Comfy thread?

Comfy thread

Other urls found in this thread:

typing like that is absolutely not comfy

and laptops are uncomfy in general

Have you ever sat in bed holding up your phone to watch a video for longer than 10 minutes?
Ew, no.


keyboard is elevated too much


it can be with external kbd on your crotch

I watch videos for hours on my nexus 7 TABLET in bed. Typing with two hands now in portrait view laying down.

FEET 2bh

Those tits look pretty comfy desu



Looks nice but where the fuck are you going to leave that entire construction when you want to go sleep?
Also why the fuck is there a couch in the bedroom.


looks comfy ONLY if you can put your elbows on bed and reach asdfjkl; with slightly bent fingers, otherwise - thanks but no.

This is my "comfy", though my ass hurts after a while, and I think I might get myself CTS since I put my hands weight on my wrist when I use the mouse.

Long term hospitalization comfy

Have you ever wanted a gf who was taller than you and had C cups augmented to dd cups? Com.fy.

This with Nexus 9

>fake tits
Absolutely disgusting if I'm being honest.

>tiny screen
>not comfy

This is how I like to watch anime.

This is the only logical thing in this thread

I lay in bed and code with my laptop on my chest. My fingers aer on home row except its my middle fingers on j and f because my hands are on the left/right of the laptop instead of on the bottom.

When I have done this I find it hurts from craning my neck after a while?

idk I have my neck propped up pretty high it only hurts if I look down at the keyboard which has helped me to learn to touch type better.

>dat Optimus


all my keks

Porn must be great

Kek mine is there too

It's just so damn comfy.

Really is user.

>laptop on chest

Maximum comfy invoked.

stay comfy

those poor laptops

maybe roll it towards the window???

Wash your feet user.

that is washed senpai they are just fucked up.

Your toes. Rip
Remember the story from another comfy thread

at least they are steal strong now.

Why not just get a tablet?
Or do you enjoy getting cucked by M$?

I enjoy the functionality over a tablet. I can use Ethernet and an ssd.

>Apple computer
the couch is for your loved ones to visit you while dying of AIDs

Wouldn't that seriously fuck up the cooling? The heat pipes found in laptops are very dependent on gravity, which is why the thinkpads used in space have been "specially modified".
This plus pic related. I'm doing it with an old HP sleekbook that turns the fan off when it can. Gaming at 1366x768 with everything maxed out on a fanless laptop is quite nice.

My UMPC is made to work like that. Its from ware house inventory computers.

too bad they dont make those sweet sweet monitors anymore

RIP rest in moms pasghetti

This is someone who has heard of the concept of home decorating and maybe even read a magazine about it once but grossly misunderstood the fundamentals. At least you didn't fuck up the colours.


They steal souls and bitches now.

>he thinks heat pipes depend on gravity

jesus christ dude. are you afraid to put your laptop in your bag after you close it? learn how heat pipes work. theres a lining on the inside that holds the moisture, its not actually a pool of liquid in the pipe

no he said VERY dependent

he's VERY misinformed.


>learn how heat pipes work
>The liquid then returns to the hot interface through either capillary action, centrifugal force, or gravity, and the cycle repeats
Liquid evaporates, vapour rises because gravity, condenses on the cool end, liquid falls back down to hot end because gravity.
>are you afraid to put your laptop in your bag after you close it?
That's a nice straw man you got there.
As is wikipedia.

capillary action you fuck

water vapor rises because of pressure and heat differential, not because of gravity.

All i can see is the little space between her breasts. Btw wtf is she typing?

Ok, here's a nice experiment for you; get your laptop, put it on a desk and then run furmark or intel burn in test or both. Keep an eye on the temperature and note what it settles on. Now, flip it so that it's standing on the screen as if the screen were the base instead. Now take a look at those temperatures again. Either your temperatures will have climbed or your clock rate will have sunk.

Yes, capillary action is *partially* responsible for the movement of the liquid but not wholly responsible. No amount of insults will change that.
Hot gasses do not rise in zero gravity. I was grossly oversimplifying.



yes, please try this experiment

Gotta love gaymen in your bed.



That cat is killing me an8n

I already have and I saw the expected temperature rise, which is why I'm suggesting that you try it. Go ahead, or forever be known as a poor troll.

please post proof, or forever be known as a dumbass

What, exactly, will you accept as proof? This is why I'm suggesting you do it, as anything I can do will be met with "lol fake"

Will test with my laptop shown here when I get home, probably tomorrow morning. I'll make a bread about it. Temps under load have never broken 65C before.

Do you think my little room is comfy anons? (Posting picture from bed)



Thank you for trying to settle it but I doubt the other user will accept anything as proof. Oh, and please keep an eye on clock rates as well, your laptop might throttle instead of letting the temperature climb.

Maximum comfy

What a hero.

>giving free (You)s to tripfags
how new are you?

Tripfriends in general aren't bad, it's only a bad thing if anons start obsessing over the fact that they have a trip. I'll make an exception to that though; that be awesome guy is just a troll and I have no idea why idiots keep falling for it.


I've got a monitor arm at home that I dangle an old 24" TV off of. It fully articulates and lets me lay underneath the screen. Put on my Sonys and open up K-on and I'm gone.

Nothankyou. I keep it on my lap.

You should get a new screen, that thing is huge lol

You must tell me what this is.

>he will get laid before me
so goes life

It's helps to pose your dead bodies.


I have no reason too. You can though,

Trips are fagget cacer in circle jerks.

Someone recommend me a good inexpensive high back chair with headrest

The Japanese never fail to one up everyone

that screen is heinously dirty

Pretty sure those are just reflections.

As long as your upper arms can lie at rest, it's pretty comfy.

the couch is for you to sit on while jamal fucks your wife

>Hot gasses do not rise in zero gravity
No, but they still diffuse, which is all a heat pipe needs.

>browsing on chrome with location off
>hundreds of miles away
>some time later
>a couple of hours away now
Comfy feeling lost guys. The robots are getting closer. How do I stop the botnet?


thats comfy to the max

arent you afraid that giant crt monitor might fall on your nutsuck when your asleep?

I tried it on my Chinkpad L412. The methodology is as follows.

I run a program that logs the CPU temperatures ten times per second. I let it run for ten seconds with the system at idle, then start a program that simply while(1)-spins four threads to load the CPU. I let it run for one minute, then stop it, and let the CPU cool down for one minute. Then I stop logging.

The results are graphed. Pic related is with the Chinkpad in normal position, on a table. More pictures to follow.