 card has an 8~FPS difference compared to a $400 card, and a 15~FPS difference compared to a $600 card
>in a game that has negative scaling on Crossfire and probably still utilizes a single card
Top wew, lads
>HBAO+ is Nvidia proprietary SSAO which will always run worse on AMD. If there were an option for HDAO (amd's proprietary SSAO) they should have used it and, if not, should have used standard SSAO.
>shaders magically run worse on a competitors hardware
you're hilarious raja
>shaders magically run worse on a competitors hardware
what is DX12
personally for me habo+ has always performed better than other ssao on amd, but then again i have a week ass cpu, its possible habo+ has less overhead then other ssao types, but demands more processing power overall, so it frees up a bit of shit on my computer and sense im cpu bottlenecked opposed to gpu, i dont see the hit.
Well you fucked your self up on this one OP
R u havin a giggle m8?
>Believing COD benchmarks have any merit
R U having a giggle?
>compared cards by FPS and not frametime
fucking idiot
You forgot,
>costs $500 less than a 1080
FarCry Then?
>Believing FC benchmarks have any merit.
Ay m8 I'm having a giggle
I didn't say anything about FC benchmarks. I only remarked on COD benchmarks.
Oh I love this benchmark
>test 23 games, one of which is meme of memegularity
>like 7 just outright don't work
>top benchmarks in games like Witcher are playing like shit
>in the end only half the games tested are fully playable
>85% more power use
Just buy a 1070 if you're going to spend that much you fucks
Fucking dumbass it could be a game that doesn't even support crossfire so in reality it's just one GPU.
you sad wankers will be so mad when my set of rx480 nitros arrive
Good work, retard
>dual GPU is shit
Breaking fucking news coming to you straight from 2004.
It's only $400 for the 4gb verions retard
The thing I was trying to say was, I can cherry pick all day long and it won't change the end result.
Or maybe it's just that the 480 is slow as balls
Seriously if you bought AMD you done fucked up
Someone can't handle the truth. The game doesn't support sli or crossfire so it's oy using 1 GPU. Don't be mad that Ayymd has a card for $200 and can keep up with your overpriced bullshit
ITT: maximum nvidya damage control
>chart without actual labeled scale
The shill is real
Actually the 480 is just slow as balls
frame pacing you say?
What a shitty year to upgrade. Amd being AMD - which means house fires, high RMA rates and no drivers with a promise that just maybe your card will be better than Nvidia counterparts 3 years from now. Nvidia being Nvidia which means 20 frame loss for fluffy hair, overpriced GPUs that stop being supported in 2 years and outdated hardware which "supports" new API features from software instead of hardware level. I honestly don't know what to do.
What do you mean. I'm just a consumer in need of upgrade and I start hate both sides with burning passion.
>stop being supported in 2 years
Why should they be supported longer than that? In two years you should have more than enough money for the upgrade you know is coming.
lel a card from 2011 is still relevant today
a card from 2013 is still beating cards from 2 years ago
a card that just came out is about to shit on a card that is almost twice its price
I kinda miss days when something like a 8800 allowed you to run games for years. Too often I see games that have little to no impact on performance between low and high details. Ultra is even bigger cancer - disabling hworks and setting shadows from ultra to high doubles your frames while having no actual impact on graphics.
you remeber the video of nvidia showcasing hbao+ vs the new vxao?
literally there was NOTHING different between them and the framerate was 5 fps down on vxao
People like you should be using Apple computers.
>he's too poor to afford a gpu every two years
That's not the point retard.
GPUs should be supported for a long time.
can 600w psu handle rx480 crossfire?
>he's too poor to afford a gpu every two years
>can 600w psu handle rx480 housefire?
The thing is that they don't draw enough to make that 600W shit it self, but the mobo will instead since the cards tries to draw more power from the mobo than they are designed for.
Wait for RX485 or something.
The power draw is within specs so unless you have a ten year old mobo or the 220 watt amd cpu on your system all mobos can handle 480 crossfire with ease.
I don't see any claimed "facts" in your posts that states why computers have broken down due to consistently being drawn more power through the PCI-E bus that the PCI-E standard is capable of.
Spiking above standard isn't a danger but constantly being above is what kills the motherboard.