1: Based on data running ’Total War: Warhammer’, ultra settings, 1080p resolution. Radeon Software 16.6.2 74...

>1: Based on data running ’Total War: Warhammer’, ultra settings, 1080p resolution. Radeon Software 16.6.2 74.2FPS vs Radeon Software 16.7.1 78.3FPS; Metro Last Light, very high settings, 1080p resolution, 80.9FPS vs 82.7 FPS. Witcher 3, Ultra settings, 1440p, 31.5FPS vs 32.5, Far Cry 4, ultra settings, 1440p, 54.65FPS vs 56.38FPS, 3DMark11 Extreme, 22.8 vs 23.7
are you a fucking retard?

Other urls found in this thread:

ebay.com/sch/i.html?clk_rvr_id=1057609652442&mfe=search&LH_BIN=1&_nkw=gtx 1070&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc&_trksid=p2045573.m1684
ebay.com/sch/i.html?clk_rvr_id=1057607171349&mfe=search&_nkw=gtx 1080&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc&_trksid=p2045573.m1684

>shift some of the power load off of the PCIe Graphics (PEG) slot connector, presumably in order to bring power consumption within PCIe spec. Note that AMD doesn't say anything about reducing the total power consumption, and given option #2, it's reasonable to assume that this involves holding the power requirements as-is and shifting the load to the external 6-pin power connector. Based on earlier data this would potentially put the 6-in connector further over spec, but the vast majority of PSUs are very tolerant of this going out of spec.

How is this gimping exactly?





Also not crippled compute like Nvidiots. RX 480 24 h/s, GTX 1080 21 h/s. Muh ethereum mining.

Source? And does this mean it actually increases performance, or that it decreases by about 1 FPS?



Footnotes in OP article, citing the new driver's optimizations for a few titles. It's actually separate from the power consumption fix, which is going to come in two options, either offloading excess power draw to the much more capable 6-pin connector, or reducing total power draw so that both the PCI-E slot and 6-pin stay within spec.

Slightly dropping the voltage from just the peak boost state alone lets the card hold its clock longer so it performs better.
That isn't addressing the card pulling more power over the slot, but it is slightly lowering total power.

There are a lot of interesting things going on with Polaris. Not bad mind you, just software things to be ironed out. Programmable VRM controller. the die self analyzes and makes compensations for its perceived average transistor quality, adjustable power targets and setting certain power consumption ratios for the die and memory separately. 4th gen GCN has more new features than any other prior gen.

So it does increase performance

So they are giving you 3 options, how nice:
A, Gimp your card
B, overload you PCIe power bus
C, Overload the 6 pin power bus

AMD Shills will actually defend this.

B sounds pretty good desu

I mean C,

your shitty chinese psu that you bough doing cheap shitty build with amd parts will fry your whole PC, Enjoy from AMD aka "Another Major Disappointment"

AMD is so incompetent, run by a bunch of idiots. Can't believe they fucked up so bad with the 480

A shitty psu will nuke everything regardless of Nvidia or AMD - they are rarely capable of delivering what the box says the unit can.

Fucked up so bad the card is selling like hotcakes.




How can you be so stupid to mess up something like basic graphics card power?

It's pretty fucking simple, the card should only draw power according to the specs, but AMD was so fucking stupid they missed this basic fact.

This fix will inevitably cause performance issues and still overdraw from the 6-pin.

>amd is unable to gimp
>they attempt and get a 3% in performance
sorry nvidiots, this was unavoidable.



>reduce power draw
>immediately increase performance at the same time


Too late! Kiss your shitty Chinese prebuilt motherboard goodbye!


Its fucking hard being an AMD user. I bought a 290x in early 2014 and expected it to fade into obscurity but god fucknig damnit now it competes with a 980. AMD can't do anything properly.

Stay snug, smug.

>Nvidiot doesn't know what MSRP means

This is why AMD is losing. They don't gimp their cards for mining which means miners buy their cards and gamers don't, because miners buy all of them up. Forever 20% marketshare.

