Why don't you have a gaming laptop Sup Forums?

Why don't you have a gaming laptop Sup Forums?

>led lights
>perfect design
>comparing to thinkpads its like thinkpads are 1970 Lada while gaming laptops are bmw i8

stopped reading there

>shows image of Alienware laptop from 2007

heck no
not a plus point
>>led lights
desktops have them too
>>perfect design
>>comparing to thinkpads its like thinkpads are 1970 Lada while gaming laptops are bmw i8
a precision designed highly capable laptop enclosed in lightweight magnesium frame for the enterprise versus babbys first congealed mess of metal and plastic for gayming

> not really portable
> not cheaper
> prebuild is a con rather than a pro (harder to upgrade)
> led lights - gtfo
> perfect design - lol no

Because my regular labtop plays games well enough and doesn't look retarded as hell.



I have a desktop and don't want a laptop that's bulky and hot.

for someone like me in the military its great. Got the Asus with a 980 and a i7 for 1500. Runs everything great. but i miss my desktop at home.

Not even close.
Not for the same money.
Is this a good thing?
>led lights
The only good thing about this is choosing your keyboard backlight color.
>perfect design
I guess if a 2" thick laptop is perfect.
>comparing to thinkpads its like thinkpads are 1970 Lada while gaming laptops are bmw i8
This is the most wrong statement in the bunch. My T420 is fantastic in every way and has build quality to rival the Gaming laptops.
I do, I also happen to run GNU/Linux on it.

>led lights
>perfect design
>comparing to thinkpads its like thinkpads are 1970 Lada while gaming laptops are bmw i8



are you fucking retarded?

eGPU > gaming laptop

some of gayming leltop with gtx 950/960 mobile can be had like $900 or less, and they more than enough for shitty meme 1366x768 res.

>this laptop my mom bought is kewl r-right guize?

i like how you left out the most important thing
>shit performance

Thunderbolt 3 looks really promising for the future of external gpus

Even thunderbolt 2 is enough for a 1070 / 1080 without losing more than 5 or 10%
So unless you want to play in 4k you're good to go.

Because I am not a basement dwelling Sup Forums manchild

>with gtx 950/960 mobile can be had like $900 or less
Yes and they perform only marginally better than the IGP found in the a10 7850k. That's a two and a half year old, bandwidth starved integrated graphics processor which can be bought for peanuts. No matter which category you look at, gaming laptops are always more expensive.
I've never understood this. Why not just have a desktop and use steam in home streaming whenever you feel like playing games on the laptop? That also brings with it the advantage of being able to buy a passive laptop and playing a game in bed without the laptop catching fire.

I don't play video games because I am not a fucking faggot.

Grow up already, you waste of sperm.

I do
I bought it mostly to take to fighting game tournaments though because it's too hard to fly with a monitor and I have a desktop too

>while gaming laptops are bmw i8
So a gaudy half-hybrid thing nobody wants? Sounds about right to me.

Because I'm not a raging autist who needs to get a vidya fix every 5 minutes.

This is obviously a bait thread, why are you people still posting

>perfect design
>post brick that sounds like a jet fighter and it's internals are housefire approved, while being as fast as a slug

I bought a gtx 960 laptop for like 800usd exclusively for playing doto at LANs, at my friend's and for Photoshop/Premiere at Uni.

Zerro complaints as I have a Desktop when I am at home.

When did Sup Forums get so dumb as to fall for threads that just scream 'THIS IS BAIT'?

Would you say that maybe the OP is so obviously bait that it could, perhaps, be considered a joke? Not everything posted online is specifically designed to infuriate you, you know.

Congratulations on finding hardware that fits your use case. Do you want a cookie?

>Led lights
Fucking retarded
That's a negative
>perfect design
Not even close

Shit bait. Not even worthy of a (You)


Gaming Laptops are some peoples only choice. Granted I cant wait until I get a new 1070 mATX build Ive been eyeing.

Macbook Pros are better for someone who isnt an autist

I do. It's called a thinkpad with an eGPU.

Everything you described is actually why I don't use.

I'm not a manchild, I use my computers for studying and work. If I want to spend some time, I go outside or talk with the hacker known as Sup Forums.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Hey there me :^)

Hacker known as four Chan! Xd !

If the keyboard was mechanical, I could take it half seriously. It's already not portable, at least make it usable.


Because I'm not a faggot. It's pretty simple when you think about. Even with 2 of those chubby fucks it couldn't touch my PC. You might as well buy a Mac with all that wasted money, you would get the same performance.

You forgot
> 0 to 100 Celsius in 4 seconds flat.

I actually like the old m14x and m11x designs. The Alienware 13 is nice, too.

However, I had a shit experience with Dell and the Alienware 14 I bought a couple years back. It would pretty much completely fail every six months.

