/hpg/ - Headphone General


>Headphone purchase advice

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>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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First for the best dynamic on the market!

That's not the HD 600.

Focal Utopia (maybe)

Where are the measurements?

I don't know.

Measurements are everything, friendo.

HD 800 are grado-tier garbage. Won't be surprised if the Focal Utopia ends up being shit like the rest of the 'high end' garbage.


They are the runners up.

HD800 sucks.

>b-but muh soundstage

Literal reddit-tier headphones.

Do people really think the HD800 looks good?

asked this in the last /hpg/ didn't fully get an answer. so

someone on /hpg/ recommended me a budget microphone (zalman mc-1) i get a whole lot of white noise and i am unsure on how to fix it?

Is the microphone rigged/ Or is it just shit.


If i purchased an Audio card would this make the white noise less shit? Cheers

Double doubles :^)

I got the DT880 600 Ohm headphones, they sound glorious after carefully considering your opinions.

You penises did not tell me my ears would sweat a waterfall at room temperature though.

Just got them yesterday as well. They sound great but mine are about 60% of what I'd like them to be (volume wise( without an amp. Luckily, I've got a Magni 2 coming today

probably going to buy schiit dac/amp meme combo for undecided open-back headphones and Adam F5's.
Is Magni 2 Uber / Modi 2 a good combo or is it worth it to spend $20 more and get the Vali 2 amp?

Just get the asgard and modi

>$20 more
>$100 more

See the gap?

>Literal reddit-tier headphones.

What does that even mean?

Best cheap bass-centric earbuds? I'm tired of
buying ones from the corner store over and over

I just need something neo-iPhone tier that won't break on me in 3 months or less (doesn't need a mic).


Which ones?

Looks about right for those. How is the SE535 with that correction?
Acoustic impedance is higher for narrower nozzles (1 ÷ Area), and the mismatched impedance between the canal and the earphone reflects the wave, setting up a resonance.

if you set the canal length right, that would probably leave largest Z variation around 5-10 kHz or so. What are the dimensions so far?

This is probably more of an aimless idea, but can you get a microphone (something with a very high frequency range) to drive the canal and measure that output?


Thanks my man

Is it worth getting a Schiit Fulla to power my HD600s or would it only be worthwhile to get a proper amp like the magni/o2?

Using a Xonar DG atm and even with this $15 soundcard they sound much better than my previous headphones (AD700).

Why are anime posters always shitposters with shit bait?

Are you that desperate for attention?

If you're suffering from depression your should seek help instead of trying to shit up an anonymous image board in a desperate attempt for responses and validation

>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames . . . off-topic replies . . .

Isn't your reply an off topic reply too?

What is your point? That no one should point out a off-topic trolling post and its violation to the rules because the very nature of the post itself is off-topic?

So my ATH-M50's broke after 6 years of regular wear, so I'm back in the market for some new headphones. For now I'm stuck with shitty $15 earbuds that came with my phone

~200-300, depending on sales and stuff
Using both 3.5mm and 1/4" jacks for either listening to stuff on my computer or mixing at my soundboard
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
I tend to wear them for hours on end, so something comfy would be nice.
>Preferred tonal balance
I'd go for neutral, though V-shaped is fine
>Past headphones
I've only every owned M50's. Got them for cheap and they sound good, but they get uncomfortable after a while


some user was supposed to get a schiit amp to go along with a new dt880

can you report your results?

What says these are fake?

How do I not get sebaceous cysts when I use headphones?

Their feedback feels like they only buy Powerbeats Wireless, Shure SE215s and Gift Cards that they got cheap in mass quantities.

That seller doesn't sell anything else. If only they sold other high priced items. For example Powerbeats 2 Wireless and SE215 from google images found "fake vs real" reviews.

If you want a fake SE215. Get it from Aliexpress for $30 a piece. Just ask the seller for bulk discount. Then you can make money yourself on eBay. The retail packaging on the SE215s can be seen in the pictures reviews on Aliexpress.

Well, I don't really want fake SE215s.

So you bet they're probably fake?

eBay has tons of buyer protection. if they're fake, you'll get your money back

Is there an easy way to detect if these are fake?

$200? Maybe $300?

San Francisco/Chicago

Laptop, iphone

>Preferred type of headphone
Doesn't matter. Higher emphasis on sound quality?
Anything that can block noise

>Open or closed

>Comfort level

>Preferred tonal balance

>Past headphones
always used standard apple earbuds.

