Uni freshman here, taking CS 101

Uni freshman here, taking CS 101

had first day of class today and our professor said we'd be specifically avoiding object-oriented program in favor of "more functional paradigms"

I don't know much about CS (obviously) but isn't this a really bad idea? How the fuck am I supposed to get a job if they don't teach me OOP. also, how is OOP dysfunctional anyway?

also, hes a total macfag

should I just drop the course while I'm ahead?

>How the fuck am I supposed to get a job if they don't teach me OOP

You should just stop doing anything technical. Like, right now. Just get the thought of programming or doing anything technical out of your head. Oh, you're also free to leave Sup Forums now.

nice reply


You fucking kids baffle me. Relying on "muh C++" OOP to do everything.

correct me if Im wrong, but everything in the real world is OOP

I dont understand why colleges deliberately teach us useless shit that nobody uses

>calls me dumbass
>first year CS student
>calls people macfags
>probably uses windows himself
>thinks OOP > FP

Yeah, if you say so.

>everything in the real world is OOP
>real world

You got a lot to learn kid. I can't wait to see you absolutely flip shit when you're given actual problems.

>not using windows

enjoy your nogames

>bad idea?

well its only 101, mebbe you'll get to OO afterwards. also its worth knowing about the functional stuff if only to grok how truly 'orrible it is.

>also, how is OOP dysfunctional anyway?

it aint if you do it properly, its just that most people seem to chuck a bunch of functions inside a class and think its OO, it aint.

>using windows
>expects to get anywhere with programming

Holy shit, you are the epitome of a CS student.
Retarded and hypocritical.

and what do you do all day retard?
check your email and calculate math problems?

is where you belong faggot.

looks like this was the wrong board to ask about programming, since everybody here seems to have opinions but no good arguments

anyway, I will talk to the professor tomorrow about switching from lisp to something people have actually heard of like C++ or Java

>correct me if Im wrong, but everything in the real world is OOP

you're wrongo friendo

>I dont understand why colleges deliberately teach us useless shit that nobody uses

mmm da ting iz iz is that even iff they teach you the good stuff once you get a job you would STILL no fuck all, it takes YEARS. dont assume you know anything till you get minimum 3years and preferably 10. in several diffenrent jobs too.

Actually I'm a part-time software engineer for Chase. I also do a bit of freelance APL programming for various systems.

What do you do?
PC Gayme all day?

>no good arguments
ever been to


This is why CS is full of retards.
Why do you even try?

definitely drop the class faggot

nice try.

you sound like a total loser

Take the class. It doesn't matter what paradigm you use because you'll learn the basics of CS and build a foundation. Eventually you'll learn the pros and cons of different languages, paradigms, and methods and hopefully be able to recognize which tool is best for the job. Gaining a strong foundation in CS while in school is more important than learning specific techniques. You won't learn about everything there is in CS while in school, but you should practice the basics and master them before learning more complex subjects. The class structure is designed for that.

mac cuck detected

>calls me a loser
>first year freshman
>uses windows
>PC Gaymer
>Not relevant in the slightest

And what would that make you?

just dropping in to confirm that you are in fact retarded
you are so fucking new it's painful
you simply do not belong on a technology board
you are a manchild that only cares about video games but you clearly consider yourself an expert on anything that even vaguely involves a computer

please leave here and never return

Most university CS programs assume you have 0 knowledge of programming. While most of the "real world" does use OOP, there are a lot of fundamentals to cover before even touching on OOP. Functional programming is a great way to understand basic data structures such as linked-lists and trees as well as a great way to understand recursion which will likely be on of the main topics of your CS 101 course. Remember this is computer science not programming. They want you to focus on the fundamentals and not worry about working with pointers or any of that nonsense because that will only add unnecessary complications.

A lot of freshman think they're hot shit but get completely blown the fuck out. Some will blame it on the weird syntax of functional languages like scheme but that isn't a valid excuse.

1440p or go home, bitch.

>more functional paradigms
You're in a 10/10 course, OP.

>weird syntax

hmm i dunno, i still fucken hate functional programming syntax and i've been coding for decades. mind you i also loathe obj-c syntax, it makes my eyes bleed.

>coding for decades
>never done FP

How big of a retard are you?

You might have to search up syntax once in a while but it shouldn't be preventing you from translating your thoughts into code.

>enjoy your nogames
>implying non-manchildren care about gaymen
Absolutely disgusting. This is a technology board, and you should have knowledge abouy technology in order to post. Fuck off back to /r/pcmasterrace and never come back.

Drop out of university and get certifications. You fell for "The tech field is a great field to go to college!" meme

Most people won't have experience with FP outside of an academic setting.

>most people
No, non-retarded faggots will. If you actually care about programming at all, you'll venture on past lectures or whatever bullshit you're in.

I used to go there regularly but after the election and summer being here, I'm probably going to migrate to some other chan's Sup Forums since ours is basically edgy Sup Forums with a few good threads.

There are plenty of areas of programming and computer science to learn about. Not every programmer interested in furthering their education will be interested in lectures about FP.

Why would anyone limit themselves to only lectures?

I'm not. I'm stating not everyone would be interested in lectures about FP.

apparently not as big a retard as you, read it again fuckhead, i said i hated the syntax i didnt say i hadnt done it you fucking moron.

>preventing you

comprehension much? did i say it was preventing me? or did i just say i hated the syntax?

maybe you should fuck off till you can read english? hmm?

