>still considering AMD
Why would you? the GTX 1060 now BTFO the 480. Zen is going to be a failure as well.
>still considering AMD
Why would you? the GTX 1060 now BTFO the 480. Zen is going to be a failure as well.
Other urls found in this thread:
1 Rupee has been deposited into your account Pajeet
why does Nvidia have the most agressive shitposters all throughout the web?
Is it paid shilling? Post and pre purchase rationalization?
Why didn't AMD make any high end cards this year?
Did you miss the constant threads saying the 480 was faster than the $600 nvidia card?
of course the 1060 BTFOs the 480, the 480 is old as fucking dirt.
They all owned AMD at one point so they hate them as a company as a direct result.
AMD user here, kek amd is ded dude only few weeks before 1060 out.
Because only poorfags buy AMDshit anyway.
If you have that much money for a GPU might as well get a Nvidia.
AMD shitposters are just as aggressive.
Exactly, idiots on both sides. There is always some misinformed idiots shitposting about GPUs.
No didn't miss them, it was false flag Nvidiots trying to overhype the 480 with "1070 is dead!!!"
The actual FACT is that the 480 was going to nestle between the 970/980, and it has done that task.
>Check this benchmark of a 970 EXOC!!
Enough said
>Check Metro LL Redux Benchmark
A game so shit that the Nvidia users said it had issues
>No DX12 for years
More are coming soon
Cripple card 2.0, $300 for 3gb and no SLi
>PCI housefires
Fixed and AiB
>6 pin
8 Pin coming
>1080 is better for future!!
That why you shills won't discuss no VR on Display port?
>That why you shills won't discuss no VR on Display port?
in 3 months
470 > all lower nvidia chips
480 > 1060
490 = 1070 (if released in same timeframe)
in 6 months
Fury2 > 1080
1080Ti > everything else
It's exactly how the 900 series went all over again except with less rebrands.
480 > 1070
Wew laddie! This is what MAD POORS actually believe!
he said 490 v 1070 u blind cunt.
J-just wait 2 years for the drivers to not suck. Its not like the card will be outdated by then ot anything. I want to play dx11 games now, amd has 50% to 100% more driver overhead in dx11 in two years if they have not given up on it they might get it down to 25%. What value! Just keep telling yourselves the numbers on the spec sheet are all that matters.
>being this insecure
I'm buying the 480 as soon as someone releases one with a really powerfull custom cooler. It'll work great for my needs. Rendering animations, Overwatch, and Arma 3 (currently have a i5 4690k @4.6ghz so I should be fine).
5 CashPoints as been deposited into your Nvidia Funds™ account. Good job Rakesh!
Nvidia user here, but I don't want to get gimped 192 bit vram. I'd rather stick with my 256 bit on my 970. It may only have 3.5gb but at least it can use all of it.
480 is cheaper, has wider bus, moar ram and better performance of the 1060 needs to be proven by third party benchmarks. Anyway I have a 1080p screen and 5fps more or less doesn't matter that much so whichever aftermarket well ocing model is going to be cheaper will be it.
Do you enjoy paying nvidia tax? I see
Are there good oss drivers for AMD in Linux yet? And by good, I'll even accept just matching the performance of the on-chip GPU that comes with a celleron.
where are the fucking benchmarks
>1060 costs 400 dollars
>lol it beat the 480 a 200 dollar card! AMD BTFO
>false flag
Sure thing bro, and this is all false flag AMDumbs shitting up the board to hype up the 1060 falsely.
$250 bro.
>$200 card
You can't buy one right now for less than $300
>Nvidia unveils the GTX 1060: Faster than a GTX 980 for $250
Please leave pajeet
it's not my fault you didn't get them when stocks were up.
so when amd shills that the 480 was better than the 980 it's all bullshit but when nvidikids do it it has to be legit.
I did some math and i dont know where the zen ipc = broadwell meme started.
at 3.7ghz its going to have roughly the same floating point performance as haswell @ 3.2ghz
basing this off amd's claim of 40% ipc over excavator and using the 860k as a reference point.
this puts it slower than ivy bridge and on par with sandy bridge
pretty disappointing if true.
Unless you're a MUH FPS maniac you don't need the latest CPU anyway. Wasn't the difference between each Intel gen like 5%?
>Wasn't the difference between each Intel gen like 5%?
Sometimes not even that. The i5-6600 and i5-4690 perform exactly the same. The only difference is a ~20-25% reduction in TDP.
no benchmarks yet.
People said the 480 would blow the fuck out the competition too.
Why would you have faith in nvidia?
Real world performance is all that matters.
You gotta be a real dumbass to go with AMD these days
Nvidia actually follows through, unlike AMD
Even then Nvidia really riding the throne too hard, considering 1070/80 sell prices. Also the only people really turned off by the 480 are the fools that thought it would beat a 980ti, a near 400-500 card.
The 480 is riddled with issues, I feel bad for anyone that bought one.