PC -> O2
>Preferred type of headphone
>Comfort level
I'll be wearing them all day
>Preferred tonal balance
I'd like to say balanced, but everything I've used in the past has favoured treble.
>Past headphones
AD700s and I tried out a friend's K701s for a couple of weeks which convinced me that an upgrade is worth it.

I primarily listen to drone, ambient, and industrial, however everything from Radiohead to Bach gets its playtime.

It looks like the K7xx, HD600 and DT880 are the big players at this price point, however, I only have experience with one and was wondering about the merits of the others, as well as any outside choices.

Proper amp. Xonar DG should be fine, I'd only get the O2/Magni if the volume isn't good enough.
Anime image board faggot.
If you stretch a little more you can get the Oppo PM3 which strikes a nice balance between bassy and neutral.
HD280 Pro.
K701 has favored treble, but you listened to it and you found it to be an upgrade. It's a safe purchase, also many think that the K701 is a direct upgrade to the AD700 due to the large soundstage (I don't believe in that audiophool bs tho). If not, the HD600 and DT880 are a safe buy as well.

Thanks /hpg/
Got my new AKG K712 Pro's today. Fucking box was absolutely hammered though. Fuck FedEX!

btw I got them on ebay so how will I know they are fake senpai? pretty new to headphones desu

No. Don't bother with tubes.

note that k702 is the standard neutral headphone listed with hd600 and dt880, not the k7xx, which is quite different from k702.


Im about to pull the trigger on fidelio x2's. I think they look great and I've heard they have good sound quality.

If you've got a pair of these, would you recommend them?

Genuine SE215s have painted red or blue connector dots if I recall correctly. I can link you a pic later.

Holy shit lads this changes the game. I bought DT880 (600) and used it without an amp and it was shit, but the Magni 2 just came in the mail today and it literally made the beyers unreal

Pics of said headphones and amp. Please.


wants to steal your serial no.

>This imageboard (Sup Forums) is useless without pics.jpg

>implying Sup Forums is an imageboard

Well no shit, very few sources can output enough voltage at that impedance. To put it simply the headphones weren't working properly before you started using the Magni 2 with them.

you think actually bought the amp and headphones?


Hey lads, I'm the lad with the Dt880 and the Magni 2. I listened to them for the first time tonight and I experienced what I'm assuming is headphone fatigue. They sound amazing, like I said, but I feel tired and groggy. What's the problem?

>Listener fatigue (also known as listening fatigue) is a phenomenon that occurs after prolonged exposure to an auditory stimulus. Symptoms include tiredness, discomfort, pain, and loss of sensitivity. Listener fatigue is not a clinically recognized state, but is a term used by many professionals.

Shit I guess I should have googled it kek

Is it going to happen every time I listen to the beyers? Should I get other headphones?

>Is it going to happen every time I listen to the beyers?

Just take a break every 2-3 hours. It happens with everything, but the treble peak of the DT880 maybe makes it easier to get fatigued.

sorry for giving you a hard time, we just want DETAILS

Would this happen with the 702s and the hd600s too? Or does this happen with all high end phones? Mind you I went from listening to music out of a gaymer headset immediately to the beyers and the quality jump is incredible.

>Would this happen with the 702s and the hd600s too?
Perhaps. It varies from person to person. Beyers have a reputation for being fatiguing.

I see. Perhaps my ears need adjustment time or something along those lines. It's almost intimidating being able to hear every minute detail of a song

Yeah, if you want non-fatiguing but detailed, the HD650 is a good alternative.


Is this real? Will they actually give you a $150 gift card for buying an hd600?

I also don't think that there's any way another pair of headphones could beat the beyers when it comes to listening to classical

classical listener here with k702; they're supposed to be more neutral and detailed, but I haven't tried the dt880 myself

They sold them in that bundle before and I don't recall hearing any issues with it.

Seems weird though, that they would just give away 96 bucks for free.

it's being sold by amazon, of course its real

I'm looking for something wireless with nigga bass and noise cancelling. What are some good choices?

Is this worth getting? I have a Meze 99 Classics and I'm not sure if I want to replace them or not.


No such thing.

OK, what are some shit choices then?

>This is on the WoF
Doesn't help that it's ugly as sin.

Bose. The bass is monotone like you requested.

are RS175 any decent?

around 100€


Computer/Android phone, but I would only use them at home

>Preferred type of headphone

>Open or closed
Open is fine.

>Comfort level
I'll be using them for long periods of time, so something comfortable is important.

