guts thread
how the fuck do you people manage sata cables edition
guts thread
how the fuck do you people manage sata cables edition
By getting a better case which allows for more hidden cable management.
tick tock tick tock
Cant wait to place the order
i'm crossing my fingers for you user. Hope the upgrade goes smoothly.
Me too. Im too paranoid for some reason.
and having a motherboard with right angled connectors
that USB3 cable throws off the otherwise very nice cabling, such a bitch that no-one can make USB3 cables easily managable
Tell me about it, those fucking cables are always made out of the hardest plastic one can find for cable use, you sooner bend your motherboard than the cable to actually fit any holes for management.
This can be easily worked around with 90* angled SATA cables.
my sata cable slots are upside down and far away from cable holes
I hate/love these threads.
I'm rocking a W530/i7 and can't yet afford a rig.
But I love looking at all these.
How do you guys battle GPU sag? This aluminum wire is not very effective as it bends the backplace.
You should get rail like OP, or hell, stick a pencil underneath.
>Get a rail like OP
it's part of the case, but the case is extremely shit (but extremely cheap) so I wouldn't recommend it.
Perixx make GPU braces that attatch to the PCI-E screw in slots that are about $10 if you want it to look nice, otherwise use a pole
Any cheap digital cameras Sup Forums recommends for taking /guts/ photos? My phone can't compare to any of your shots.
I use my mates DSLR
just google best budget camera, piss easy
I use my cellphone camera, I just have an S6 so its one of the better cameras available.
Fuck it, i'll make something myself. A metal frame that I can screw in the fan mounts on the bottom perhaps.
>Does a small column of lego bricks work? I was planning on trying that once I bought a 480. Love those super thin pieces that'll let me get it just right.
Steam Link is pretty kewl. So far the only problem I get is the audio likes to stay on the main system once in a while, but usually reconnecting fixes it. Overall I'd say it was a good $30.
You can get a Card Keeper(TM) from performance pcs. That's the only place I know of that sells them anymore which is unfortunate because the dude who runs that shop is fucky.
I would, If I were in the grand country of the USA. Unfortunately, the country that I come from, with its communist roots can only dream of such luxuries.
Or not, EKWB is from here, but our PC part prices are fucked up.
Waiting for 1080 down/upgrade
Is that corsair cooler quiet? I've been thinking about going for that for a new build just because it is simple to install but I'm considering doing a custom loop.
Stock fans are somewhat loud, but I have changed the fans out for lower RPM ones that are quieter.
so you figured out SLI is a meme?
Psu font/10
Jiggly ssd/10
Do eet
"Man I love those asus cards"/10
Angle the gpu power cables in a way they hold the card up a bit
No words for this beauty again
Fix that sag and its pretty close to a 10/10
Dream build/10, twin tis and 1151
Fucking clover messed my post a bit, oh well.
either gotta find really short sata cables or ones with 90 degree connectors
non "hard flat" cables are best
i gave up on it and instead just wrapped one up with electrical tape
still waiting on that 750ti
im gonna miss this gt430, its a pretty good little card, handles insurgency pretty well but the 750ti will bring me up to 60fps at least
Pretty much
>Dream build
Thanks senpai, ditching the tis though. Had enough of SLI and I'm just going to stick with a 1080.
I never post in these threads. I'm just here to say thank you for fixing the orientation of your 212.
It has always triggered my autism, but as I recall there was some clearance issue you were having. Glad it's sorted.
>I never post in these threads. I'm just here to say thank you for fixing the orientation of your 212.
also, i cant keep my heatsink on Sup Forums
wat do
seriously, the thing sometimes just pops out of one of the holes, it doesnt effect temperatures in the slightest but if it were to pop out of two holes...
im thinking aftermarket cooler anyway, but to be honest i dont want to spend money on something im really not going to need in the longrun, i idle at 34c and max out at 50c under full load as is
Ziptie it?
Also get rid of that brown shit thst covers the psu and the hdds
yes, also why is that greentext
A, I'm UK so that won't work
B, my ports are all upside down the routing hole so that won't make a difference
Dust that shit off you mongrel
Upgraded last weekend
I was going to get the FTW but it would've been a waste of money since the only benefit is the RGB lighting and slightly higher clock speeds that any of the ACX can attain.
