
I reaaaaaaly thought chromebooks were a meme until I bought a second hand C200 for about $100 and they are actually ok for light research, development and general shitposting. It's thin, light, doesn't heat up, the battery lasts forever and the underlying Linux is very useful, especially with crouton. It's almost the perfect shitbox.
>It's a botnet
Then wipe BIOS and install Linux on the bare metal.

I like the way you bait me user.

considering falling for this meme

any suggestions for something a little pricier as I have a slightly higher budget?

Is that cheese I see up on the top right?

Is this bait?

yes, for mice

why spend a lot? It's almost disposable and that's the point.
Not sure, I'd have to get out of bed to check that.
Could be.

>why spend a lot?
The hardware on my current laptop is fucked (touchpad, keyboard, etc) so I'm looking to invest in my own new pc. Chromebooks are the most appealing for me

I was sceptical at first too but was eventually man enough to pull the trigger. Got a brand new asus c300m for $200ish AUD. Can easily say it's one of the best purchases I've ever made. I wouldn't mind an extra gig of ram in it or a backlit keyboard, but I can't really complain.

They're gonna be even better once Google adds true built in support for apks rather than using the arc welder route.

If you don't need CAD software or gaymes, It's actually a good option.
Still don't recommend it as a main machine.
But if you're set on spending more, take a look at the Pixel. But I'm a broke student so I don't actually know or care.
You can run .apk's? How?

Via ARC Welder. Search for it in the chrome app store. Doesn't run them perfectly, but I've managed to load some with too many major hiccups.

I have nothing against owning multiple computers. Since I have limited funds to acquire said devices, and a spiritual aversion to theft, I upgrade on the throwaway plan. As a recovering Winbloz user, who has discovered the Joy of 'puting with the Penguin I look forward to someone tossing a Chromebook for me to scoop up and hack.

So basically a slower Macbook 12" for poorfags with limited functionality and shit screen?

I grabbed a dell chromebook off of ebay a couple of months ago for like 45 bucks, 10/10 shitposting laptop

can you install arch \ gentoo?

With crouton, its the easiest way to get linux running on a cheap laptop since you can switch between chromeos and a distro with a keyboard shortcut

>shit resolution

I want to get a pixel so bad, but i refuse to pay $1000 for a literal Facebook machine

get an e6330 they are 13 inches, put up to 8-16 gb ddr3, and throw in an ssd and you'll have something very portable like the thinkpad x series, but also with a strong build quality

if you don't have a desktop and only have a laptop, then get t420/t430

I like how you put it on top of a thinkpad with no screen. Learn to fix shit poorfag.

This thread is about glorious ChromeOS-enabled Chromebooks (only from Google). Not about shit chinkpads

Enjoy your botnet faggot

I am

Currently posting from my Acer Chromebook 14.

Running Ubuntu 15.04 right now.

How do you like it? Any problems with ubuntu or windows? Energy saving is okay?

I don't run windows on it.

Other than that, it's worth the $260 I paid. The only complaint I have is storage, which I'll solve with a flash drive. Battery lasts forever.

A 2013 Pixel costs around $400.

what are you going to do when the next generation of laptops the bare metal is a botnet? Cell phones already are.

I'm on an Acer c720 running galliumos 2, basically Ubuntu 16.04

It's breddy gud, decently fast. problem is only 16gb, but i can upgrade that when I need more. I could run Windows on it, but it's not worth the effort.

>get an e6330
they're clunky, warm, and the majority you find have shit screens

Chromebooks with an Arch chroot are the ultimate tier right now.

Sent from my chromebook:

Linux localhost 3.10.18 #1 SMP Thu Jun 23 01:52:09 PDT 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N2840 @ 2.16GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux