I need help I can't remove this goddamn graphics card. The switch doesn't go up or down. It's locked in. Fucking Asus and their stupid PCI-E locks
I need help I can't remove this goddamn graphics card. The switch doesn't go up or down. It's locked in...
Did you try setting it to wumbo?
Does anyone know what these fucking things do? There is no way to get it up and down.
If I press harder, I'll break my finger. If I pull, the graphic card is going to snap out of the motherboard
Hey user ill help you out, i had this same thing happen to me before. Fuck those Asus clips! Heres what to do:
1. Grab a drill
2. Drill directly into the center of the GPU
3. Unplug the Drill
4. Get in the bathtub
5. Plug in drill
6. Drill directly in your forehead.
Those steps worked for me.
Pretty sad that you cant push a 5lb tab
You sure those aren't sliders?
Had the same problem recently OP, just pull the back of the card up and you'll get into the PCI-E lock
>There is no way to get it up and down.
that's because they slide back and forth, not up and down.
Why not just instruct him to drill through the head right away?
It isn't a 5lb tab. This is a lock of some sort and I have no fucking idea how to get it out.
What would the difference be? I can easily flip them on every other slot.
Well its a GPU problem, duh
If they tilt, it should be a matter of pushing down really hard.
If they slide, it should be a matter of sliding the latch back and lifting the card out.
I fucking hate those clips. Only way I've been able to unlock them is by force.
Use your finger or something long, push down while pulling the card up.
>I can easily flip them on every other slot
Because they don't have the weight of a graphics card pushing down on them. When you push the lock back, it lifts the graphics card from the slot. With a long, heavy card like yours, that makes it more difficult. I usually use a screwdriver. Just slide it down the back of the card and push down and back on the top of the lock. Always works for me.
Make sure to push really hard, and don't worry about the screwdriver slipping off.
Push down on the card as you push down on the end of the tab. When the tab gives a little you can stop pushing the card.
I had/have this problem with my annoying as fuck gigabyte motherboard. take some sort of long thin thing that wont break and force the damn lock open by pushing down.
Pull this small thing Away from the Card/Slot, not push it Down.
>cant push down a piece of plastic
fucking kek