/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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what magic is this???

First for C++.

retro evaluation

right now I'm casting a class pointer to void* in order to avoid a circular dependency. What better options are there to avoid this?

plase respond

you'll see


Would /dpt/ join an anime club?

Already signed the application form.

i took a picture of this but idk where it is, at my university there were 2 posters up on the hall in a csci building, one was for an anime club and right beside it was one for a fundraiser about autism awareness

Is it impossible to literally scrape a site online? Like say you wanted to supply forged headers and data to an external website (like github) to login and retrieve information

Without a server of some sort this is impossible right?

I understand embedding is possible but that is a specially formatted template isn't it?
would ask wdg but they're slow


I got my first job three days ago and I feel fucking useless.
There's a bug I can't find that shits up everything I've done and is making me feel worthless.

Is this what working feels like?

i wonder how the staff at that store reacted when they saw the name of the video. i bet they were so excited for it too

are you unit testing? a bug can only be so un-findable if it's in a single function

I work in an office doing office work and it's awkward for a few weeks but eventually you become a part of the team and begin actually understanding your job and what skills you need

I'm an aspie too so the social bit was hard to develop but I'm doing OK

No, but since I can't even seem to understand why this is happening I doubt I'd be able to make a test that can capture the bug.
It's a huge program with tons of functions and to do my work I need to call a ton of them, but I don't know how they're coded and something seems to be interacting wrong between my code and it.

I talked about it and no one understands why either.

then they bug might not even exist in code you've written, so you may need to test the functions you're using as well

i don't work btw

i work on a bot that can fake gps location and gyro output to become THE BEST pokemon trainer in the world

why not use a drone instead

I dont have a project to work on right now, any ideas?


drones are expensive familia

write a compiler


>literally scrape a site online
kill yourself


even if wearing a skirt made you a better programmer, it's not like they'll let you do it at work


accuse them of transphobia

I have no problems with anime as images, but fuck off with its discussion in this shit pile you call the technology board. Also, traps are shit.


i mean through only html and javascript on the clients side asshole

Users using gps bots will certainly be banned as they were on Ingress




>write a compiler

why the codetags?


extra whitespace gets removed by Sup Forums otherwise

And what is the point of the extra whitespace? Is it a fetish?

it's a significant whitespace language

the whitespace is more significant than you

>forced indention

I have a list of walls (rectangles) that falls in the screen.

I have a circle (a sprite) that I move with the keyboard.

how do I check when the circle collides with a wall without iterating with each wall in a for loop?


i'd forcibly indent my tab into your textbox

>why can't i put my entire program on one line? what a shitty language!

First 100 posts of /dpt/ are always fighting about something before janitor cleans the tread (or not) and topic shifts to programming.

What's the best programming language and why is it not your favourite?

Kinda newfagish question, but how does one not get the sad panda?


The gallery is also on g.e, just go there


The book for it isn't finished yet

The best language is C and it's my favorite

Can dragon-kin be programmers?

I think google will help - it does vary deepening on browser


>buggy as shit
pick again

>no polymorphism of any kind
pick again

>no polymorphism of any kind
This is a problem because?


This is the worst OP image for this yet.


>no parametric polymorphism
>no ad hoc polymorphism
>no f bound polymorphism
>no quantification or subtype polymorphism

Make a new one, soþlice

You managed to type a lot without saying anything.

That's odd considering we've had this exact same image before

What are f bound parrot arrows?

This image has been used before for /dpt/, it's edited from pic related.

i've been working on an automatic backup tool.
2k LOC so far. most of the core functionality is done, now i'm cleaning up bugs and working on OS stuff.
also need to work on windows support

i spent a lot of time on it

If you know of bugs, please report them! I'd love for Idris to be stable enough to use in production.

Umm yeah? What do you think google is doing? You can get into trouble if you're scraping against the site's policy, tho

>>no polymorphism of any kind
Wrong, turd.
struct object
struct inhereted something;
} nig;

void thing(struct inhereted *);
thing(&nig); /* valid */

I think you did a great job on it, user.

Fuck me

not polymorphism

Don't worry bro, I feel you. I made many OCs in the past that were widely used but nobody posts them anymore ;_;

Doesn't work with multiple inheritance and before you meme on me yes multiple inheritance is completely valid assuming all inherited types are pure interfaces



jesus christ that's disgusting

theres a concert somewhere outside my house i can hear it
it prevents me from doing anything

i hate it

i agree C is best language

you just write a scheme interpreter and off you go


Doesn't even work on a function that takes an array of "inhereted".




It clearly is.

I will probably tomorrow try to do some hackery on it to make it work with multiple inheritance.

What do you mean exactly?

(define (fizzbuzz)
(define (fbIter x)
((= (modulo x 15) 0) (display "fizzbuzz "))
((= (modulo x 3) 0) (display "fizz "))
((= (modulo x 5) 0) (display "buzz "))
(#t (begin (display x) (display " ")))
(if (< x 100) (fbIter (+ x 1)) #t)
(fbIter 1)

i did it

I would wear a skirt and no panties for her.

Fuck u Dennis! C is a disgrace!

((lambda (f) (f f 1))
(lambda (f n) (if (= n 100) (display "Buzz")
(begin ((lambda (x)
(cond ((and (= (remainder x 3) 0) (= (remainder x 5) 0))
(display "Fizz Buzz"))
((= (remainder x 3) 0)
(display "Fizz"))
((= (remainder x 5) 0)
(display "Buzz"))
(else (display x)))) n)
(f f (+ n 1))))))

so edgy

implemented in the English language
for every number between 1 and 100 (inclusive)
if it is divisible by 3, then print "Fizz"
if it is divisible by 5, then print "Buzz"
if it is not divisible by 3 or by 5, then print the number
print a new line

int i = 0;
while(i < 100){
if(i%3==0) printf("fizz");
if(i%5==0) printf("buzz");
if(i%3!=0 && i%5!=0) printf("%d",i);

where's the trick


hope you're having fun memorizing syntax nerd

they're supposed to be separated by spaces, not one per line. 0/100

that's not what the interviewer said nerd

why not a for loop?