
Well, which one are you?

Do you code staring into the in the dark beautiful abyss of your favorite text editor, fueled by the neon glow of your variables and functions, forging new wonders that will be the awe and envy of man?

Or do you stare at a wall of white backgrounds and bland colors, thinking you know what it's like to create programs and applications that will give birth to a new era in this realm, when in reality you are just a filthy peasant programmer who has no vision of what could be?



the most important thing for me is support for different languages

linus torvalds is a noob haha

I don't care.

half my machines are on white
there others are on black or dark gray or dark blue

>dark as my soul

I switch off

my eyes are incredibly sensitive, for any heavy use I need a dark theme.

Text is more readable for me on a light background. My office is well lit by fluorescent lighting though.

>White background
>Not using a tiling wm
No wonder why Linux is crap.

Dark uses less power.

Using a light theme is like using a pencil to fill in an entire piece of white paper, then writing with an eraser.

I used to be dark as my sould but nowadays I'm always using greyish or beigeish themes

goo gl/FXg9sj

Try mokai, you'll love it

Only on OLED displays.

F.lux + IntelliJ Darcula theme.

I use dark most of the time, doesn't hurt my eyes that way.

light theme ftw, it's not as jarring to my pupils when I switch to another window

I can tell you don't actually write much code if you use a dark theme

literal meme theme

Black text on white BG is easier on the eyes.


Depends. On most monitors I prefer black text on white background.

On nice monitors with real black a dark theme can look nice, but on most monitors it hurts my eyes.

Pretty much neither. I like my eyes, too white can fuck me up real bad on a dark room, too dark fucks me up all the time.

So I choose something like light grey.


>calling anyone "peasant"

>Implying that's not a random vm with everything set to default used for presentation purposes only.

Even I have done that shit in uni, the simpler you make things the better for plebs.

>worrying about what color theme you use
Wanna know how I know youre a pleb?

Grey :P

Black background with green text master hacker reporting in


>implying atom isn't the best general purpose text-editor out there right now

>it's not as jarring to my pupils when I switch to another window
Fucking this, when I program I often switch between multiple windows and making all of them black would be stupid.

I actually had a co-worker in previous job that turned every possible thing into this theme because he was reddit-tier meme loving retard and wanted to look like a real hacker programmer.

I'd say it depends more on the ambient light in the room.
In a brightly lit office kinda environment I prefer white or grey background, while in a dimly lit place I'd go for grey or black background.

Dark is only worth it if everything else is dark.

Most of the time though you'll be checking references online. And web pages have shit tons of white.

Constantly switching between the two will fuck your eyes up.

That's why I just go with a white theme.


>theme I use is black with green keywords
>never even made this connection
>mfw people probably think I'm a tryhard

I like the planet theme for emacs

>caring what people think about your software theme settings

Does "meme" just mean "most popular" now? Solarized undeniably looks nice to a lot of people.

Fuck off memer

Vim, Emacs, VS Code, Sublime

Any text editor built on javascript is guaranteed to be a slow, bloated piece of shit. And guess what Atom is.

I use a soft dark theme. I'm programming 8-10 hours a day at work. Black on white starts to burn my eyes after a while. I forget the name of the theme.

muhy nigger

I wear glasses, and light themes cause reflections on them that are annoying, so I use dark themes. Also, dark themes look better.

I use openbox, because all tiling that I need from my wm is pretty much what windows 7 can do. I need tiling only in Emacs. Fite me.

seoul256 master race

I've never seen someone use full black.

Visual Studio's default dark theme is p good


I like the Cyanide themes.

Light theme with a yellowish/beige background and dark text.
I find dark background + light text to be too jarring, the text wants to "glow" and I find it harder to focus on it.

You're both retarded because you use Text Editors instead of a String Manipulation Oriented Language like DeviousYarn. Do you hate efficiency or something?

I can't stand a dark background when I'm coding. I need something functional not pretty.

>burning your eyes is functional
user pls

>not being able to see shit is functional
I think you are the user that needs to be pleased.

definitely dark over white, pure black background with neon glowing text is a little too much though

I've been enjoying the material theme recently

Honestly if you use light you probably don't code much. When you're up till Xam you want as little eye strain as possible

>coding at Xam

>the best general purpose text editor
>what is vim

Everything solarized dark that I can possibly do. I really don't have anything against light color schemes, I just hate the backlight of my monitor raping my eyes all day.

I find vim pleasant enough to use for dealing with a single file or two in the terminal but I can't get comfortable doing entire projects in it for some reason. Maybe just not enough forcing myself.

blue > all

it hurts. Not even a joke, I felt physical pain opening this.

Tomorrow Night masterrace


I choose light because I'm not a nigger.


I run editor default, whichever it is

instead you just make it jarring to the pupils all the time? light themes give me eye cancer.

Using vim for little config tweaks is the exact opposite of what vim is best for. vim is great for long drawn-out projects.

>i haven't spoken with another human being in real life since 2010 because i'm cool and don't care what others think about me so everybody hates me: the post

I find it impossible to see shit in black on white.

Solarized-Dark, specifically

Get your eyes checked, dude.

IntelliJ Darcula in colorblind mode.

how do you read books?

Books don't emit light.

I never understood this dark theme meme. My eyes hurt when I have to read bright text on dark background.