Sup Forums humour thread?


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No, these always turn into jewbook and Sup Forums -tier humor threads with the same shit post every time.

Well they will with that attitude!


3 4

no no no

This sounds like a spiderman thread.

Shit meme is so overused I get angry not because of it but because people still force it. So fucking kill yourself

Keep this shit in Sup Forums

user, haha. where did you find this one?!

Back to 9gag nigger
Summer started early this year

> he doesn't understand board revisions

Oh the irony


>using big words you only slightly know the meaning of to appear smart
Kill yourself, you stupid fucking piece of shit.



he doesn't understand basic shit
>everyone else must be stupid.
You sound like a black person, blaming your problems on someone else


At least they start at 0...





I wonder what happened to her after the lobotomy.


Lol which of those were big words? Are you nigger or something?


> He considers the words "revision", "board" and "understand" to be big words

Unless it's "he" or "doesn't" you're struggling with..?

what's wrong with these graphics user? are you just shitting on apple for no reason?

that's not really special

a lot of very cheap electronics use narrow copper traces as a fuse

Fuck off commie

Where did that resistor come from?

They are a completely shit way to analyse anything


ctrl + f'd humor only to find broken spelling smfh

Oh god the autism

why'd they skip 2?


summer here
What the fuck this?

reposting from a recent thread because I haven't sorted the file yet

it changed colors


At least their random colour generators work then

>2x the performance
>performance over time
Ok user, how would you analyze it then? Also, remember the goal of these keynotes is to make Apple and their products look good.


Just put numbers without context and make graphs look nice to sell your product to gullible masses then :^D

There is context though. Have you heard of relative performance?

>pls upgrade to the new one

From 1 mph to 2mph there's a 100% increase in performance!
Traffic is moving at 60mph though. Good job with your 100% increase!

Jesus, are you that autistic?

What wrong with saying the next gen processors have double the performance compared to previous gen? The audience has used the apple current gen product - they will know what to expect.

Now... you can complain about whether that's true or not but you're just being a retard.

Anybody here want the fuck out of this?


Fuck expensive DACs and other garbage, I'm getting a SoundBlaster!


Looks like shit.

hmm nice dildo

I think you've been abducted by ayy lmaos one too many times

Does anybody know the animation on Youtube about a neckbeard who tries to insult a macfag and ends up crying in his room?

That's not humour lad, it's gore



>40x 0 = 0


That's really stretching it user. "iPhone" obviously starts at a value above 0 (obviously, 40x less than where iPhone 5s is).

Why grasp for straws when you're trying to shit on Apple products? If it's that hard to shit on them, it means they're good.

Sure, you *could've* brought up the high cost of ownership or muh games but you choose this shit that just proves you're a retard.


how new are you?

Post moar TayTay


>big words
Sup Forums - Technology, everyone!

How do you know the next gen product actually has double the speed or performance? Those apple graphs are literally meaningless, they're not measuring any kind of units.

>run benchmark 1 on product 1-> takes 60 seconds
>run benchmark 1 on product 2 -> takes 30 seconds
We doubled our performance guys. Sure, they omit labels, axes, etc. but isn't that the Apple *philosophy* - take out what anyone can infer?


never understood this one

Never heard of card crusher?

nuh uh


>Doesn't understand that a small trace section on a larger trace would act as a fuse

the fuck is going on here?

which part?

when audiophile autsim strikes

>expecting the softwareonly babbies of Sup Forums to get this


Nice hard-fuse. what's the fucking replacement of a fucking vein?

Yes, that is the joke, retard


That one with the guy crying while ridiculous music plays is 10/10

Haha, OP posted a picture as if it was funny and then tried to defend his not knowing that it actually works

>tfw an AI said the truth about humanity

You just put a normal fuse on top of the blown trace :^)


this needs a "what-is-he-listening-to" thread. surely that'd be a gold mine.

OP here, the guy you replied to wasn't me, so nice job. And also if I didn't know how that fuse worked, why did you think I posted the image? If not that, what possible reason would I have to post that in a humour thread? Just admit that the joke went over your head.

They're really amazingly expensive headphones his friend owns and wanted him to review.

But they suck, they're shrill, loud, and it hurts.

I get it.

I mean, where is the actual specification of such fuse sempai?

Just start with the lowest ratad fuse and go up from there, when it doesn't blow anymore you got it. Easy.