How do you imagine the future of the internet?

A tyranny ruled by big corporations (as Google and Facebook) or a decentralized democracy created by the people for the people?

If you prefer democracy over tyranny, here are 2 projects you might be interested:

A fully decentralized part of the internet. Already having a 0chan:

A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol:

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>a thread about real technology
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sasuga, Sup Forums

It's not shitposting memes, color me surprised

We might have gotten our way in the fight for net neutrality and SOPA, but that doesn't mean they won't do it again. These people will just get more and more power and one day, they will win. We could turn into China and the internet turns into real life 2.0. Freedom is easy to lose and hard to get back. We can protest all they want but they won't give a fuck, there's enough injustice already so we can easily get more of it. Things have to get much worse before they can get better.

Did anyone here hear of maidsafe with their safe net

I've been dedicated to overlay networks. I think the future, and present, is governments in practice controlling a lot of the last mile. There will be an explosion in censorship, both soft and hard, and restrictions on use of all kinds as part of the sadly increasing rise to power of fascism, in many forms, we see in the West once again in particular: it really feels like a return to the bad old days of the 80s.

Metadata is extremely dangerous. We have to assume, going forward, globally motivated nation state adversaries with a view of the whole network, which necessitates more complex mixes rather than simplex onion/garlic routing topologies.

The reality of the network design means that in practice a node/point design works best: people historically spurned supernode designs because they wanted to save resources, but they have advantages compared to flat networks, in which it's almost impossible to support mobile devices well without becoming a huge battery hog. You also need to design the connection protocols to be provably secure (as far as possible) and to be ready to pierce any layer of interposing middleboxes or proxy, from shit ISP to shit country, including the possibility of active probing as China do. Protocol masquerading is important and needs to stay dynamic, because the attackers won't stand still either.

A whole bunch of hard problems still lie ahead. I lost count of the number of design cycles I've been through now. It's been more than a decade.

Props to all those out there with interim solutions. I hope I can deliver something more final when we need it most.

BTW I don't fear corporations, simply that any single point of attack is a vulnerability any attacker will surely target.

That's why these project rebuilding the internet are so important.

You should read the maidsafe whitepapers

The current internet is already fucked. Google/NSA is pretty much everywhere and they're not leaving.

There's a programme on iPlayer called click and it tells you about a bit about China's internet if anyone's interested. They have some sort of Internet rating that people see offline.

separation at first, state internet with authentication for global use or some such

next stage if tech doesn't hit a wall global net of drones something like what google works on - internet everywhere for free with restrictions locally same as cable one

finally new golden age of free, because a lot of underground networks will be created, again if hardware delivery doesn't hit a wall

this has issues with data centers though, but if clock grow compression will get better making it easier to store stuff

Who said it will be a short and easy fight?

I'll add them to my reading list if they're unpatented, see if they have any useful constructions or concepts to adapt.

It's worth pointing out that the SV tech startup meme going on right now is absolutely terrible at platform longevity. Even the big players don't feel dedication towards any one particular project. It's just one "incredible journey" after another. I don't begrudge the founders wanting to get rich quick, but that kind of industry has no chance to solve huge problems that take decades of research and have zero prospect of meaningful monetisation like this. You've gotta believe in it: and be scientific enough to recognise when something's fucked, take a step back and redesign it until it's not fucked.

There are probably some concepts that simply won't make the jump. I can't picture ad-supported anything being viable and it's rude to ask for ID when everyone wears a mask.

Enjoy the internet as you know it while you have it.

well the very idea of the internet was to create a decentralized network.
Its a shame to see how SOPA, ACTA and other programs try to ruin it.
I doubt that ZeroNet will gain enough popularity to make a difference - but frankly I hope I am wrong with that.

They are patented but it is grantednto the public already.

Blockchain technology is Internet 2.0

It doesn't matter which net becomes popular, the technology needs to become mature. Banks will incest heavily in blockchain technology to run their infrastructure on, a decentralised web is already very possible but fuck ups like The DAO prove it's still immature.

