>Adds utilization of DirectX 12 Asynchronous Compute, on AMD GCN 1.1 GPUs and NVIDIA Pascal-based GPUs, for improved GPU performance.

No asynchronous compute for Maxwell, despite Nvidia saying it was capable of doing it. And this in a Nvidia-sponsored GameWorks title too.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares? I sold my 980 Ti and bought a 1080 anyway. Unlike AYYMDPOORFAGS, Nvidia users can actually afford a graphics card purchase once a year. Ironically Maxwell "gimping" will likely affect former AYYMD owners more than Nvidia users, since they'll be the ones buying up these cheap used Maxwell cards to try and get away from their poorfag housefires.


excellent goy

Maxwell already has a implementation of async in drivers, and now Microsoft is fixing amds shitty drivers.

100 rupees have been added to your bank account

By the time dx12 is actually being used in AAA titles it'll be time to upgrade your card again anyways.

You're retarded. Asychronous compute is something that needs to be implemented at a game level, not a driver level.

>By the time dx12 is actually being used in AAA titles

You mean like literally right now, an example of which can be found in the OP?

It's literally not being used in any titles that anyone gives a shit about and won't be for years, m8.

why would I buy a GPU every year?

waste of money

>It's literally not being used in any titles that anyone gives a shit about and won't be for years, m8.
Yeah because no one has ever heard of this tomb raider thing and AotS certainly didn't reach the top sellers list for steam and isn't actively played by around eighty thousand players according to steam.

>casual games that nobody gives a fuck about

Where are the MMOs and competitive e-sports titles?

I don't agree with the poster you're replying to, but most recent titles available in DX12 also have the option to be played in DX11, so it's not really of a big deal. This includes the new Battlefield, which is one of the only recent games that caught my attention btw.

what's funny is that they make their GPUs reliant entirely on their drivers

so if you stop updating them to avoid the gimping your GPU will perform even worse!

PC gaming not even once

>buying a graphic card each year

>but most recent titles available in DX12 also have the option to be played in DX11
While this is true it has no bearing on the main point of the other user. DX12 games are here now and the performance boost gained from async compute is not now available to Maxwell cards.

Do Pascal GPUs have async compute support?

They don't even support DX12 or Vulkan, why would they bother?

Yes, Maxwell however cant do it at a hardware level.

New benchmarks where?

Good goy

>tomb raider
>shit game

pretty sure only reviewers played this one.

Aots looks like shit. Whatever its doing with dx12 isn't worth it if the game looks worse than games that are 5 years old.

stay on top of technology you fucking poor fags

Nvidia don't sponsor games that they don't expect to shift a lot of units.

I'd play it if those jews would actually lower the price. 8 month old console game still 59.99 on steam.

why would i want that

besides technology dont advance at all in 1 year

>Game has been praised for great looks, especially for an RTS
>user says it looks like shit
Yeah, you're right. All those reviewer types looking at games for a living have no idea what they're talking about.

I'm willing to bet that it's the art style and landscape you have a gripe with, not the actual way anything is rendered. Not sure you'd be able to articulate it though.

No shit it's the art style, they are just stacking gpu raping effects on a game with art direction so bad that it would qualify as a modern art masterpiece.
What's the fucking point?

Also unit movement looked cheap as fuck. It's like gfx is all they care about.

Why not wait until your graphics card can't play the latest game? Instead of frantically purchasing a new piece of hardware every year. All because you can't stand the thought that something out there is better even if it's unnecesary. Sounds like you have overcompensation issues

>AMD users
>buying gimped NVIDIA hardware

Does it allow shared AMD and Nvidia or is is CF/SLI only?

>No asynchronous compute for Maxwell
We've known for a long time it doesn't support A-sync

>Using subjective critique of games aesthetics as a means of shitting on a GPU vendor.

I don't think you could've memed harder even if you tried.

Not just that, he's also using it to shit on async compute as well. His logic is flawless, no?

>Where are the MMOs and competitive e-sports titles?

These games are marketed to the lowest common denominator of users, aka laptop users. A lot of them even still use DX9.


Yet Nvidia and their legion of idiot fanboys claimed that it can, and would be enabled via a driver update.

Please stop posting sir.

So? I'll still be able to play most titles in my 980 at decent framerates. I don't give a shit if a R9 290 is 12910390% faster.

gcn 1.0 and maxwell
7xxx had a good 5 years run its time to upgrade anons

quantum brake
total warhammer
rotr now
deus ex in some moths
and star citizen also in some months will make quite the heavy usage of it...

but ok i get it for nvidiots every dx12 game is"benchmark"

so what you are saying is
amd users will actually buy a crippled card and not one that will actually make them able to play decent games?

is that the new line of defence of nvidia?

Lol that's just because you are a poor AYLMAD user. Probably also a brony. Unlike you I can afford a new GPU each generation. I will also be upgrading my gfs computer to a NVIDIA GTX 1070™ this week. Stay mad and poor :D.

I'm not shitting on a GPU vendor or async compute you retarded fanboy, I'm shitting on a game.
Can't you read? I don't even know what the point of async compute is, because nothing tangible is resulting from it.

yes it can, it just can't reallocate sm's until all kernels are finished executing

Nothing "tangible" results from anything graphic card related. None of the pictures they generate are real.

I'm not using that word literally, killjoy.

I know you weren't using the word "literally", you were using the word "tangible". And you were using it wrong.

