GTX 1060

>GTX 1060
where were you when amd won

Other urls found in this thread: 970

>runs cooler
>uses less power
>performs slightly better
What's not to love?

Source? Reports indicate that the 1060 uses GP106 and has an MSRP of $250.

>thinking an nvidia card will only hit its average calculated tpd
>thinking that there is a card out there that actually did it
>perfoms better
>nvidia never lies
>no sli
>6pin connector on the cooler instead of the pcb
>literally fucking up whoever buys a refrence model
based nvidia thanks for helping amd
an msrp of 250 after the shit of FE ends which will be in 1-2 months...they are charging 300 bucks for something with less compute power(2.5 tflops less) with no sli obviously will be bad on dx12 and you wont even be able to change the cooler

It will be like $400+ in a week.

>an msrp of 250 after the shit of FE ends which will be in 1-2 months
Thank you for admitting that you are aware of the MSRP and yet still presented an inflated number, probably for the FE version rather than the standard 1060.

The MSRP pricing is just a trick to capture headlines with an unrealistically low price. We saw this with the 1080, we saw it again with the 1070, we'll see it again with the 1060.

There's no reason whatsoever to present that instead of the REAL actual price it's going to be on shelves, unless you're intent on literally just shilling.

Yeah just like AMD's $200 GPUs that you can't find for less than $300.

and as history shows
there isnt a single pascal card out there that is remotely close to its respective msrp.....
it was 200 for the 4gb and actually people bought them for such..
the 230 8gb NOW in europe is close 249 the min i saw on france and germany
meanwhile in other countries they are selling them for 350+ and you just have to wait for the price to go down since nobody will buy them..

It's ok when AMD does it.

I can literally order any 480 right now for less than 300€, vat included. What the fuck are you on about?

Yeah so shut the fuck up. Cards do sell for the MRSP.

>The MSRP pricing is just a trick to capture headlines
So why are we seeing 1080s for sale at the MSRP of $620 and $650, and this is for AIBs rather than reference, which is cheaper than the FE price of $700?

Yeah, have fun getting your card in october.

>there isnt a single pascal card out there that is remotely close to its respective msrp

because he's a retarded moron who buys AMD and thinks there's some sort of global Nvidia conspiracy.

>inb4movinggoalposts about "back order"

AMD cards do since there is a big supply of them,looking at the 1070 and 1080 launch you should realistically expcet the 1060 to go for 300.

desu its neither amd or nvidia that does it (well at least amd said that they dont since their msrp is global i guess nvidia does that too)
when the card leaves the fab its just out of the company hand to manipulate the price

There are five brands for sale right now, all of them but asus are in stock. Try again user.

>there is a big supply
>backorders up the shitter everywhere

Stop lying fagget.You're the same fagget that said that AMD had no supply issues and this shit is popping up on ebay and amazon for $300+

>buying reference 480s
It's like you want your motherboard to get destroyed

AMD isn't artificially inflating demand for their cards by drip-feeding them out like Nvidia is, so you can actually get one of those for MSRP.

Or maybe it's not Nvidia's fault but it's the retailers doing the price gouging. It doesn't really matter, it's still dishonest to talk about the gtx 1060 like it's really going to be $250.

They're doing the world a favor.

Nice goalpost moving shill. Point still stands, I can get them right now for less than 300€


MSRP doesn't mean shit, you always have to add at least 50$ to that price for reference versions and +70/80$ for the good shit versions like sapphire, strix etc.


Those were popping up even before the lauch cause amazon and ebay are jews,if you look for a good deal you will find one,its as simple as that.Christ even here in europe you can easily find ones for 250-260 euros for the 8gb editions,but prices of the 4gb model have increased due to the fact that you can unlock an additional 4gb on it.


who cares about eurodollars? the eu isn't even relevant to the global economy after brexit.

in the world's most relevant country you can only find the 480 for about $330:

AMD dropped the ball this time, as usual.

>That only hurts my case, i-it doesn't count!!!

