Hi Sup Forums I'm about to purchase a GPU. I'm torn between a 780ti and a 970.
Which should I get and why? The 970 is roughly £30 more expensive.
Hi Sup Forums I'm about to purchase a GPU. I'm torn between a 780ti and a 970.
Which should I get and why? The 970 is roughly £30 more expensive.
Other urls found in this thread:
>considering a 3.5GB card
GTX 950
Don't get a 780ti. While it is a fantastic card (this is my third year running it,) that 3gb VRAM will limit you way too much in this day and age. You also don't want to fall for the 3.5 meme, so just go with the RX 480 and I can guarantee you that you'll be satisfied.
I'd be willing to pay the extra 30 for the 970 just for the efficiency. It might save you money in the long run and your computer won't heat up your room as much.
What the fuck?
RX 480
Jesus fucking christ user
Unless the 970 is cheaper, though. Get whatever is cheaper between the RX 480 and the 970
or wait for the 1060 release/teaser (tomorrow)
The 970 is sometimes better than the 780 ti, and sometimes worse, but you do get more vram (3gb vs 4gb) and it is a newer architecture which overclocks better, so I'd say go with the 970.
RX 480 Sapphire Nitro. 8-in connector, better cooling, better overclockability, power shenanigans fixed, well-known and well-respected brand, good value for money.
Unless you're REALLY anal about your power consumption, like some people seem to be.
Yes. The GTX970 is a 4GB card and the 780 ti is a 3GB card.
Reported for misleading information. Enjoy your ban, faggot.
>OP is in a scenario where he can get a good deal on 2 options
>autists suggesting other random shit
Why are you even in this thread?
It's a 4GB card and announcing reports is against the rules.
This. GTX970 Is The newer option, it's more efficient for roughly the same performance and it overclocks better if you're into that stuff
Because Option 3 is better than either of the two options he suggested, if he just wants to be patient for a little bit longer until it's released.
Calling the 970 a 4GB card is like saying a card with a blown tire has four wheels. Technically true, but you're a cunt if you try to sell it as having four.
Also, a CAR with a blown tire, obviously not a card.
objectively false
>OP is considering an old card and a card that is beaten in value by a third card
>hurr durr why did you suggest a better, more cost effective card?
Kill you are self
970 can use all 4GB just fine.
Not at all. If you access the last 0.5GB of VRAM on the 970, the game's playability suffers. This is objective fact that has been tested over and over and over. You can call it false however you like, but there is video after video on YouTube across a variety of test benches proving you wrong.
I'm not saying it's a bad card, because if you stick below that 3.5GB limit, like most 1080p games will, it's a cracker for what you pay. It should not have been marketed as a flat 4GB card, though, because that implies that you can use all 4GB without issue, and Nvidia simply didn't think it prudent to inform consumers that this is not the case.
It can ACCESS all 4GB, yes. Not all 4GB runs at the same speed, however.
Who cares if the memory is partitioned when it performs exactly as it should at that price point.
You're turning something insignificant into a big issue because Sup Forums said so. Do your own research.
Yes. Every video says that the 970 is trash. You're right. It's not a 4gb card at all.
970. I had one until I upgraded to the 1080.
Fantastic card and didnt have any issues with it
Haha mate I never said the card was trash. I explicitly said that it's a hell of a card.
OP please read the sticky. Sup Forums is not your buy advice board. Take your consume whoring crap elsewhere.
Everyone ITT: End yourselves.
Agreed. My friend has a gigabyte windforce 970, overclocks like a champ and maxes out every game he plays at 1080p, should be fine for 1440p high settings too imo
I was thinking of grabbing one a while ago. Mainly because I don't care just that much about that extra amount of performance between the 480 and this, I just wanted to switch to nvidia due to a few minor issues.
Issue is in my country it's difficult to get a 970 for a lower price than the 4GB 480, and that's used. I can't expect the 1060, which I also considered, to cost anything less than 300 EUR. And that's a mighty bit expensive nowadays for 1080p gaming.
Pick up a 2nd hand one, Should be cheap enough now.
I'm due an upgrade and want to get the GTX Titan. I'm currently running a Raedon HD 5970.
I think my PSU is fine. I've 12gb of ram (overkill). The processor is a i7 950.
Am I fine to just swap the old card for the GTX? Would the processor be a bottleneck for this build?
Those average around 250 EUR, due to the fact you can't find the GTX 970 new for less than 299.
Currently the 8gb sapphire version of the 480 costs 269. It's kind of disheartening.
I've noticed a few things.
1) He plays at 1080p. The 970 is a fantastic 1080p card. Problems begin to arise at 1440p and 4K - not that 970 was ever marketed as a 4K card.
2) His Shadow of Mordor test doesn't use the same AA option as he did in Battlefield 4, the one he said was the most demanding.
3) He never gets to the 3.5GB limit in the games he tests, which is where problems start showing up. I'm not surprised at all that there was no issues when he only used like 3.2GB, or 1.7GB. He got the most slowdowns on Shadow of Mordor, which, interestingly, stuck almost exactly on that 3.5 limit for most of his game, actually jumping up to 3.6GB here and there.
Please, for the love of God, don't think I hate the card. I've said like three times now that it has a kickass price/perf.
How is the 970 compared to a 280x? Not worth it?
So what you're saying is he should be paying $300 for the performance of a $200 card (the RX 480)
I'd rather pay more for a better, more reliable brand than for a card that would effectively kill my motherboard
What? Fucking what?
Mate, I'm who originally told OP to wait for the RX 480 Sapphire Nitro. However, people were getting up in arms because I said there was issues with the 970's VRAM.
You could just wait for the driver update.
Also, you can buy the 4GB card and flash the BIOS to unlock the other 4GB for free. Thanks AMD.
Listen there's a point in your life when you realise that you're a moron and this would be a good time for you.
Don't you have diamond audio cables to buy?
judging from the posts, half of anons itt are from Sup Forums
Wait for the GTX 1060 for god's sake.
Faster than the 970 and RX480 while consuming less and not blowing up your motherboard.
While a wise decision to make is to wait for that, we don't know for sure in europe how expensive the 1060 is going to end up being. If there's a 100 eurodollar difference we have a problem.
They cost that 2nd hand? I need to sell mine quick then.
It only cost me £199 brand new 2 years back.
Its currently sat in a box in my garage now
Get the 780ti
I checked right now and some people are selling them for 220. Still, same price as the RX 480 4gb would be if they even had it on stock probably.
Man I wish I could just right away trade my 280x with some cash.
Please allow me to state that I only have a choice between the 970 and the 780Ti
Get the 970 then. .5 extra Vram is better than none.
The 780ti for me was an excellent card.
I would go with that. It should have better performance than the 970. Fucking do it OP I'm not shitting you the 780ti is a much better deal, assuming they're both in the same condition
Get the 1060 when it comes out.
Will happen this month.
trust me. you dont want the cripple ram gpu after nvidia decides not optimizing every crap game for the 970 anymore