1080ti - August 17th - Up To 16 GB HBM2, 50% Performance Improvement Over GTX 1080



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*waiting intensifies*

Those sure are reputable sources friend.

>Ti only two months after regular version

Nvidia Jews at work again.

Didn't these guys go out of business when gawker got hulkster'd?

>AMD HBM2 rumored to be released in October
>AMD is late to the game again
>NVidia HBM2 is $1000+

Even though it will be out of the price range for 99% of people, it's good to see that GPU performance hasn't stagnated at least. As long as it is being made, the price will come down eventually

There is no 1080Ti release anytime soon

This is to replace the TITAN X, which is in the weird position of being slower than the 1080 but costs a lot more

GP100 or GP102?

Unknown atm, have to wait and see what it comes with

holy fuck

Titan X is trash. The original Titan was pretty based though.

Nvidia should abandon the Titan if it can't do both DP compute and FP compute well.

>Titan X is trash

See, this is exactly what I've been talking about. Only cards worth buying are ti and *90x.

>Only cards worth buying are ti and *90x
next thing youre gonna tell me is that only unlocked cpus are worth buying


Beaten by OC'd 980Ti and compute wise not really better than the 980Ti
Shit DP performance too

>absolute overpriced gaymen hardware with no compute power

Tesla or GTFO

Overclock the titan too you dumbass.

why is Sup Forumsery niggerish shit like this allowed on g???? its anti tech. its vidya for babbies.

why does this shitposter insist on flooding this particular board with shillshit from a shitwebsite?



my buddy is going to buy an original gtx titan for 210 usd

is that bad or nah

pretty bad

$275 cad for 970~ish performance when the 970 is $450 cad and without the 3.5gb meme

The GTX970 is stronger, unless he is going to use it for CUDA which then carry on.

the 970 is also $175 more and barely outperforms it with less RAM

Been holding onto my 680 for 2012 in anticipation for the next big thing. I want off this ride

the card was a meme near release, getting outperformed by the much better value 780ti
kepler has been legacy'd already (no more drivers)
it's also not going to fare well under dx12

meant for

>AMD releases their low end while Nvidia releases their midrange and high end

>AMD releases their midrange while Nvidia releases their enthusiast tier rape machine

God damn what kind of release schedule is this

>the 970 is also $175 more

Where the fuck do you live.


notice how i specified my prices in CAD? Canadian Dollarydoos?
we pay about $100 more for everything even taking the dollar value into consideration

aigh then calm down

you're the dumbass assuming everyone is from your hick, backwater country. don't tell me to calm down, i want no association with that shithole you call a country

*pays $450 for a $250 card*

i bet you live in winnipeg don't you

that's even more insulting than being called american. how dare you

>don't have an overcrowded, overpopulated amount of people
>pay more with the dollar difference because there's less shitters to buy things
i'm fine with that

*whips out wallet*
*pays $450 for a $250 card.

You're Prime Minister is Justin Trudeeuaueuaueu.

You are like Sweden. I've had morre chinks tell me they are Canadian than telling me they are real chinks. You are omegigahyper cuckolded.

*marries my cousin*
*bans evolution from schools*
*be fat*

*pays $450 for a two years old $250 card*

*have to pay more for things instead of having to live in a shit country*
also it's closer to about $350 CAD
but you're going to continue acting like a pigeon playing chess: acting like a faggot, shitting all over the board and knocking pieces astray, but will still strut around the board as if you've won

1080ti 999$
1080ti FE - 1199$
Titan "P" - 1499+$ (FE only)

anyone who thinks NVidia will price 50% faster card than 1080 100-200$ more needs to get his head examined.

1080 25% faster than 1070 - difference in price 700/450= 55%

1080ti (25% faster than 1080) 700*1,55= 1100$+Nvidia stupid tax 10-15%=1155$~1265$=1199$

and thats only 1080ti 25% faster than 1080 (5GPC)

Titan (optimistic) 1499$, but knowing NVidia most likely 1999$

woah dont rage on me bro.

>1TFLOPS increase
>almost twice the price

good goyim!

no cool beefy special OC edition boards like for the custom 980Tis

> ~11% performance increase
> +39% more energy consumption

oy vey!

Maybe, I'm a retard.

But I think by the time you are at a resolution where more than 8GB of VRAM is needed, performance is shit anyway.

hmb2 low yields and nvidia rushing stuff to market

gddr5x is a meme and still bottlenecking a 1080

I ditched my 2x 680 4GB Classifieds I'd had since 2012 for a couple of 980ti Classifieds last year. Not worth the $ at all. I was expecting a larger difference.

Who said anythinga about 12 GB??

at 4k 8gb in some games isnt enough

14/16nm probably isn't up to high yields yet either. The packaging is an other factor. I think ankor got it above 98 or so % for fiji, but for TSMC it's the first time, so there is some room for error.