A website like MEGA, but decentralised, without ability to comply with DMCAS, and paid with bandwidth and storage, wouldn't be too bad.

Blockchain as internet 2.0 wouldn't work because it would become to bulky and bloated over time. You can store some data on the blockchain like a private a ledger but don't expect it to work like it does when people are uploading a few hundred or thousand TB a minute. You need to break the network into smaller randomly picked nodes then put them in groups and give the a proportional amount of data to the network to store as well as verify locate manage and retrieve the data it also has to work with a dynamic network making at least X copies of the same data so when a node with data on it comes offline the network will put the data it just lost onto another node maintaining the least X copies. As well as that the network should make >X copies if the data being stored is public and being downloaded frequently to ease any pressure being put on the network.

Nobody. I'm just saying the fight is already lost. Privacy is a meme.


Losing some fights does not mean loosing the battle. And the battle is not lost yet. We can still get our privacy/freedom back.

you know, i2p is like 10 years old and not very popular
why do you think another decentraziled thingy will work?

Just as it is now, ruled by big data companies who have ever more power over our lives in increasingly subtle ways.

Fair enough, as long as we remember that, at least currently, privacy on the internet doesn't exist.

Maybe because it is easier to be used.

That is why the original question is about the future of the internet and not the present.

When it gets too bad, a decentralized mesh network might split off. A truly separate internet. If things are bad in the right ways, it will be quickly dismantled.

Mankind will find it apt to create an AI god for our godless world. Omnipotent, omnipresent, near omniscient, probably only omnibenevolent for its creators and maintainers. For a while.

The precursors and means for this are already falling into place. It's really the only conclusion all this data availability can reach. Something that can engineer you, and ultimately predict what you'll do before even you yourself are aware there's anything to do anything about. The universe is a grand machine probably of finite states. We will create a predictor with good enough heuristics to avoid attempting to calculate the future deterministically with some sort of statistical method.

The ignorant majority will finally hand it all over. And it'll probably end terribly.

This first cars and computers sucked really hard and were ridiculously expansive.
Expecting shit to stay the same forever is really stupid.

Why is every fucking modern js website today trying to look more like a powerpoint presentation and have a .io domain?

>have a .io domain?
do you honestly care at all?

Just a minor pet peeve, to be jitsuwa, senpaifam.

>Samefaghing your own thread
Direct democracy is the worst meme ever. I prefer bureaucratic democracy than memocracy.
>Daily reminder that none of the advances in technology would have taken place without capitalism, corporations and proprietary software
You fags will still be complaining about a non existent problem when Space travel becomes consumer capable and having 'normies' and 'tyrannies' ruling space.

That's why his answer was that it's going to be the same but worse, I assume English isn't your first language due to the lack of comprehension.

this is very true. my middle-out compression algorithm should help solve some of these issues.

Yes the war is lost and thing's aren't going to get better however the network infrastructure changes. The TLAs were caught with pants around ankles once they won't let it happen again.

>> 55437247
>> 55437306
are not mine posts.
(Unless I have a multiple personality disorder.)

By the way, how can you tell if 2 posts are from the same person/ip/place?

I would think that it would be a freenet like.

Distributed network, with no practical way of censorship (the only way would be to flood the system with useless shit, until there is only place for said shit), you can run your own internal network with just you and your friends, and there are no means of getting at it.

The only thing is that it's slow as fuck, thanks to the fact that you have to do a pathway algorithm everytime you are looking for a packet.

And the scalability of it is not really proven. And its currently filled with cp so there is that too

Oh, that must be why Linux holds a majority market share on supercomputers, smart phones, servers, and embedded systems!

Yes, it is my 2nd language.

An probably I was not reading it carefully enough, now I think I get the full meaning of the sentence.

