Project is hosted on Sourceforge

>project is hosted on Sourceforge.

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Why are anime posters always shitposters with shit bait?

Are you that desperate for attention?

If you're suffering from depression your should seek help instead of trying to shit up an anonymous image board in a desperate attempt for responses and validation

it's not really bait tho, fuck sourceforge. just use github if you're poor.

what the fuck? why would you defend sourceforge

>It's hosted on a 000webhost page and the source/bin is downloaded from zippyshare

>just use github
Use git on your own server or notabug. Github and gitlab proprietary software.

>gitlab closed source
>what is community edition
>what is gitgud

>juz use github
>uploading linux iso there

>one person on a project with slow or little development
>using version control for his project

>that gitgud logo

You can always clone the repo and push changes yourself.

Makes it easier to roll back shit and fuck around with experimental branches I suppose

The point is that version control is pointless for small projects. Why we don't have something else like SF for actual project hosting for just binaries and tarballs is beyond me. Version control is a pain in the ass and only useful if you really need it for large projects with a ton of people involved.

>tfw git cloning all the cool shit I see just in case

>boost library

stupid fag detected

They have new owners now that have promised to remove the botnet.

>I have no argument and you are so right but I don't want to look like a loser so NAH NAH UR STUPID HAHA I WIN
This is exactly how I read your post.

>why would you defend sourceforge
The malware affected windows users who depend on installers.

Enjoy losing your work, being unable to revert changes, not knowing what your source history is, being unable to make accurate change logs, and not having the comfy feeling of committing your work to source control.

>losing your work
>revert changes, history, changelogs
document your shit properly

You could lose that backup if it's at a single source. And try documenting every change you make to a file EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. Even for small things. git is a dream when working on large and small projects. Try doing a group writing or research assignment with git for version control. It helps.

Most sites offer an easy way to grab just the most recent tarball/zip.

Git itself lets you clone just the current head of master.

gihub deleted over 8500 projects in 2015, for "copyright" claims
github is taking rampent unneeded PC friendly tactics

Still better than github and bitbucket clones...

>project is hosted on github
>developer claims to care about free software

I wonder this too

>not using the more efficient, convenient and effective method for NO reason

This is why you're a stupid fag.

Open source

How is version control a pain in the ass? git add -A; git commit -m "niggerniggernigger"; git push every once in a while, revert if something wnet to shit.

Github removes projects that trigger them or a developer says something politically incorrect. Gitgud is libre and better.

>It's hosted on a .ru site

What's wrong with a russian website? If it's open source and the source code isn't obfuscated, I can assume it's not malware.

I wouldn't be downloading any binaries.

good practice and rollbacks when you fuck shit up I guess