Ayo Sup Forums, what's in the box?
Ayo Sup Forums, what's in the box?
dragon dildos
Corsair 200R you idiot
Free cardboard first, all set for winter now
Supernova cuz it lights everything on fire? Surely not replacing gorilla power monkey PSU though?
that better be dragon dildos
why the fuck do you need eight hundred and fifty watts? are you launching the next moon probe?
Can i have your memecube
More cardboard
You clearly can't see the hectic LED action (it was on sale and i used it for 2x 5970s back in the day)
Oh me dumb, thought you meant the old one. New one is for powering whatever this is though
did you do the meme? did you really do it?
Only 2 years late to the game boys!! time to make 3 cents on bitcoin
Sure, where do you live? Dont need it anymore as i'm going to be a millionaire in a few thousand years
are those new or second-hand?
Probably like fourth-hand by now
model? i own 6 BTC btw :^)
Antminer s1, they're literally 2 years old by now and very shitty by todays standards. I haven't been mining since GPU mining was phased out and FPGAs and eventually ASICs took over, crazy what they output now compared to a few kilohashes on Athlon x4s
Anyways, they were $10 a pop and $30 for the psu, thought it'd be cool to see how they work. I had ~20BTC back in mid 2013 and sold out at just below $1000, kinda regret that looking back at it but done is done
it says it on the box OP u silly
did people actually get money from bitcoin?
Sure, huge amounts for those who were early in the game and didn't sell out at once
i spent 17 bitcoins on a laptop keyboard (~$20)
35 on shrooms ($40 worth)