You truly are a sad and pathetic creature

>taking amazon prices as standard ones
Jesus user,you off your meds again?Who in the actual fuck uses amazon to buy their shit? Just go to newegg or microcenter like any sane person would

It's going to bomb in europe against AMD. Knowing nvidia pricing with euros the only nvidia GPU available for a similar price to the 480 here will be a future 1050 if that comes out.

I mean I acknowledge the quality and all but I can expect definitely more than a 50eur price difference between the 480 8gb and the 1060 6GB. Which is sad because I always wanted to ride that nvidia train.

1060 is faster then amd fury, rip amd

Euro pricing is pretty rubbish, the 1080 starts at £650 and goes up to £850, and the 1070 starts at £400..

Funnily enough despite the MSRP the partner boards are just as or slightly more expensive than the founder editions. I'm not sure the 1060 will be much better.

I'm already not expecting it to be affordable since I can't buy a new 970 for less than 300eur. Meanwhile that's what a 480 8gb costs.

>order 970
>nvidia announces 1060 the next day
fuck me, now i gotta either

>return 970 and wait 11 days for 1060 release plus another 4 to 10 shipping days
>keep 970 and play vidya while i still have free time and upgrade later

honestly i have very little sympathy for someone who's not keeping his eyes open for rumors/news/anticipated announcements. if you were cognizant of the fact that the 970 had been around for a while and an announcement was imminent, then you made a choice. if you *didn't* know, then you were clueless, and that seems like a danger 365 days a year.

i bet 970 is better than 1060

in dream I guess because in reality AMD has done nothing worth in 5 years and it still seems to continue unchanged.

>AMD buyers are such poorfags! You're not POOR are you?

2 weeks later


Nvidia shits are literally bipolar

I did know 1060 was coming but I had only heard it's coming out sometime in autumn. Feels bad but I think I'll stick with 970 for now.

I haven't seen a single post or thread that even implied that. All of them have been pretty much "AMD is dead. 1060 BTFO 480 at similar price point."

i hope they get bought out by a more competent company, Nvidia needs serious competition (especially at the high end for GPUs) or else they're going to keep getting worse

>250-300$ in usa
>750-800€ in europe

-800€ in europe
If you are fishing for sympathy because you're stuck in Europe you're on the wrong forum.


> graphics cards can only be used for video games and literally nothing else
Sup Forums, everyone.

Wot? Amd cards are expensive as fuck in Europe. I think I pay like 100 dollar premium on their cards over nvidia ones.

To be fair, Sup Forums only uses gaymen benchmarks to debate the cards.

I don't know man, 380s can be bought for about the same price as 960s. A year ago I got myself an used 280x for 150eur

>it will perform like GTX 980 on DX12
gg nvidia

for what purpose nvidia

>post something complaining about prices in yurop being fucked up
f-fuck you too install gentoo haha xdd

Let's not pretend these cards would be all over Sup Forums with video game benchmarks if it was for any reason but videogames

/gcg/ was a good idea

Price only matters for midrange cards.

So Sup Forums

As a poor filthy yokel I have two options

A 970, barely used for 220€
A 1060 when it comes out, possibly only available with 8GB for 300€ if we're extremely lucky

I don't play games so frequently anymore, almost nothing new is coming out that interests me enough. I also play at 1080p. What would you do?

get a used 390 instead
or wait for custom models of the 480x

I am not going AMD.

well enjoy spending too much money on gpu's which arent "futureproofed" with its low amount of vram.

the 970 is still a good gpu. the custom designs has the perf of a stock 980. the 3,5gb ram is meh though. so go for that shit nvidiaboy.

MSRP $250, so:
4% more expensive
10% faster (before AMD have to gimp the cards to fix the power problem)
20% lower power use
100% fewer over currented MBs

You can get a new Zotac gtx 970 for 230 euro

user stop being a fanboy,just wait for the non reference 480 which will have 980 levels of performance,and whic will probs be avalibe for 260-270 euros if you look hard enough.

