Apparently they shitpost about GPUs in worst Korea, too.
Apparently they shitpost about GPUs in worst Korea, too
who could take these chinks seriously
my best guess is that this is a "moar cores" joke
Shitposting is the meaning of life.
It crosses language barriers .
More universal than math .
It transcends existenc
Amada is kill
>Korean memes will never take off
>you will never be a Korean Nvidia shill shitposting on imageboards all day
isn't CEO of nvidia korean?
aren't most koreans NVIDIA fanboys by default then?
These are wonderful, someone please translate.
I mean, nvidia hasnt been on this level of shilling and damage control since keppler 1.0.
No. Delete it.
fuck these Koreans know how to make reaction images
reminds me of when Sup Forums had good OC
>posting memes from the other, other east asian country
>AMD - A Motherfucking Dick
Holy shit
this one was top fucking kek
instead of Raja everyone seems to be concentrating their shitposting on Lisa
Holy shit, I've seen all of those with an AMD card.
Probably looks like their moms
kek i have a reference 7950 and ive seen this
also one time while playing stalker cop the geometry started to glitch and show the grid or something.
>japs has spectacular ASCII shitposting
>gooks have top-tier edits and OC
We're pathetic.
Holy shit, how old is this?
Oh lawd these are gold! We have to find someone who can translate them. It's a long shot but /jp/ perhaps?
we have better open sauces
Lmao, you are better off asking the Sup Forums in the kpop thread
The Koreans have no idea what Linux is, so at least we have that
Reminds me of my old X800 GTO if I tried to alt tab in a source game or play guild wars 1 too long
While I've not experienced an AMD exclusive across the screen tear like that last panel, I have experienced it while using AMD back on the old ArmA2 Day Z mod. Was fucking awful getting that glitch.
Have also experienced the colour grid issues with Fo4, but no game before it.
Haven't experienced the other two issues.
>Koreans make photoshops of AMD cards with Amada on them, too
>HBM에 수냉 쳐달고 GTX980Ti 못이김ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
it can't beat GTX980Ti with HBM with fucki g watercooling kekekekek
>타이탄 이긴다며 씨발년앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
you said you'd beat titan you lil fucker kekekekekekek
>오버 애미뒤짐 잼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
over's (overclock) mother's dead, l m a o
Red star OS is their national OS and they can't use anything else.
Thats north korea (best korea).
Wait, seriously? Thats fucking hilarious! What about the others?
Fucking hell
Based Koreans
Looks disgusting 2bh, can't wait for this meme to die (:
That's hilarious
fucking christ I spat out my tea and covered my screen in it
Why does intel have a long snake tongue?
Because he's a jew
translate pls
>gooks believe the rx480 has hbm
I get the third one on my gtx 660
thats a fury x you fucking retard.
Worst Korea is nvidia/intel shill
The rest of asia is asian is amd/intel shill
Taiwan is full amd shill
Im asian
Fucking kek.
You mean china?
Daily reminder Taiwan doesn't exist
>Koreans using an art style created by the Japanese
Ancestral pride is kill
kpop general here, you can take pictures and auto translate with the google translate app, just remember to indicate the language of origin
Thats because Koreans are smart and know who is actually running the show.
Also, they aren't romanticized by indians.
>Their entire existence is based around work until death like some sort of hive.
>They universally use Windows and browse with Internet Explorer (or is that Edge now?).
>They buy Nvidia cards and are oblivious to the company.
>They would side with the Chinese commies just because of some retarded rivalry with Japan in case of a war.
>The bigger half of the country is stuck in 1950s and lives in total anarchy.
The only thing that sorry nation has ever done right is the writing system and even that was copied from some Mongolians.
Amd it is