Nice case
Too lazy faggot, and it aint that dusty
Yeah I could have just gotten an SC or even base model but this came up 1st to grab and I just wanted to get it over with. 30-60 dollars is nothing I notice anyways. Loving the performance though.
You have dust in the front facade of your case.
Have you been able to get it to 2ghz
Shit sucks. Sorry to hear that.
It's full of disgusting hairs and the cables are all dusty, clean your shit, this is Sup Forums you fucking dirtbag
>turn computer on
>it stings you
Do/g/o was near when i took the pic you fat fuck, you need to calm down
What is this shit?, What did you mean with this picture?
Stop making excuses for being a dirty motherfucker you inbred shitstain.
okay im broke as fuck my gpu went to shit so i bought a r9 380x for 160 it was refurbished
it has a qc grade of (somenumbers)/-d
how are your gpu temps?
user, why is your SSD floating? You know the black rectangles on the right are for mounting the SSD, right?
Why are you so angry user? Let it go
Thank you having such great guts. This what its all about people production. This is appealing as fuck, i wanna put my dick in it.
That's it this settles it, you're either the result of incest or something that grew on that disgusting thing you call a case, go fuck yourself and clean your shit motherfucker.
>Being this triggered about some dogo hair
from this --
>tfw 37C ambient temps because your AC is broken.
to this
>Blaming your doggy for being too lazy to clean your shit
>Windows 10
Fucking beagles do shed a lot of hair mang, i clean my guts a lot
Stop deflecting the blame onto your dog, you were unclean, probably your dog hasnt had a shower in years either. I can only imagine what is festering inside that thermaltake cpu cooler.
Atleast I didn't have to pay like 100 bucks for it
Stay mad, sperglord
you dont
someday ima build me one of them new fancy puters
Yes I have. Did not do too bad in the silicon lottery it seems.
Keep smoking weed and waiting for mommy to take care of your shit fucking degenerate.
Wow, you still angry user?
Im having a blast over here reading your triggered posts
Thanks man. Glad you like it. And as it is an H660 case there is plenty of room for your dick in there as well.
I won't be happy until you clean your shit and repost with the doggo Jeffrey Dahmer, what if the doggo isn't real and you're just a lying motherfucking scumbag
Heres doggo, i might dust it in the weekend just to please your angry ass
Post his cute doggo face you fuck
I hope this calms you down gordon ramsay
What a cute puppo
I haven't laughed that hard in a while
Move your GPU to the top slot lad
The retard is just going to lecture you on how x8 and x16 have no difference or some bullshit like that, don't worry about it.
Flip PSU over to make use of the grill underneath it, and bring cables closer to the cable management slot.
Then actually use them.
Top slot will also let you organise cables outside of the case more easily.
I'm sure it's at the lower end of single figure % differences if even noticeable. Have any current cards come close to saturating 3.0 x16?
1080 is the closest so far, it will just grow more from here on
mine with saggy gfx card -.-
sag is fixed now 100% reliable
So I didn't want to create a thread to ask this.
I need to upgrade my processor since my old one is dying. Would this setup be good for a 1070 combo?
another note
The Nanoxia cases sucks ass, airflow is horrible and you cant even remove the top cage, and no tray for SSD behind mobo.
i wonder why faggot
Should be just fine
hehe xd
>mfw mobo has 5 audio jacks that aren't color coded
ought to be fine, I just got the same combination for my build
So I ordered an i5-6600k and I plan on overclocking the shit out of it. My current cooler is a Kuhler 620 and I really don't think it is going to cut it.
I really wanted a H110 but the issue I see is that I have a Rosewill Blackhawk case and it doesn't seem to fit coolers very well without straight up ripping the case in two.
Does anyone have any experience with this case and decent coolers? Or am I going to have to get a new case?
I cobbled together a bunch of old parts I had to upgrade a PC I use on my TV and ordered a 200r to put it all in. This is my first real effort at cable management, other than the color clash and the ugly ancient PSU cables I think it went pretty well.
Why not wait and see how it performs with the 6600k?
I always get rated ANTISAG/10. I feel bad for you.