>10% faster (before AMD have to gimp the cards to fix the power problem)

well, they did kinda fix the not fully most mostly(0.25 more amps than standard allows) problem and have 3% performance boost.


Yo! that shit here is 500$
480 to go.

is zotac good?

I have specific needs for it. I don't dislike AMD, I just use it for more shit than games. Went with AMD/ATI GPUs only for over a decade so I know what I want.

what do you use your GPU other than gaming?

>they did kinda fix the not fully most mostly(0.25 more amps than standard allows) problem and have 3% performance boost.
Where did you get this from?
>In standard mode where power consumption isn’t curtailed, performance is essentially unchanged outside of Tomb Raider, which is one of the games targeted for optimization. Essentially this proves that there’s no performance impact from merely shifting power consumption off of the PEG slot to the 6-pin power connector.

Meanwhile in compatibility mode, there is a very small performance hit, though it varies with the game. Compared to standard mode, we’re looking at no more than a 1fps performance drop (~3%), with some games losing only a fraction of a frame per second. That there is a performance drop is consistent – so compatibility mode isn’t free – but overall the performance change is within the +/- 2% margin of error for these benchmarks.

Zotac are a solid brand. Good quality coolers, decent overclocking.

it doesnt matter which 970 you get. every custom cooler is way too powerful for it.
limit your framerate to 100 in order to avoid coil whine and you are good to go.

It's a second GP104 cut for the first batch of cards. There are some GP106 engineering samples floating about though.

>there are still people dumb enough to get a 970


I barely ever play stuff at over 60 because my FPS days are long gone. The only one thing I'm looking forward to play is Deus Ex MD.

>It's a second GP104 cut for the first batch of cards

>Considering the extreme power delta we witness from the base 16.6.2 driver to the 16.7.1 with compatibility mode on, measuring no performance delta is a fantastic result for AMD.

from pcper

Not that user but where?Cheapest one i can find is €250 on mindfactory

doesnt matter. you still wanna limit it cause most games main menu, indi games or not demanding ones 970


The user said he needs it for things other than gaming,stop shilling.

>4/5 fps difference

Please tell me how this is bad especially considering it's a 2 year old card on a 28nm based architecture which will easily overclock and beat the two cards above it.

To be fair I didn't disclose what else did I use it for.

You might want to read it more closely.
>With the compatibility mode enabled, performance matches nearly perfectly with the performance we saw with the 16.6.2 launch day driver.
>Meanwhile, the original 16.6.2 driver and the 16.7.1 with compatibility ON are indistinguishable.
I don't see anything that supports a "3% increase in performance on PCPer.

Meant for

You're a fucking idiot, 380 4GB was more expensive than 960 4GB here last year.

Its all down to supply,looking at nvidias recent launches I dont expect the 1060 to sell at anywhere near the MSRP

About the same price here. Little over 200€. Maybe there's a 5€ difference which makes the 380 actually worth a shit. I'm not an idiot, I'm stating facts.

3% on 16.7.1 with compatibility off

Just bought a 970 5 mins before this article came out. Kms

>Buying 2 year old cards

>It's like you want your motherboard to get destroyed
That's BS. Unless ofcourse you are running 20$ motherboard, Pajeet Patel.


I wonder if they have a designated shitting street near amd hq

AMD cards are literally risks for your hardware.

I don't know why they would have a designated shitting street near another designated shitting street

Nah mate, you can get cheaper models.

That was £530 before OCUK ramped up the prices due to lack of availability while blaming it on BREXIT.


Come on, they don't copy Nvidia at all.

Well of course. Have a problem with the weather? It's all brexit.

I can't go to work, there's brexit going on.

All of you are retarded. We should all be hoping amd comes out with great cards so competition drives prices down remember when you could buy the fastest card & it came with 7 games?

You nvidiots cheer everytime a nail gets added to amds coffin. And 100$ gets added to nvidias msrp...

Fanboys will stay fanboys I guess

No. That's false. Nvidia on the other hand have burnt on me twice.