New driver with 200% more poo.

>should've bought a nchinkia fucboi edition instead

That's hilarious, I always wondered who actually buys these pieces of shit.

>Novidia in charge of protecting GPUs from scalpers

ebay.com/sch/i.html?clk_rvr_id=1057609652442&mfe=search&LH_BIN=1&_nkw=gtx 1070&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc&_trksid=p2045573.m1684
ebay.com/sch/i.html?clk_rvr_id=1057607171349&mfe=search&_nkw=gtx 1080&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc&_trksid=p2045573.m1684


So dumb question here, but can anybody actually explain to me WHY this is a thing. Not why AMD fucked up, but why a card that uses like half the power of the previous generation can't find a place to get the juice? Did they f up by using a 6 pin? Could you just buy some adapter that would spread that draw over 2 connections?

It takes too much power from the motherboard. It's basically an engineering mistake, it can't be fixed with any kind of adapter.

AMD Radeon RX 480 in CrossFire - Beating the GeForce GTX 1080 at 4K



the only difference between 8 pin and 6 pin is 2 grounds.

6 pins can output up to 250W, so long as the grounds are specced well.

It has nothing to do with the power connector, its internal settings in the GPU with regards to how it regulates TDP, and power draw between the die and the memory. The card can make a whole host of changes to its own settings based on a ton of criteria. Its just a software issue.

>I have no idea what I'm talking about
The issue is only affecting some cards, not all of them.

>The issue is only affecting some cards, not all of them.

Nope, it affects all 480s

so basically you need to wait 3years and 2 generations till you see your card actually outperform similarly priced competition?

It's pretty simple, the card is drawing too much power from the motherboard instead of the 6-pin adapter.

How AMD could have made such a simple and stupid mistake is beyond me.

So not only did AMD give out 4gb vram free they are doing a 3% performance increase a week after launch.
How can GimpVidia even fucking compete.

1060 will cost 180$(msrp for 6gb model), it will also have 20% better performance than RX 480. Nvidia is also supposidly created new async optimization drivers which improve all its card performance by a lot.

>3gb 1060
>3gb in 2000 and fucking 16

>1060 will cost 180$ MSRP
As much as I would like that to be real, you're fucking delusional.

Nvidia doesnt know how to make a true 4 GB card. The best they can manage is 3.5

>I have 7970GE
>Vega looks like my jam

Sounds about right.

They know how to make faster and better performing cards though unlike AMD

Until they gimp them 6 months after launch

Yeah 1060 will be $249, almost guaranteed

Still a much better deal than the 480

Yet they still remain faster than AMD cards.


>Performance figures are not average, may vary from run-to-run.
>Not quoting last line
>Taking ayymd advertisements as facts




There is good chance it will be cheaper than RX 480 you dumb amdrones.
Why? Because it doesnt have SLI support. It will be calculated move by nvidia to take control of mid end market, a card which will have extremely good value, while still not exposing its highend market.

The 290x was competitive upon release against the Nvidia cards of the time (primarily the 780 and original titan) - the 780ti was released to be faster than the 290x (and it was).

Now all this time later the 780ti is dying a painful death and the 290x is fighting against a 980. Hell depending on clocks a 290x/390x even competes against a (stock) 980ti in some DX2 games. That is effectively 3 tiers of performance improvement.

Your argument that AMD cards (in this case, the 290x - though the 7970 also counts) aren't competitive upon release is flat out wrong.

If it's $200, it will absolutely destroy the 480, but no way it's going to happen.

If it's $250 it will still destroy the 480, and this is likely.

Either way Nvidia wins.

This whole post is completely wrong

When will the custom 480s start coming out?

>hurdurrdur amd stronk async compute, hurtdurdur


Ok, I should have elaborated. I've actually READ op's article, where it tells us that the update will let people essentially choose whether to funnel the excessive power draw away from the PCIE and into the 6 pin, or just reduce power consumption altogether. Forcing it through the 6 pin is supposed to go over the official limit, but still be ok for most power supplies. I'm wondering if there's some way to connect that 6pin to a power supply that would split the power draw over 2 connections or something, like to prevent blowing out a cheap PSU

You know he mentioned the 2xx series, right?

