Is an i5 4690 to weak to pair with a 1070? Thinking of moving up from my 970...

Is an i5 4690 to weak to pair with a 1070? Thinking of moving up from my 970, but I don't know if I should just do a shiny new build.

I don't know what to do Sup Forums

Get skymeme
Z97 is doa at this point
6500 with bclk overclock

Also fucking kill me.

Does it get better with win10?

No, your HDD is fubar. Nothing to do with OS, fragmentation or filesystem.

It would be stupid to get a new build

This is probably a because it's a hard disk. It can happen if it needs defraged.

It's also a bit if a waste to pay $300 for %15 performance increase with the 1070.

Go 1080 or don't upgrade. If you do upgrade its because you just have no self control when it comes to buying new shit.

i have the exact same cpu it wont bottleneck a 1080

cpu upgrading is a meme if you already have a decent gaming cpu and the i5 4690k was the very best at the time

i dont have the k but it will sit at 4ghz all day

isn't the 4790K better than the 6700K?

you can get it used for cheap as well

Thanks Sup Forumsmen. Also yes there is something fishy with my hdd. My solid state never causes trouble

Why yes
Yes it is user
But I doubt you can get it "cheap"
It was last gets consumer flagship
Prove me wrong though perhaps

6700k more powerful desu

no worries what 1070 you going to get? I recommend evga heard very good things about them

You should take screenshots with Ctrl + PrtSrc instead of using your phone.

I don't have the k either. Should've spent the extra 20 bucks, but I have been happy with it however.

Oh oops you said 6700k
Edges out slightly just in single thread performance
But new architectural stuff gives it an edge in things ya know

Normally I would. I'm dealing with a bit of a filthy hoe atm.

My 970 is zotac. I know it's considered memeshit chinky brand but it's been great to me. Thinking of sticking with them but I haven't decided yet

in most games it will not bottleneck, unless you're lowering settings or something to push way over 60 fps

just keep your i5

honestly even if you ran it at 4.5ghz+ the newer chips at 4ghz+ will wreck it clock for clock anyway.

i always thought it was a meme to future proof tech its like the retards who buy the top of the line cpu gpu motherboard and ram everytime and hang onto it for 2 years until the next meme comes along

i5 here most games will comfortibly run up to and over 100fps.

GTA 5 and Crysis 3 being the only optimized turds that dont like older midrange cpu's

dog pants do exist and they're worn like on the left

This 'CPUs too weak' meme has to stop

I have an i5 4460, should I worry about upgrading my cpu for a 1080? Or a 1170 once it comes out?

>even considering upgrading from a fucking i5 4690 and gtx 970

kill yourself