I used you in the sense of people in general not you specifically. I read your comment as a reply to my statement that students blame the syntax. I found that most students problems were in not being able to understand the abstract ideas rather than syntax. You need to chill.

Instead of going to class, you should probably consider hanging yourself.

What a shit thread.

and how *exactly* was i meant to know that by the word "you", you (as in you *cos thats what you means)) meant not-me but them over there? how could i possibly have known that? i'm not in your fucking head (and thats *your* head cos i used the word your to mean yours)


oh i'm chill baby, i'm about to head home and smoke a spliff followed by a ceeeegaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha

Wait, it's July. How the fuck is this your first day at college? Doesn't it start in September?

>Fuck off back to /r/pcmasterrace and never come back.


ITT Sup Forums as usual.
Yes, functional programming will probably not be part of your future career as a front end web dev.
Yes, object oriented programming is affluent.
No, it isn't a mistake, your teacher just has a bias toward cleverly written languages and language features.
tldr; be thankful as fuck that you aren't learning Python, a language that let's you be a fucking retard without telling you you're a fucking retard.
I fucking love C, but I'm also a vi guy. You gotta know the limitations of your language, and teaching you functional programming is sort of assuming you've done regular ass retarded imperative shit and want to learn its weaknesses. Be thankful, but no, you're never gonna code in Haskell in industry.

Picking up OOP isn't hard. Coming at it from a functional background is actually better.

I agree. I did some haskell for fun before already when I took a class where one of the subjects were design patterns. Just view superclasses as "record of functions" and subclasses (their constructors) as "constructors for making this record of functions", and a lot of the patterns are recognizable as something you might do in FP. e.g. if you have some class A, and you think of it as a record of functions, a decorator is just a function A -> A

ITT: unemployable virgins

First day on Sup Forums?

In my EE (not even CS) course we learn Assembly, C, VHDL, MATLAB and Java. Get a better university.

Why are you studying CS in order to get employed? If you want a job, go to a vocational school.

damn that sounds much better than my school

I checked and it's literally lisp then haskell then C

It's like there trying to set us up for failure

They're setting you up for a career in shitposting on Sup Forums

I don't know what's going on in this thread, but my uni (which got a new head of department last year from glasgow) did python, java, c/x86-assembly, c/c++, SML/haskell in that order. Although it was always encouraged and noted that you were never going to learn how to program in the classroom. I think my teachers were especially honest and truthful. The only time you learn to code is when you do it with instrict motivation.

You're shitting on Lisp, Haskell and C and yet you know your course better than your university? You certainly have a long career in Sup Forums shit posting.

i know that all three are irrelevant or else i would have heard of them before

you never heard of C? i am going to grant you that I've never used lisp, and have never seen a job description with the word haskell in it.

What do you need programming languages to be relevant to?

but i've definitely seen lisp in job res before

Basic system administration for ur preferred OS, maybe a little HTML & javascript, and some python and C for the rare original programming question. That's for Sup Forums. There is no amount of acceptable knowledge for Sup Forums, you die a noob.

Why do you believe that those are concerns for a computer science degree? Do you believe that CS is a degree in programming?

>I don't know much about CS
well, do you like math? maybe what you're looking for is SE

> /r/pcmasterrace and never come back.
Have you common knowledge about programming or are you a fucking PcMasterFag kid ,who just play games.

I'm sorry dude i completely misread the terrible grammar in the post that i referenced. I thought it said "what do you need programming languages to be relevant to Sup Forums?"

Definitely none of that is relevant to CS degree. Except its a good idea to look at python and know the fine points of C compared to your preferred language, OOP or otherwise.

>dropping out of a course because you think you know better than the people who teach it
yea.. you sure will show them

yea isn't yeah
yeah is pronounced "yeaaaaahhh"
yeah is pronounced "yayyyyyyyyy"
one person at time i might get this through your thick skulls

damn it... that's not gonna help
yea is pronounced "yayyyy"
fuck it all

Strict OOP (like in Java 7 and lower) is cancer though. Java 8 got better with lambdas, but before that it was complete shit.

I love this "it is pronounced" this way meme.
People don't say jiant, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy or or pillawwww.
Everyone knows how to pronounce words, you are not clever for writing it weird you fuck.
Write it phonetically if you want to teach people how the language is spoken.

mad lintards detected
>getting cucked into free shitware
top kek

Can you post that again without spazzing out.
Yeah, didn't think so.

To start with you need to understand functional programming. Oop is easier to understand after learning to use functions. Both are used by businesses depending on the software they are making.

Java is also really bad OOP.
I mean there isn't even operator overloads, so you are forced to write ugly as fuck code.

>defending apple and adobe
Ned yourself m8

Teaching something like C in a programming 101 course is fairly normal.
Also, a CS degree is highly theoretical and won't prepare you for a job. You'll learn more about shit like complexity theory and calculus, than about the industry standards for software engineering.
It's not too late to switch to a community college to study software engineering, kid.

This thread is full of absolute dicks. OP, if you're still here, I'd just ask this question in a less meme-worshiping forum like stackoverflow or something. Seriously, fuck most of these people, they're being arseholes.

>not using based free and great Windows 10
>b-but muh botnet maymay xD
enjoy your freecuck crap

People will tell you to fuck off with this kind of question on stackoverflow too. Well not literary, but your question will be deleted fast. This is a "holy war" type of question, it will not be tolerated there.

Surely you'll have courses with oop as well?

You don't need operator overloading in OOP. Operator overloading is not a feature of OOP.

reported suspectedly child pornography, since you overruse the word 'cuck'
yea, yeah, yes.