>I'm wondering if there's some way to connect that 6pin to a power supply that would split the power draw over 2 connections or something, like to prevent blowing out a cheap PSU

It could definitely have problems with a cheap PSU. I don't think there's any way around that.

According to specs it should only be drawing 75W from the 6 pin, and it always draws more. This new driver just makes it even worse on the 6 pin actually.

>look at me being a tech illiterate retard

6pins deliver the exact same amount of power as 8pins.
Stop regurgitating bullshit about "specs" that you don't understand.

No it doesn't stop bullshitting

Sorry that's wrong

They each use the exact same 3 12v lines. An 8 pin connector only has an additional ground and a useless sensing wire.

They can deliver the exact same amount of power.

6 pin pcie's cana ctually draw 150 watts safely, they just arent rated for it. The extra two in an 8 pin are grounds basicly.
Figuring 10 amps at 12 volts, 120 watts coming through the 12v rail shouldnt be an issue actually given you dont have a shit psu.

So it really isnt damaging your psu, as long as the 12 rail has enough current to supply the gpu and the wire isnt 20 gauge trash chinese shit.

The word you are trying to use is "improving", not gimping.

GTX 1060 days ago was 8% faster than 480 according to leaks. Not is only 5%. By the time is released will be 2%. In one month from them both will be equal.

In a year, GTX980ti == RX480 in directx12 games

Yes it does

You are a perfect example of what an idiot does with a little information.

1060 is 15% faster than 480

It's also the same price.

Kinda a no brainer to get the 1060 at this point

>shit eating tech illiterate retard shill desperately trying to save face so he can keep spreading fear mongering FUD


Does AMD still have shit Linux support or did it get a bit better ?

in 10 years, rx 480 will finally reach its final form and defeat gtx1080ti's
such is pajeetious development cycles

>GTX980ti == RX480 in directx12 games

The nearly 3 year old 290x can do that depending on base clocks.

AYYMD doesn't even support Feature Level 12_1, they're not DX12 cards at all

Shit support even though they're slowly going open source, it'll be another year before they catch up.

Yup, AMD cards are shit, riddled with issues and always cutting corners

I was hoping that vulkan would change this somehow. Kinda sad.

You do realise for some DX12 feature Intel has greater support than both AMD and Nvidia right?


- No linux support
- Horrible drivers
- Power issues that will kill your motherboard
- Poor performance
- Inflated prices

What a disaster the 480 has turned out to be

The 6gb 1060 will have SLI, the 3GB (if there is a 3GB and not called the 1050TI) doesn't have SLI.

There is a reason there are two different core versions the /300 and /400

The technical max power handling of four 18-guage wires over a 400-500mm distance is around 10 amps. The contacts are rated for 9 amps. 12V * 9A * 4 = ???

An extra 20 watts won't do anything to a 6pin PCIe connector, the "official spec" numbers are arbitrary. The extra pins in an 8pin connector are ground leads. Both the 6 and 8 pin are physically capable of carrying the same amount of power.

Vulkan exists but it still hasn't gotten off the ground, hence the one year more part.

The only good thing about this is that prices of the r9 300s are going down because they're moving old stock. Good time to buy.

kek, saved

>tfw someone saved it

disregarding standards for marketing purposes (look, our card only needs 6-pin connectors because efficiency, next-gen) and failing badly at that is called AMD.

Muh AMD wins everytime in dx12

Don't worry it's just typical paid nvidia shills

Pretty sad how even an overclocked 480 can't beat a 970


The tiny 480 heatsink makes me laugh everytime

It's amazing how DX12 games work better on AMD than Nvidia. Except Rise of the Tomb Raider...Oh Yeaaaa it's a fucking gameworks gameeeeeee.

>amd still sucks at cpu scaling
why would anyone from a poor country buy a card that won't work well with a cheap cpu?