Image sorting/tagging program

What software would you recommend for sorting/managing a large image collection? Are there any good explorers/sorters out there for windows that allow you to tag and sort your images better than windows explorer? Windows explorer also takes over a minute to sort even a relatively small amount of files by date instead of by name, which makes it suck even more for folders with tons of images.

Bonus points if the program somehow stores settings in the folder so shit doesn't get lost if I transfer to a new computer

Other urls found in this thread:!jMYAmbbB!T5otOrWiKKLnWApJRRdP_oBSO5XvFwrA1HyKhRzJiZg!CQw1lSBK!kWbjIxugVOA73f_vXPTxTQ

What the fuck is wrong with weaboos?

Hey now, that's not a weaboo! He's a respected leader of the GOP in texas
I am being 100% serious, by the way.

No idea, but I'm interested in this thread.

i like when politicians do shit like this.

seems like an A+ guy.

post wiggly pigglys

Based madman.

what a god

His avi is even anime. I think he's actually insane.

I actually did find something like this recently, not just for images, but for any file. It's called XYplorer, it's a replacement file manager for Windows. I grabbed the free version and tagged a bunch of shit to test it and it's a very nice piece of software. The only problem is I'm not going to go through a few thousand doujins and tag every zip file by what fetishes are in it.

>No thumbnail previews
lame, darn. Thanks anyway user.
And remember, once you tag your shit once all you have to do is tag new stuff and then you're done forever

post more morrow pls

currently have 2.5mil images stored & tagged with it. tags are retrieved from booru sites.

He's a GOP chairmen mother fucker. Elected by the people.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. It has thumbnails in 3 different sizes, and it has a preview pane which you can freely size.

Buy 11 of
and a bunch of WD 3TB Greens, write your own cluster management and mapReduce and rippers for danbooru, pixiv and assorted chans like the rest of us you fucking casual

I dunno how you got it working but all of those.exes just open a small command widow that closes instantly and does nothing



I thought I was winning with 1.4mil with my own software

Guess I gotta buy some more drives and gun for 5mil if I wanna be alpha porn hoarder

is this the guy who rates waifus on Twitter

This exists, famalamadingdong.

He doesn't seem to like trump very much.

what bothers me most about that image is the watermark

What the FUCK is this?

I have like 300,000 pics and I thought I was bad. I need to pick up the slack

Are those tags synced regularly or just saved when you save the picture?

What a man.

in total I have about 2 billion image files

You're doing it wrong.

i use this too. it's pretty gud.

where them ebuilds at?

Hydrus Network.

What do you mean? You should be able to just run client.exe and it'll work. It does have a bit of a learning curve, and I honestly can't remember how it worked when I started with an empty database.

I'm really passionate about hoarding. I honestly don't expect even 'abnormal' individuals to have as much as I do. I've basically ripped the entirety of gelbooru,sankaku(for webms), my figure collection, e621, and 10+ other boorus/image boards. This includes tags AND the images.

2.5mil is just what I have in hydrus. I have about 3mil more files waiting to be processed.(It can take some time to add 1mil+ files)

My goal is to add it all into IPFS(since it's supported now),so that all this content can be distributed forever without needing to worry about a centralized storage location. I'm just waiting on my fiber speeds.

I'd post a screen of my current hydrus setup, but this update will take awhile.

There's something called a 'Public Tag Archive', which is Hydrus's main tag repository. Tags get updated through that. Of course, you can opt out of it. Here are tag rips from various sites I made.!jMYAmbbB!T5otOrWiKKLnWApJRRdP_oBSO5XvFwrA1HyKhRzJiZg

It's pretty amazing that the dev manages to update every week for the past 2+ years.


sorry im not familiar with how it works with linux distros

If you need active help, he mainly posts on

This shit is pretty accurate:

I haven't tried to use it locally though.

I'm interested in tagging stuff that also works on Linux. I wish I could just become one with Google and ask it questions in natural language.

(This is first interesting post I saw on Sup Forums in a while.)

oops wrong link!CQw1lSBK!kWbjIxugVOA73f_vXPTxTQ

This GOP chairman sounds like a pretty cool guy. I wonder what his riflefu is.

I use picasa just because you can tag images that don't support metadata. Instead it uses file names so I use a reNamer to give all my incoming images a random file name of 8 digits, sort them into folders then tag them.

Been pretty lazy with the tagging in that I'm getting images faster than I end up tagging them.

Lain is a reddit tier anime

Reddit tier b8, m8

Hes evasive on the tough questions though

>I love lain because it's soooo deep xD

That's nice

It's not deep you retard, it's for pretentious hipsters and normalfags, like eva is.

Lain was released like 15 years old. How the hell is it a meme? Yeah, a lot of underage kiddies are probably finding out about it, but that doesn't change that it was a good series. Hell, I was underage when I first saw it.



Lain was OK. Not good, but OK.

I hate muh deep faggots because they're the cancer killing anime. They keep bitching about how anime is just "moeshit" and not like eva or lain anymore.


>They keep bitching about how anime is just "moeshit" and not like eva or lain anymore.

I'd take philosophical deep shit over moeshit anyday. Atleast it actually tries to be interesting, versus a bunch of school girls sitting around doing literally nothing.

Fuck off with your memes

I rather have cute girls doing cute things than pseudo intellectual garbage.


>likes anime == weeaboo
Good meme

ok so this definitely isnt a generic anime topic

stay on topic pls

Do you love anime booby girls?

i dont think he actually likes anime, just merely big breasts.


That's funny, because Trump's advisor Stephen "Totally not Goebbels" Miller was quoting Morrow's book about Hillary in one of the Trump rallies.

Call it whatever you want, but when content starts getting purged en masse from major booru/image sites(already has happened to rule34 & sad panda), people will be glad that someone backed it up.

I hate losing content, so i'm making sure it never happens again. unfortunately this means all my paychecks go towards buying harddrives. Gonna reach 40TB soon.