This site requires javascript and cookies. please consider updating your browser

>this site requires javascript and cookies. please consider updating your browser

Why have web dev faggots never heard of the idea of graceful degradation? What manner of narcissism spurs them to break the ENTIRE FUCKING SITE just because you don't want to spend an eternity waiting for their clickjacking jerkoff code to run?

when actual programmers make fun of webdevs, it's not because your job is hopelessly easy. it's because your job is hopelessly easy and you all still fucking suck at it regardless

If it can't be done in PHP, it's not a useful feature. Exception: XSS vulns

>"Why have web dev faggots never heard of the idea of graceful degradation?"

Because we live in an age where the average consumer changes their web browsing device/software every 1-2 years. In a timeframe that could be described as "overnight" when taking the entire lifetime the internet has been around for into account, we went from the Desktop PC being the internet device of choice, to the mobile browsing winning by a landslide. And legacy user be damned, if they think for a minute bean counters and focus groups care what they think after they find a website they like the look of. It's far easier to tell 15% of your visitors to get another browser, than to tell your entire marketing/image committee to fuck off, you don't want to transition the site/company to a newer layout.


So the problem is capitalism yet again

got it


>this site requires javascript and cookies. please consider updating your browser
Because all modern browsers run JS decently. Why should anyone waste time developing a version of their website for retards who have disabled JS in their browsers? Why should anyone waste server resources on full page reloads when there is AJAX?
>It's far easier to tell 15% of your visitors to get another browser
15% is a lot. If it really was that much people would not ignore them. It's more like 2-3%.

The point is that you don't develop a separate version.
You just don't load the elements that require javascript, and the site should function regardless

If your site requires javascript to be functional, you are a bad, lazy designer

>You just don't load the elements that require javascript, and the site should function regardless
That can only work in small websites like landing pages etc.

>If your site requires javascript to be functional, you are a bad, lazy designer
Oh really? Tell me how can one build a website like Google docs without the JS?

google docs isn't a website
it's a full-fledged application jerry rigged onto an ancient protocol, and it looks and feels like complete and utter shit as a result of that

i know that webdevs are insecure and arrogant and think that every site they work on is similarly such an application, but they're by and large not. they're still traditional text and form focused static pages that have no reason to require javascript

much more so for fucking news sites of all things

It's not a fuck up when it's the intended result. There's no point serving you content without gathering your data via fingerprinting in exchange.

If you are talking about news sites then most likely they work this way not because devs were lazy. On contrary devs most likely went out of their way to make the website unusable without JS, so they can show you ads and their google analytics would work. If they can't get their $0.01 for showing an ad then they are not interested in you as a user. You are just wasting their server time and traffic.

>this site requires javascript and cookies. please consider updating your browser
That's actually a very nice site. Most of them won't do anything and will you're just gonna keep on looking at a spinner forever.

Pretty sure graceful degradation can be done in PHP, at least for cookies.

>send a noscriptfag a link to a website
>it requires javascript hurrr durr i can't see it

why do notscriptfags feel entitled to impose their life choices on other? you are willfully limiting yourself to a limited subset of the internet by choice, so assume the consequences

>I want the internet user experience to go back to 2000
Kill yourself.

Google docs is a bad example because google can't into smoothly working web pages. Most web based applications are smooth and work perfectly fine as long as you allow their javascript.

I'm a web dev and it isn't my choice if I want to have javascript in the page or not. The management demands some sort of tracking and user experience that can't be achieved with forms and static pages. The smoother the UX is for the average customer the higher are the order completion and purchase percentages. Tracking so that they know what people do on the site and we can improve it even more.

They give that shit for us to do and we do it as specified in the requirements. This means that there will be javascript most of the time to make shit pretty and work better. Now it would be possible to make the same functionality usable without javascript with the expense of UX but that would cost more money and delay future development. And since >99% of our users aren't autists that won't allow javascript even from the same domain there is absolutely no monetary gain from doing that. Especially when most of the autists are neets that wouldn't spends any money on our site anyway.

As a fellow autist I do make sure that any site I'm working on will work perfectly as long as you allow scripts from the same domain. No need to allow 3rd party scripts ever because there aren't any.

And on my personal projects where management isn't a concern I'll try to make my shit work even with javascript completely disabled.

If you actually worked and weren't just an autistic neet you'd have figured all of this already.

Lol, ok gramps.

Aint no one reading all of that

It always amazes me how much trouble Sup Forums has doing the most basic shit, i.e. browsing a website.

Sup Forums - Luddites

In hindsight, technology was a mistake.

They want the site to break if they can't track you with it, so most people will submit to tracking.

>you don't want to transition the site/company to a newer layout.
You know, you can transition to a new layout AND make it work without JS.

>the only choice is to use no js at all or be completely reliant on js for everything.
no thanks.

>spend time pandering to freetards who don't buy shit anyways
>tell them to fuck off and go home early

I'm still mad about Ayumi losing.