>Past headphones
I have been using a pair of Steelseries Siberia v1 that I got for free 5 years ago, but the right headphone finally stopped working while I was playing Inside, which suck because I had to finish the game with shitty earbuds.

I was honestly satisfied with the Siberia v1 as I'm not much of a music guy, and they were mostly used for watching anime and playing videogames. I liked how comfy they were, but I figured I could probably get something better for 100 € so here I am.


I currently have the AKG K553, would the K7XX be a considerable upgrade? Or should I be looking toward somewhere else?

if you like the k553, I do not recommend the k7xx. It is bassy and loses the normal tight sound you expect from akg headsets. I can recommend instead the k702, I consider it a good upgrade over my k550. I sold my k7xx almost immediately.

Are the 702s more comfortable for long periods of time compared to your 550?

It depends a lot on the shape of your head. I think they are more comfortable, but I also thought the k550 was comfortable. Here's are some details:

k702 is lighter.

k702 is less prone to slip off. something about the headband and everything with the k550 made me have to readjust them in each position; it's not just that the k702 is smaller, but it has more "sideways clamp" whereas k550 has basically none, if that makes sense.

about the size. The first day, the band on top was a little too tight and irritated me somewhat, but now I have a way of tugging as I put them on that makes it fine.

Overall I think the comfort is good, but I seem to not care about comfort as much as other people. I found k550 more comfortable than mdr 7506, other than all the slipping annoyances with the 550.

Sorry if this doesn't help much. maybe try them out some time.

I really recommend avoiding the k7xx if you like the 550 though. I was super pissed when I received them.

Help me choose explaining your reasoning?

RHA ma750 vs Vsonic GR07

Listening to Classic metal and stuff like prodigy, chemical brothers...

Magni 2 Uber or Vali 2?

Magni 2U.
Tubes are a meme where you are literally paying for distortion.

Thanks user, I bought them after looking into it.

Magni Uber any day. More power, lower output impedance, and no microphonics.
Why consider the Vali 2? The tube?

Thanks for the advice, I'm heavily considering the k702 now.

The tube and aesthetics. Seems like the Magni is the best option in this price range. I've listened to superduperexpensive tube amps in the past and it has a certain touch. The Vali seems like a meme.

If you are looking into neutral headphones, you should consider all three: the k702, the hd600, and the dt880. Those are the three standards, but personal taste will direct you to one of them.

For me, it came down to two things. First, I like the akg sound, and wanted to try the best they have to offer before branching out some. (Note, I was very happy with my k550, but wanted to give myself a treat.) Second, it seemed that the k702 was meant for people that want a really precise sound, for instance people doing audio work. I don't do audio work but that message really resonated with me. see for instance kenrockwell.com/audio/akg/k702.htm

One thing I used to differentiate headphones is try to figure out who they're "meant for". For instance, my explanation of the k7xx mess is that it's not meant for headphone people at all, it's just a cash grab from the popular headphones market (beats, etc).

magni and modi are universally praised, I'd just get those. (Note, I own o2+odac, but would have been happy with magni+modi.)

Posted this in the stupid questions thread but haven't gotten a response so I figured I'd copy paste it here.

The audio cable for my chc silverado headphones is starting to fail, and designed the wiring for these headphones was moronic. Each ear has a stereo jack that only connects to the right channel. The default cable takes stereo and splits it into two stereos, one that maps the right channel input to right channel output, and the other maps the left channel input to right channel output. What's the easiest way to get replacement cable? I'm thinking a stereo to mono splitter, and then mono to stereo cables (the left channel outputs will go unused, but the sound ought to line up), but I'm not super familiar with audio cabling so I don't know if that will work. Help appreciated. I know I can always solder my own cables, but it'll be a minor hassle, and I won't be able to get the cables to look nice.

Wired to the midsection of the TRS instead of the tip? With stupid decisions like that, no wonder they failed.
It might be easier to modify the enclosure wiring to accept a less silly configuration.

>loses the normal tight sound you expect from akg headsets
They've never been afraid of having treble peaks, but the AKG headphone lines have a wide variety of bass boost and rolloff.
Come to think of it, AKG doesn't even have that strong a brand sound, unlike Stax or Audeze, or even Hifiman, Senn, and Beyer.

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately the only way to open the headphones involved damaging the mesh to get at screw, although I suppose that's not too much of a problem. I'll probably just build some cable myself, need to buy some connectors anyways to fix another set of earbuds. Only reason I can think of them wiring it that way is to force people to buy their replacements, but you'd think they could just use proprietary connectors for that. Seriously though, no idea why they didn't use mono.