>Super Computers
No one uses it. No one cares about it now that street shitting Chinks and Pajeets have faster SCs than most of the world.
>Smart Phones
People buy the cheaper option. Also the actual Linux Foundation endorsed Smart Phone OS bombed.
No windows rules it
>Embedded devices
Because there was no other alternative for years

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Super computers are both extremely expansive to build and to continue operating, if no one used them they wouldn't keep making better ones.

By smart phones I was referencing to android, which has a majority of the market and is Linux based.

That is a bold faced lie.

There is already a separate net based in San Diego using pirateboxes

Look at this how 'big' share M$ has in the web server market:

And they just increased its market share by -6.37% in the past month.

Where do you live user?

Since when exactly Windows dominates server marketshare ?

Funny story, at one time, microsoft was using linux server, and was faking the headers of that server so that no one knew it was running linux.

And btw, there are some stuff in linux that are still decades away from windows. The windows kernel is shit, and for a simple reason. If they rebuild the kernel (vista I am thinking about you), it will be shit, because of how much you need to do, and microsoft is lacking competent engineers to even design it.

And most of all, it will break all there precious backward compatibility.

Just objectively, if every software you ran on windows was on linux, why would you not swtich to a normie distro that doesn't require command line knowledge like ubuntu ? Sure there will be a learning curve, but in the long run, you will gain hugely on productivity

Why can't I see anything ?

Do you block java scripts?

If yes, whitelist the 1s-party ones (or whitelist ip

>>> 55437247
>asking how to tell anons apart
now you are just asking for it

When js is blocked, it looks like this

It should look something like this.

What the other user was implying is that android is a steaming pile of shit

Yeah, I know. Though, I can access websites like ZeroTalk with their direct link.

I tried with Chromium and it works, so it comes from my Firefox.

I use firefox and have no problem.
Have you tried clicking the round button in the corner?

Maybe here you can find a solution for your problem:

Look at the ips on the top right, otherwise try to guess

I see no ips :-/
Not just in the top right, but even if I inspect the page with "Inspect Element (Q)" I see no trace of ips.

Please, send a screen shot.


>We might have gotten our way in the fight for net neutrality and SOPA
No you didn't, they are a part of TPP and TTIP.

No one cares what you faggots think, no one cares about you. It all about avoiding the public outrage and whining.

Why are you so angry?
Does it upset you that some people don't wish to be slaves?

According to IDC [1], 47.9% of the servers worldwide ran Windows Server whereas 40.5% ran Linux.

Because "not being slaves" doesn't involve petitions or some shitty projects, normally it involves armed uprisings.
But you will never do that.

Will you?
Seems like a shitty reason to get upset at people who are atleast trying to make things better, rather then just complaining.

Armed uprising is so last century.

In the internet era we don't fight with arms anymore.

In the internet there there are more effective non-violent ways to fight. (Here I also consider even DDoS-ing as non-violent because nobody dies there.)

That's what the jew wants you to believe.
There hasn't been a single successful non-violent uprising in the whole history of mankind. Because might makes right.

Bullets are always effective though. A couple of bullets can change the whole course of society in mere seconds.

Yes and from your link, you can see that based on W3Cook, 96.6 % of top one million websites run on linux.

Also that's not an appropriate measurement since it only target webservers. Get over it, *nix with way better for servers.

And also, try to find me a firewall or a router server that runs on windows.

I'm Not And I was posting link to show that there is more supporting Linux as dominate.

"might makes right"
is fallacious.
Shooting a doctor who told you that you're dieing from cancer wont save you from dieing.

In historic perspective the doctor was wrong to tell you that and suffered the consequences.

Might does make right.

Unfortunately, this internet is here to stay.

We're all fugg'd, lads.

Ok, now I know you are just messing with me.

On the societal scale the cancer is only there if someone else tell you it's there.
You can call black white and white black and no one will oppose if you have the might.

>if you kill terrorists they win
>islam is a religion of peace
>everyone is equal and is the same, but you need more diversity, because some people are more equal than you

etc etc

Just watch any MSM channel. The lies defying science are accepted as axioms, even the words change their meanings.

