Jobs thread

Post your experiences here. Work or just job searching or advice

Anybody work for a big tech company?

Everything they tell at the job offer is a lie and required skills are irrelevant


My experience is that you shouldn't lean on a keyboard mount.

Do you mean that they don't give a shit as long as you can learn quick?

Can you give an example of lies told?

1. Be good at something.
2. Get a job
3. Work Hard
4. Climb the ladder

You a director yet bud?

>Can you give an example of lies told?

Not him but from my current employer only:

* Told me I will have a lot of contact with other teams - True on a very shallow level.
* Told me I will be doing development and ops - False, I'm also doing support for internal clients.

I've been in IT for 6 years and I'm in a major IT company as a Senior Systems Developer.

I could never be a manager. Managers don't create, they essentially do accounting for managers above them.

I'd rather stick to doing what I do well, which is creating systems and teaching people how to do that.

So you are doing dev and ops, you just have to support what you developed?

That sounds fairly standard desu, unless you specifically asked about support and they lied barefaced



No no no no no. Supporting your own stuff is a given.

I do large scale event management for this company.

It's huge, and shit breaks all the time in systems I've never heard about, both hardware and software.

What I do is essentially man a hotline and manage conference calls into which I engage people responsible for services and drive for diagnosis, mitigation, and resolution.

For shit I've never heard about and probably will never again after that.

It's kinda fun at times, but most of the time is just a waste of my time that I could spend teaching people or making something great.

I'm not trying to network mate, or even find out info for myself

I just like hearing these stories

Go to blogspot for that shit fucking idiot.

How about you fuck off?

Why are you and others so hostile to an IT jobs thread?

They're informative and interesting most of the time. Also biz is shit

Let me venture a guess: either they are unemployed or have a shitty job they hate.

>two men working
>one woman posing for the camera

Found the jobless degenerates

I work for a fortune 500 and I'm at work right now. I got hired for a busy period but that period ended before I joined. I do probably 2 hours of total work in a given week here, the rest is reading, coding shit on codewars, and sitting on my phone.
I have done nothing notable and a HS kid could easily do my job, but I make decent money. I'm expecting to get fired any day now since I contribute nothing, so I've been speed learning Web Dev for the past 2 weeks. Literally all I do after work is go to the gym and code sites.
And before you say I'm lazy, I ask nearly every day what I can do, and usually the answer is "nothing right now, just enjoy the slow days". But every day is slow. I have tried to help out so much but there's really nothing to do.

Just weak.

Find a problem by yourself and solve it.

I get that in some workpaces it might be harder or easier, but it's always possible. there are always problems.

Hell, In my current employer I've already created two separate completely new tools to address problems that I found myself, and everyone is using them now.

Go out looking for problems.

Or even better, go around other teams in the office you work in and ask around if they need help or what annoys them. Find a project that is understaffed or just pretty cool and try joining it.

You are killing your career man.

I do Python+Django at the biggest python company in this region of England


How does it feel being tied down by a single language and a single framework?

Don't you want to try out new technologies? New languages? New frameworks?

Don't you find it dead boring to be locked in like that?

I'm not shitting on python or django, I've done them before, but mostly from the sysadmin side.

I don't strictly work with python+django, there are instances where you need to understand how back-end interacts with front-end or devops.

In that regards, I get to work with a variety of new technologies based on the department/project. The one I'm focusing on now uses a lovely MVVM framework called knockout.js.

I don't find it boring because debugging brings about the most creative and fun challenges, and working with python/django is fun in itself.

I realize I'm killing my career, that's why I'm building a site for resume purposes so I can get out asap. But there is literally nothing to be solved here. We use software from the 90s and IE7 because all our applications depend on them. Everything that can be automated already has, most of my job is just manual shit and talking to clients. Unless you want me to get a research team to fund AI, this job can't be automated.
Trust me, a few weeks ago I wrote a script to automate something, and that was the only opportunity I've had yet.

Jesus christ man, that's just sad. Get the hell out of there.

Yeah, i can concur with that. Nothing is as rewarding as debugging an issue in system's you've never touched and diving deep for a day or three and eventually emerge with 3 page long explanation on why shit is whack yo.

I fucking love postmortems especially.


Never heard, gotta read about it. Thanks.

A few months ago I got hired at a small company as full stack dev (intern). I knew only the basics about front end and I was honest about it during the interview. I just programmed as hobbyist.
>basically there are only two of us who make web interfaces / apps, they're hiring more though
>when I got there they did fucking everything from scratch, no frameworks, nothing
>enjoy programming in general but hate with a passion designing interfaces
>a few days ago I discovered the glory of bootstrap
>suddenly enjoy life again

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but yeah debugging are like their own individual puzzles, and you get to feel smart explaining how shit fucked up at a low-level.

knockout.js is definitely worth a look, pretty much the best out there for simple, yet featureful 2-way data-binding

>Programmer at big firm
Got tired of it after 5 years

>Senior Systems Administrator at large datacenter
Got tired of it after 7 years

>Freelance Server/Infrastructure consulting for start-ups
What I currently do, making me the most money with the least amount of effort.