>Not PCI compliant
Literally just fixed in a patch
That was the only issue with the card
>tfw you get 8gb instead of 4gb
It wasn't even fixed, check the tests, it STILL goes over the power limit.
you do realize that the only dx12 point in favor of AMD is async compute right?
Of course a 1060 is faster than a GTX 480. Are you retarded?
with new drivers it is 980 level
I honestly could buy the 1080 or 1070. I love VR. Simultaneous Multiprojection is great for my Vive. But I like having cheap Freesync monitors. Is the Pascal GPUs worth the 200 extra bucks to get GSYNC over Freesync? I don't know. There is a hidden cost to NVIDIA GPUs. This is one of them.
>There is a hidden cost to NVIDIA GPUs
besides the fact they are overpriced to being with? woah
Yes, I agree completely friend. It's like they don't want to play it the way it's meant to be played™ or something haha. I just the got the Geforce® 1080 FE and put it in my sweet case. Do you like it?
With features like ShadowPlay, found only in NVIDIA GeForce Experience™, I can easily record my awesome gameplay footage and upload it straight to Youtube!
Not even close. The 1060 is actually 980 level, while the 480 continues to lag behind.
>no 6 pin
nvidiots' mobo on suicide watch.
Hey there, I'm not biased at all (I own a graphics card) but I'd advise you to always buy Nvidia™, because Nvidia™ runs faster, cooler, and gives more frames and GHz when overclocked. Nvidia™ let's me play games The Way it's Meant to be Played™, and with Nvidia's innovative GameWorks™ development framework powering over 90% of up and coming titles this year, you'd be a fool to even consider a card from an inferior company. I could talk to you about drivers (AMD has none, not one driver) but you're probably already sold by now. Buy any Nvidia™ card at any price point and you will NOT be disappointed!
lrn2read pls
>>no 6 pin
>gtx 1060 btfo 480
>$100 more for similar performance
>only compatible with gsync that costs another extra $300
uhh what?
How the fuck did they put the 6 pin there, the PCB ends way before
>>$100 more for similar performance
Source? The difference in MSRP is only $10-20 between the 480 8gb (if they ever make a 4gb) and 1060 6gb.
Currently 3 RX480 hate thread. AMD did a good job. Also I never seen this much GPU threads in total. Raj got'em salty!
Couldn't tell you until we see nudies. I'd guess based upon the images there's an extension.
More like
470>anything below 1050
Fury 2.0>1080
Fury 2.0XT>1080Ti/Titanic
Goto 2:50 on the video.
1060 Founders Edition $299
>Founders Edition
Well there's your problem.
>Founders Edition
That will be the only one available on release day for $300 or less. The $250 MSRP is bullshit that's marketed to make people think the card is cheaper than it is.
I will always buy Nvidia™ because I only play games The Way It's Meant to be Played™. Nvidia also pioneers innovative new technologies like PhysX™, Gameworks™ and the highest quality driver to ever grace Windows. When I boot up with a brand new Nvidia Geforce™, I can experience the game just like it's meant to be played. Nvidia™ also delivers a far more silkysmooth experience. Nvidia Geforce™ is also very power efficient. A graphic card is the most power hungry device in your house. Refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters, dish washers, lights, etc all use significantly less power than a graphic card. Which is why Nvidia™ puts gamers first by ensuring that their gaming experience is of the highest quality while looking out for gamers by giving them the most value in their electrical bill. At this point in time, there's really no reason to consider an AMD graphic card at all. I tried one one time, it caused so much heat that it exploded. It also consumed so much power that it gave off an EMP and destroyed the rest of my computer. Nvidia™ also pioneered how useless GPGPU is with CUDA™. Years ago, everyone thought GPGPU, CUDA™, and OpenCL were the future. Now, Nvidia™ has removed those useless features from their GPUs and increased efficiency. Now you can save thousands a year in electricity thanks to Nvidia™ ensuring that useless features like GPGPU are "optimized" for gamers. It's quite clear that OP's an AMD shill trying to convince you to settle on something less than The Way It's Mean to be Played™. Nvidia™ is the only real way to play games. We have seen recently that they offer incredible libraries for software developers like Nvidia Gameworks. He is probably too poor to afford the Nvidia Geforce Experience and can not afford to play any games The Way It's Meant To be Played™. Don't be a poor gamer with bad drivers and a huge power bill. Play games with the Geforce Experience: The Way It's Meant To Be Played™
>The $250 MSRP is bullshit
Which is why we are currently seeing 1080 selling for less than the FE version is priced at? It seems like your cherry-picking is not based upon ignorance of the facts but by intentional choice.
As it is clear to me that you are being a disingenuous little shit spreading FUD I see no point in responding any further but to say:
Stop spreading your FUD.
>Which is why we are currently seeing 1080 selling for less than the FE version
Try again
>Why would you?
Because nVidia heats as fucking hell in every environment I used.
Based AMD stays cool,and works fine. I can do anything even with a old HD6800. Even gaming,even 3D rendering,BASICALLY ANYTHING I WANT,without having to worry of a fucking housefire like nVidia cards are.