I do. But it's certainly not portable nor cheaper. It's not faster nor a better design than my desktop. That said, I enjoy having a couple machines I can to a friend's to LAN some games without issue.

I actually do, my second laptop here is a gaming laptop(Dell XPS 17). It depreciated like a mother fucker over the 4 years. Hell, Dell said fuck it and did not support it with Win10, but let the 13-15 XPS stay supported.

I'd rather get a normal 15-17 laptop with a good screen and build a good E-GPU around it for home use.m, but currently building an actual desktop at the moment.

>comparing to thinkpads its like thinkpads are 1970 Lada while gaming laptops are bmw i8
Lada = parts-a-plenty, large base of users who can fix them with wire and spit
BMW i8 = Amazing until it breaks and you spend enough in repairs to buy entire other cars, and every door ding is a ding to your soul, since appearance and showing off is what you truly care about

Watch out! Noodle arms can't lift 10 pounds are trying to voice an opinion! NOODLE ARMS ALERT!

what is your profession?

I do
Not even Schwarzenegger in his 30's would want to keep carrying around my 18inch 13+ lb monster

I don't care how big my laptop is. I kinda feel weak sometimes because my mother carries a purse with the weight of an anvil on a daily basis so I tend to not bitch about carrying around a dinosaur of a laptop.

Holy shit, what is that?

you could get a fast i7 and a gtx856/960m at 4lbs but the ones with gtx970m and gtx980m are at 7 or 7.5lbs

you can't use it at full capacity

gtx950 not

I have approximately zero interest in playing the sorts of games you play with a full sized graphics card on the go. My current laptop is portable and plays the sort of casual, non-consuming games that are actually good to play when away from my desk. I'll save AAA 3D games for the environment they're meant to be played in.

Because I have no use for powerful components in a "portable" form factor. Give me the choice between a gaymen laptop and an Atom N270 netbook, I'll take the netbook.

13lb is 1.3lb to Schwarzenegger.


Uni is coming up in 2 months for me now that I finished my entrance exams and I have an 860m asus rog laptop. Should I get the new model with the 980m or is there another good brand out there for gaming laptops? And no, the dorm I will be sitting in is small as fuck and has a tiny table, so mATX pc won't be a solution. And my back has been trained to carry weights, so that's not a problem at all.

why would you buy this shit when you can get a Sager laptop with a desktop i7 6700K in it?

>Why don't you have a troll thread Sup Forums?
>>posted by retards
>>comparing to informative threads its like informative threads are 1970 Lada while troll threads are bmw i8

Alright i´ll bite.


How fucking stupid are you? Where the hell am supposed to carry such an ugly looking piece of technology? Am I supposed to drag the fucker to a nice park and sit on an empty parkbench and gaym like a fucking manchild out in nature? Good luck playing for any longer then 10 minutes without it dying on you because you forgot the fucking charger. Oh, thats right! The charger is almost as heavy as the computer and is required at all times if you want to play games so I guess you just have to carry that disgustingly obese thing of a computer to the closest café. Customers stared and laughing could be heard as you walked in and ordered a vanilla latte. The laughing could no longer be heard as you started your freakshow of a laptop and the fans started spinning. Blind children could finally see color for the first time as the rainbow, retina-frying LEDs activated. Perfect time for your MLG approved gaymen glasses. You decide to start of with some Minecraft to warm up. Shocked, you realized you forgot your Razer gaymen mouse with 8000 dpi but no worries. This is why your 4k touchscreen display exist. Your latte is done but there is no place for it on your table when your laptop sits there. The coffee boils as the waitress places it on your laptop. It is getting quite warm here isn´t? Good thing you brought the watercooler.

Why couldn´t you just gaym at home? Oh, thats right! You bought a fucking laptop!
That´s what it´s made for! Silly me. In what situation would I ever need to gaym away from home with inferior performance but still more expensive than my PC.

I do
It's old as shit now
Has a i7 something something and 560m
It was really good back when I got it but it's past its prime and I pretty much just use it to shitpost and watch videos

You have to go back.

GTX 960M laptops are actually bretty good if you want a machine that can actually do stuff without being stupidly heavy, expensive or hot. But certainly isn't enough to replace desktop.

I have an alienware and after 5 years this baby is still rocking

That's a real fancy microwave you've got there, user.

Shit hardware, no battery life.

>cant go out into the world without feeling the need to play vidya


Which games will the 1070 gay men laptops even be able to run?

Didn't think so.

Cheaper? Compared to what? Mainframes?

>comparing to thinkpads its like thinkpads are 1970 Lada while gaming laptops are bmw i8

True. You can roll a 1970s lada down a cliff and it'll still work, while a BMW i8 will break down from mere mechanical wear and bumps in the road after about 20000 miles