I was out of touch with this stuff for a while, do we know if the consumer gaming cards will use a GP100 chip with all the compute shit disabled or do they really make a GP102 one dedicated for gaming consumers?

Might replace my 980 Ti then, although I might fall for the gsync monitor meme.

Might actual be a better option in terms of perceived smoothnes.

its nvidia of course they ill make a gimped gaming card only.

maybe the new titan wont be as bad but the 1080ti will when it comes to DP and raw power

yes, but the question if they'll use the compute heavy GP100 or a gaming only chip without any compute ballast is still interesting.

>I already bought the 1070


the problem was that the original Titan cannibalized their quadro/professional series sales

Both would always release high end first

then AMD changed, probably because they didn't want to compete on "day 1"

i don't know if that's the only reason. For a new process it also really makes sense to start with a small chip and work your way up from there, simply because the yields will be fucking terrible compared to what you had on your old node. Also i assume it's easier to troubleshoot a relatively small chip if you find out that something doesn't work on the new node like you intended.

this is why you're american, you dumb piece of shit


That $999 is almost what the 1080 costs in Europe.

Anyone who is even remotely interested in VR is obligated to buy this card.

meaning it will cost a lot more in europe

Anons i have the money to buy a high end PC right now (1080), should i buy 1 right now or wait for the Ti version? the wait is killing meh....

I might just settle with a single 1080 if the price on for big Pascal or Vega are over $700-800. Just so tired of waiting

Don't be a waitfag

I feel you ;_;

Nice job copying your retarded comment from the site.

Name a single time a 80ti variant has been that much higher than 80 card.

>nvidia gpu prices aren't constantly going up

>gddr5x still bottlenecking a 1080


The delta between the 2 variants hasn't changed

just wait and you can see how wrong you are when you see the actual price at retailers. (ISHYGD care about nvidia's "MSRP")

Only cards worth buying from Nvidia are 1080Ti, 1070, probably 1060
Only cards worth buying from AMD are 490, 470

480 should be on that list as well.

>implying the 1060 can compete with the 480 on price/performance
the 1060 will have a competitive fantasy MSRP, and in reality be overpriced and useless.

>50% performance over the 1080

Just like the 1080 was twice the performance of a 980?

of course! Preorder your FOUNDERS Edition (tm) today!

1080 will get a price drop after 1080Ti releases

Buy a 1070 then resell and get the 1080Ti if you want it

The performance difference between the 480 and the 470 is only 12%. The price difference is 25%. The 480 isn't a bad deal, but I don't need it.

Also the 1060 will be significantly better for VR in the near term (simultaneous multiprojection). By the time DX12 gets widely used, you'll want a new midrange card for VR. I'll be trying to hold off getting a VR card and headset until the next die shrink which hopefully will occur in about three years.

>1080 will get a price drop after 1080Ti releases
Kek, just like Intel's Haswell-E chips right?

Also the 1080 Launched at an increased price compared to previous generations

useless meme

I really don't believe that the market will support a 1000USD gaymer gpu. Either they don't have many of them to sell, they don't expect the market to be large (4K is tiny), or they're completely out of touch, the last of which is unlikely.

Enjor your VR :^)


I tried it while you were materbating in your mom's basement. The Vive is awesome.

>then resell

They already make the Titan X which makes no sense for anyone to buy, this will probably replace the titan cards for gaming at $1k

I tried it as well. the vive is overrated, and the games are laughable. the performance (hardware) is not here yet for full blown AAA games to be playable in VR, and the headsets are subpar.

To your friend, on a hardware forum, on craigslist, on eBay, on whatever auction site is popular in your shitty country, etc. You live on an island with no internet or something?

>still no hardware async
They might as well release Ti too and save everyone the trouble. No one is going to buy that shit late in 2017, when their actual dx12 cards will come the year after.

I agree the headsets and ecosystems need improvement, but there are plenty of people who are OK with being early adopters. For those people who are also on a budget, the 1060 is a viable choice, quite possibly even better than the 480. Also the performance is here. The 1070 can easily push 90FPS at the Vive's resolution, which isn't that much greater than 1080p.

>on a budget
no such thing. the headsets alone are overpriced, mate.

OSVR is coming out for 400

Is AMD coming out with a 480X? or are they getting rid of the X class of cards?

Yes and they will rape the nvidots


>As we await custom Radeon RX 480 cards, there’s not really much to talk about regarding Polaris 10 architecture anymore. However, one rumor is still floating around, even though reviewers tried to make it as clear as possible that it’s not true.

>The rumor was that Polaris 10 could feature 40 Compute Units and therefore 2560 Stream Processors (so just as Pascal GP104). Unfortunately this is ultimately confirmed not to be true


>1080 will get a price drop before its even in stock at a consistent rate

>Doesn't even know when the 1080Ti will be released
Stay salty, friendo