That article is ancient and makes no mention of Pascal.

pascal is just a die shrink of maxwell you think they added a hardware sc to handle all the async usage? (async timewarp/async compute)
no ofc not otherwise we would have seen a lot of increase on their tdp

okay, atleast i can actually make your gf squirt, user.

>I only play popular games because I'm 16

nVidia: The Way It's Meant to be Waited.

Nobody claimed otherwise, dummy. The point was about Nvidiots claiming that Maxwell would support async compute via a driver update.

Why would you get 1080 over 980Ti??

Dota 2 uses Vulkan.

i don't get this shit, who needs 4k anyways, an rx480 can do 1080-1440p anyways and thats enough for 99% of people, no wonder the 480 is the best selling card on amazon right now (on UK atleast)

more like eighty players
seventy of whom are only using it as a benchmark

This shit right here is why I bought an xbox instead of a 1070. I'm set with it for 4 years and I have more money on dope and whores.

>1080p 30fps in most games

Most Xbone games are 900p with some ridiculous dynamic resolution anytime it inevitably shits itself.

>paying $100 for one game at 30fps

>my gfs computer
>my gfs

Pillows can't use a PC fampai

480 can't do 1440p. Maybe on medium settings.

You probably should. 1080 doesnt have hardware async compute.

Nice meme, memetard.

The Xbone doesn't even reach native 1080p or 30fps in most games. It's usually 900p and a silky-smooth 20-30fps. Battlefield 1 is fucking 720p.

>"""""next-gen""""" consoles

>Peak concurrent players yesterday: 126

stupid animetard

>Nice meme, memetard.

>concurrent players

Nice meme, memetard.

>Players in the last 2 weeks: 12,342

Horrible meme, retard.

>480 can't do 1440p. Maybe on medium settings.

It probably can if you just turn off AA, you don't need it at 1440p anyway.

12,342 players is closer to 80 than it is to 80,000

nice memes though

not really a waste of money if you have a job, an inheritance, a trust fund, a settlement, a portfolio or literally any significant source of money besides minimum wage at mcdonalds

So the power of..... The 480

buy AMD right now!
if you like that one game that they keep shilling about because it's shit at literally every other thing in the universe and crossfire doesn't even work half the time on anything new out so you have to wait for pajeets to make drivers that don't kill your cards or mobo or both.

Reminder, they delayed the async compute because of nvidia partnership contract.

This is nvidia's way of doing things with DX12 since they can't compete, they will make DX12 performance irrevelant by making their partners either not release async compute or release them months to years later that no reviewers or buyers will take into account.

>they can't compete
but they are competing, AMD can have all the Microsoft first party shovelware and indie garbage victories they want. While Nvidia will dominate everything else.

You'll have to ask yourself "will nvidia promote any dx12 games?"

The answer and the execution will reflect their mindset/strategy.

Remember how AMDerps declared victory once all consoles were confirmed to be using AMD hardware?
Yeah they crowed on and on about how everything was going to be optimized for AMD for the whole of the console generation.

But then it didn't and Nvidia still shit on them at every level. Then they moved on to DX 12 and how Nvidia has a conspiracy to stop it's implementation.

makes u tink.

Only with nvidia partnered console ports.

Those ports magically removing async compute and making games run horrible for all systems (yes even nvidia cards).

>any DX 12 games
They probably will if there are any worth playing. So not in the next 2-3 years considering there's literally nothing on the horizon even remotely being built on DX 12.

Adoption is always slow because consoles aren't going to support DX 12 at least not this generation. Microsoft basically dropped Scorpio as a hint that the Xbone isn't long for the world and the PS4 is never going to use the API anyway.
Do you think devs are going to be stupid enough to ignore a market of 50+ million consoles just to satisfy some AMDumbs?

>nvidia partnered console ports
There are no console games right now that use async compute at any level. Microsoft is the shit eater of this generation. All they get is shoddy PS4 ports running at DX 11.

>he thinks his minimum wage, dead end, shit job and buying some 800 quid rubbish makes him rich.

lmao shitter, come back if you have bought jewelry, cars, or houses for a few hundred thousands.

The Vulkan Patch isn't even out yet

B-but my buttcoin mining hahaha, my bigger numbers on the spec sheet that means it is better right? nvidots btfo!

>Nvidia focuses on optimization and efficiency getting the most performance out of the card that technology allows for
>AMD used to be the same, now they're stuffing overcooked GPUs and pushing it past the limit to the point where review sites are admonishing them for breaking hardware standards.
Yeah if you put jetfuel into your car it probably will run really fast for about 10 seconds too.

>he thinks his wagecuck shit job and buying some 100k house makes him rich

fucking poorfag, come back when you own at least 1 private island.

>buying nvidia
>paying a tax + tip for proprietary APIs with planned obsolescence
>paying a huge tax + tip for proprietary monitors
>paying a huuuge tax + tip just to get a few more fps with a single card

BF1 comes out in 2 or 3 months after that DX12 will be all over.

i keep seeing these pretty colored AMD graphs telling me performance will improve but my R7 260x isn't getting any better, you would think drivers getting better would improve the lower end the most since the high end is already pretty powerful but no

The 260X is just a rebrand of the 7790 from early 2013. I'd say every last drop of performance has already been squeezed out of it, user. It is a GCN 1.1 card though, so it does support async compute and will get a boost in RotTR from this patch. Although it'll still run like shit on that card and the game itself is trash, so...