Did you stop using Nvidia when Fermi was released? Have you looked at the reviews for the 480 compared to even the 1080 let alone the 1070?
>Well there's your problem.
Stop spreading your FUD.
yeah, because it worked out so well with 1070 and 1080 and you can buy aibs for just tiny bit over msrp like they promised
in reality they cost more than foundners edition for 1070
nvidiot shillers detected.
I hope to god your cards burn down because of the heat they produce.
>nvidiots will defend this - I had to get a 8500GT temporarily since my GT210 (which heats as fuck,FUCK YOU NVIDIA) died,and I actually regret getting the 8500GT and the GT210 altogether. Both heat up as fuck,both suck at even running OMSI 2 (bus simulator,goddamit!). Tried some X1650 card I found cheap,and OMSI 2 actually ran okay and was pretty cool to touch,unlike boiling hot.
I stopped using it way after I tried their G84/86 and the GT218 chips. Holy fuck NO. Don't get me wrong,but even a Radeon 9600 and a HD3450 ran way cooler than those did. I might hunt down a HD6800,and use that. I'll need a new PSU tho,the one I have is pretty weak. (350W CWT-built PSU)
Have you checked the pricing on the 1080 on EVGA's website?
>I stopped using it way after I tried their G84/86 and the GT218 chips. Holy fuck NO. Don't get me wrong,but even a Radeon 9600 and a HD3450 ran way cooler than those did.
You just *might* want to update your information. AMD has been the one to run hot since the 7000 series.
man i wonder if they had any exclusivity deal (if that is the case) before oculus got btfo and was forced to open the hmd for everyone lol
Because unironically they have better drivers on Linux.
yup. AMD lose the perf/watt crown when they abandoned their good architecture for a shitty clone of NVIDIA's tesla architecture in an effort to compete in the GPGPU space.
AMD really should have considered continuing terascale for the gamer market. They had chips that could compete with nvidia performance wise in half the space.
>7000 series
Did you notice I said I'll hunt down a HD6800? That's before 7000 series,logically.
And yes,I have used a AMD-based PC with that card and it ran pretty cool. Phenom X4 960T w/ HD6800 from Sapphire. Ran pretty cool and at least the only games I tested ran pretty good. (Need For Speed Hot Pursuit and Oddworld's New'n Tasty)
I'll actually say this: HD6800 seems to work just fine in 2016. I don't see any reason to upgrade any more. If it runs okay,has DX11 support and doesn't heat up as fucking hell,then it's good to use. PCSX2 also ran fine,and from my memory PCSX2 requires some batshit insane hardware to run decently.
>Did you notice I said I'll hunt down a HD6800? That's before 7000 series,logically.
No shit? I wonder if that might be part of the reason why I suggested:
>You just *might* want to update your information.
Your knowledge about graphics technology and GPUs is limited to before 2010. There's been a couple of architecture and new nodes since then.
because look the prices of nvidia cards...
they gonna have a hard time trying to justify any TI variant being above the price of any FE edition
besides amd was targeting the larger market that is 300 bucks and below opening 3 productions lines at the same time on a new node would have been suicidal and obviously amd couldnt afford to have the same problem nvidia currently has being out of stock for weeks nowinstock.net
(the production was the only reason as to why amd made a deal again with glofo despite their previous disastrous deal...because being on tsmc with apple quallcomm and nvidia and apple being paying a lot to get the premium production would have been catastrophic)
They're all out of stock/back order. That hardly counts.
[arhue@localhost ~]$ sensors
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1: +54.0°C (crit = +120.0°C, hyst = +90.0°C)
Room temp 26c on a R9 280, was gaming some time back. Not him but I've had 2 Nvidia GPUs in the past. GTX 650 and 9500 GT. The former burnt down (twice!) on Linux, while latter burnt down on Windows.
Good for you user. I've had two 6870s in the past. Sold one, still running the other.
the difference on dx12 between 480 and 1070 is just 8-11% depending the game...
and that is before the yesterday driver update lol
dont be suprised in 1-2 months if 480 actually be on par with it
Nothing I can buy
>They're all out of stock/back order. That hardly counts.
Stop spreading your FUD. Go check out the EVGA link. Even the manufacturer is providing the same price. And sadly the same availability.
>Your knowledge about graphics technology and GPUs is limited to before 2010. There's been a couple of architecture and new nodes since then.
Doesn't matter. About every system I had or used with nVidia ran burning hot.
You have bad timing.
Let me see if I understand your stance correctly. You honestly and genuinely believe technology stays static and doesn't change in SIX YEARS?!?
still rocking 390
It doesn't help when you have to wait weeks just to buy something that shouldn't have been paper launched at a higher than normal price.
>thinking nvidia cares for their customers
>that shouldn't have been paper launched at a higher than normal price.
>paper launched
Might I suggest you not toss around terms you clearly do not understand?
At least you prove that you are an amateur rather than a paid AMD shill in spreading FUD.
Wrong. What is my point is that nVidia cards ALWAYS ran burning hot,and to this day,when the 980Ti and even 1060 and 1080 exist,they STILL run burning hot.