Windows 10

>windows 10
>"m-muh botnet"
>what is winreducer
>"b-but you can't fully remove the botnet!"
You are right. But at least you can remove most of the crapware, and the "botnet" will be almost nonexistent.
>"b-but it'll redownload everything back!"
Then I can't help if you are paranoid.

Other urls found in this thread:

>>"b-but you can't fully remove the botnet!"
>You are right

You can't even into proper b8 Pajeet

>wanting to use an inferior OS

It's windows user, not one of the few thousand barely compatible Linux distros :')

Why do I have to literally remove an OS level spyware?

A pasta i saved just in case.

B O T N E T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
O Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":
E Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:
| Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:
| Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:
| ·
| Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
| location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
| even after related settings are turned off:
| ·
| ·
| [YouTube] Windows 10 Concerning Network Traffic (embed)
| A Traffic Analysis of Windows 10:
| Keypoints: Windows 10 has a keylogger and uploads all your
| keystrokes every 5 minutes. Everything you type in Edge or
| Cortana is sent to Microsoft, along with any media files it
| finds. When webcam is enabled, 35MB of data goes to Microsoft.
| Even with Cortana disabled/uninstalled, Windows 10 sends all
| microphone audio to Microsoft, when the computer is idle.
| Windows 10 sends desktop screenshots straight to Microsoft:
| (embed)
| [YouTube] Windows 10 дeлaeт cкpиншoты coдepжимoгo экpaнa и oтcылaeт их в Microsoft (unembed)

| Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:
| Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:
| > Over 82 billion photos viewed.
| > Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
| > 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
| > Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
| > Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.

Stupid sexy Gates

>remove most of the crapware, and the "botnet" will be almost nonexistent
Any guides to this? I'm stuck with win 10 and want this and cortana gone but nobody actually tells you how, they just shitpost about it.

You can't. It's just placebo. Just look some online, you'd see a bunch of video where windows is still sending data though the ``tracking'' is supposed to be deactivated.

holy fuck, fucking normies letting this shit happen.

>using shady shitware to placebo yourself.
Worthless cuck.

I don't mind, really... I became an ubuntu babbie when they released vista.
I went deeper into linux memes as microsoft become more and more botnet.

2bh, it's not microsoft that worries me, but facebook's (I am starting to use another browser dedicated to social networking so I won't be a social outcast anymore) and google 's tracking.

Botnet aside, Windows 10 doesn't offer anything new to me that I can't do on 8.1, save for DX12. I don't see the point in upgrading.

Literally why not just use 7? I see no benefits, even disregarding the botnet.

>Keypoints: Windows 10 has a keylogger and uploads all your
| keystrokes every 5 minutes.

Yeah sure.

Funny how the source claims it's stored in temporary files but conveniently doesn't bother to say where.

How does it feel to be reduced to lowly work because you are a untouchable lower caste piece of shit?

Not desu
Kill your self

If I killed myself everytime some dude on Sup Forums told me to, I'd be dead.

>getting caught in nippon moot's word filter.
not tbħ

5 rupees have been deposited into your Microsoft account!

Even though I hate Windows 10, Windows 7 is starting to become a pain in the ass.

I have been trying for the past hour to install Windows 7 on a new Intel NUC. Once the Windows 7 screen shows up ... no mouse ...

After half an hour searching on the internet, I discover that Windows 7 SP1 doesn't support USB 3.0 out of the box. Of course this retarded NUC has 4 USB 3.0 ports but 0 USB 2.0 ports. Intel has released an obscure software which patches the Windows 7 ISO to enable USB 3.0 during Windows 7 installation. I've been waiting for the past 15 minutes for it to complete the process, still waiting ...

There are several approaches. I'd physically disable WiFi, monitor all network traffic and block everything that looks fishy.
To kill cortana just boot with Linux live disk/flash-drive and rename cortana.exe to something else.

Can you disable updates?
Then fuck off!

edgy lol