Not rich, but my mental sanity is back now that I freelance.

What region?

>I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

Fuckin' plaintext and it's inability to transfer emotions.

Nah man, I'm a sysadmin by trade, I love that shit.

Oh man, doing web design in pure CSS is like pulling nails with pliers made out of chilli peppers. You gotta have something like bootstrap to not go insane.

Still happens sometimes when you want to go beyond what it provides.

This is where I want to get. I'm pretty darn good but 6 years experience don't impress people enough to be a freelance consultant. Gotta grind more.


Getting placed in support means that you were a shit programmer

How's the tech scene there?

>tfw no job
pls hire in texas, thanks

Weak m8, london is apparently where it's at, but without a degree, it's difficult to make it in

Read my other post bro. It's more like large scale event management, and I was doing it from pretty much day 1.

Fortunately only once a week or even less than that.

I can't find a job. Maybe I should just accept being a neet.

I'm in Cambridge atm, but from London

Lot's of stuff here

Looking to get my foot in the door with >desktop support or just overall support in general and I throw out applications like crazy but get no responses.

All of these places are looking for

>5 years minimum experience with desktop support

Why the FUCK would you need 5 years of desktop support experience for a L1 tier position...

I use to work for the largest CPU company in the world (can't say its name. Too many papers signed). I will never do it again. Once a company gets to that scale you mean absolutely nothing to them.

>you mean absolutely nothing to them.
that's when it gets comfy and you get to do fuck all

Not when turning one wrong knob costs the company 2.5 million dollars. Yeah, I did that. Still kept my job though.

was it your boss' knob?

Paranoid much?

>This is where I want to get. I'm pretty darn good but 6 years experience don't impress people enough to be a freelance consultant. Gotta grind more.

I actually got into it by accident. My cousin worked for a startup and gave me a call for some help and I actually did that first job for free as a favor. Few months later my name/email was getting dropped all over the city as "contact this guy he'll get you squared away". No one ever really asked about my experience to be quite honest.

I've been doing PHP and SQL for a month. I make reports. When will Apple recruiters be contacting me?

>Oh man, doing web design in pure CSS is like pulling nails with pliers made out of chilli peppers.
Absolutely. I mean, I could handle basic interfaces for normal screens, but when you have to make shit responsive, make sure that everything looks fine on various devices, take into account the quirks of different browser... damn.

He wishes. No, turned a knob that controls water. Literally an over priced lawn hose. Had to fill out so much paper work and give about 3 statements as to what happened. Turns out 2.5 million isn't that bad in the scope of things.

If I have no other relevant experience,but have an A+ cert to back it up, is it ok to put "fixed/built computers for friends and family(for money)"? Or does that just sound as lame as putting your mother as a reference?

If you have a interests/hobbies section in your CV I'd put it there.

>"fixed/built computers for friends and family(for money)"
Definitely not in that manner. And it can be only mentioned in "additional skills/training" section of your CV, meaning that your are not certified for it, but you did some research and training on self-educational purposes. If that matters for your employer and is applicable to your desired position, that will show them that you at least know something in that specific subject and is capable of getting certifications/courses if they will ask you to do so.

who is that sshd daemon?

I'd put 'installed gentoo', if you actually did it. Quite the experience and teaches you a lot about linux in the few hours it takes you on the first time.

I've never had a job. I'm nearing the end of my education as a CS major. I plan on getting an internship soon. Any advice?

Go apply to volunteer somewhere. Animal shelter, public park, museum, ANYTHING really. NO ONE is going to consider you for so much as a coffee boy intern position with zero work experience.

Would you suggest doing volunteer work instead of flipping burgers or working at a gas station? I checked out my uni website and there is a volunteer offer for learning to be a 3D printing operator, looks like it could be fun.

go for it

Yeah nobody cares about experience if your portfolio looks good. The problem is one is usually caused by the other

I work for a bank, and am stuck in this weird spot. I'm employed as a business analyst but sometimes play the iteration manager/scrum master role, sometimes I'm doing project management, and other times internal audit. They're so disorganised. Only part of them apply agile methodologies to work, so there's a weird friction right now on how tasks are approached, especially with funding and FTE allocations. Eh, I guess I'm getting experience and being paid.

I am an IT project manager responsible for delivering large and complex infrastructure, system and service projects (typically 18+ month duration). I know nothing about software development but I read Sup Forums to pick up buzzwords to repeat in meetings to make myself sound knowledgeable. I'd say 50% of my time is spent managing and directing people, 25% on paperwork, 15% in meetings and just 10% is actually to do with business requirements and process design. The latter is the most enjoyable, but not really my field, I just get involved when the developers and architects are too retarded and / or autistic to see pragmatic solutions staring them in the face

Why is she standing in front of a microwave?