So yes, the might does make right.

There is a difference between what people believe to be right and what is actually right.

The point of logic is to find what is actually.

If what you think is right does not match up with what is actually right, there can do dire congruences.

For example, if you believed you could spontaneously fly and so jumped off a cliff, but you really couldn't, then you'd fall and break your legs or die.

If censorship gets real bad, I expect there will be large pushes for encryption everywhere. People will find a way to encrypt where a packet came from and where it's going and of course what's in it, somehow. Probably involving offshore servers

>There is a difference between what people believe to be right and what is actually right.
There is literally none if enough people are made to believe something.

>For example, if you believed you could spontaneously fly and so jumped off a cliff, but you really couldn't, then you'd fall and break your legs or die.

Not if you redefine what flight is. If people believe that falling and breaking your legs is flying, then people can fly.

There are already plenty of countries where censorship is really really bad.

The only thing that changing the meaning of words on people accomplishes is communication failure.
"A rose by any other name smells just as sweet." -some poetic jerk

Isn't that what tor does?

Tor takes many many liberties with security and anonymity to facilitate speed. It's not a true onion network and is much easier to spy on than one.

Haven't you ever heard of Gandhi or Martin Luther King?

To mention only the two most famous nonviolent fighters.

Let's see Sup Forums. Imagine this situation. You can choose between these two:

1. You have less privacy, you need an identity online and you can't be just completely anonymous, however you get true freedom of expression, you can say and discuss whatever is humanly possible, publicly or privately without ever being sent to court, penalized or even banned from any networks.

2. You can have more privacy, but if you say something "mean" or disagreeable and there's any trace of your identity on internet, you're either going to lose your internet access, job or even get sent to prison.

#2 is already what we have. It's better than #1 at least. If some cuck could look me up on the national database and see my Sup Forums posts I'd struggle in my social life


we're going to need John Connors also

You'd still have an easier time to bring more people together with the same ideas. It's a matter of choosing between being silenced or being watched. Eventually, both are terrible and both are the current goals it seems.

I honestly wouldn't want either, but I feel worse about not being able to give an idea to people who might benefit from having it in the marketplace, than about being watched. If something what bothers me about surveillance is exactly what goes after.

The first part of option 1 would lead to option 2 rather then the second part.

And either way there are always other options.
Your thought-box is too restricting.

I'm sorry but we're all out of John Connors so all I can offer you is the budget version.

BitCoin botnet? Since it has no censorship I assume there are some illegal websites hosted there which means you can get in trouble for using it?

You can choose what sites you seed and don't seed, if you visit a site with illegal content then just "delete" the site and you'll stop seeding it and no-longer have it on your computer.



It won't be truly free until meshnets become a thing, They already are in certain countries like germany and i think spain, (freifunk and gulfi).

They will be nessisary for a true free internet,

Even without an internet connection meshnets can still be useful as content from the internet can be uploaded to the mesh via people with actual internet connections.

There post shows no sign of them being upset.
Even then, I do not know why it would matter, an argument is neither validated nor invalidated by the emotional state of the one making an argument.

Are you meant it to be an argument against the power of nonviolence?

It is poor even for an Ad hominem attack.

When running out of logic based arguments, people usually try to argue by emotional attacks. How silly is that?

This is interesting. Looking into this one. Lets keep this thread alive, shameless bump

On Zeronet we've got a chan!
I look forward to seeing you there!

Came to ask about meshnets? Aren't they a plausible solution for a fully decentralized network infrastructure?

I know nearly nothing about them though. What are some advantages and disadvantages of meshnets implementationally?

What bank do you go to?

The problem is, people prefer simplicity over freedom.

20 years ago, a lot of cool search engines where out ther. now it's only Goooogle (and some sad small websites here and there or google-parasites like dickduck).

People want ONE solution, that' why we don't have a real competitor to Fazefook, Twittr and so on..

People love centralization.