But first, surrender full control of your phone to us

>But first, surrender full control of your phone to us
Why do people use these apps?

Because people are idiots.

You already hit yes, so answer it yourself.

Because those permissions can always be modified in external settings anyway, and the app will usually maintain its core functionality regardless.

Because dick/pussy is better than privacy

And if you don't agree then you've never gotten your dick wet.


I would give up my privacy for pussy.

Personally, I don't.
I don't update any of my applications when they ask for more permissions, because they were working perfectly fine before, there's no reason they can't continue doing so.

If you can't figure out why the app needs each of those permissions to function, you're not very tech inclined.

you are not going to make it

Desperation and/or ignorance of what will inevitably happen.

You really think the average tinder user is able to do that?

No, really. Look at the function of the app, then at the permissions it asks. Where exactly is it stepping out of bounds?

I'd say app history, maybe identity, device I'd and call history and WiFi connection info. These are not needed for tinder, especially app history that just screams data mining.

Trying to autocorrect your facebook.
To allow you to use it via Wi-Fi.
>device ID
If I had to guess, account security, so it can alert you if Ivan Vladimir tries to get into your account.
> call history
Does tinder let you call people? I'm not sex- starved enough to actually use it. If so, this is needed.
> app history

it doesn't let you call, no

>download app
>using cyanogenmod, deny it permission as I like
>use lucky patcher to remove software entirely from the app
>use location spoofing
>use VPN

I might be considered an advanced user.

Are you that retardadly unable to comprehend the app is basically telling you "Look, if you want to send pictures I will need access to your camera. Without your consent this functionality will not work."? The fact whether the app is spying on you using your data for illicit means is another topic.

durrrr cumming feels gud XDDDD
why does fucking jizzing make everyone turn into a retard
look at faggots and now these people
stupid fucking losers who would put their dick in anything if it feels good

Because Android's permission system is horribly broken in a whole lot of ways, you need unexpected permissions to do unexpected things, and there's often no differentiation between read and write permissions.

To the point where app developers need a section explaining why they need each permission, which often doesn't match what it sounds like.

Wi-Fi: because it needs location for "find near me", location needs Wi-Fi information to be accurate without a GPS lock, and Android system doesn't allow this if you don't have this permission?

Identity: really any app that saves account credentials needs this. There's no granularity between apps like there should be.

Device ID & call information: baseband access. Used to read IMEI/IMSI so they can ban people by device if they're, like, serial rapists or something.

Android is a clusterfuck, you have no idea. iOS is much better but is so fucking walled-garden it's very much Apple's phone platform, not yours. And anything else dies in the market that favours duopoly, unless it also supports iOS and Android apps: good luck with that given one circuit of the US said APIs are copyrighted in Oracle v Google and the Supremes refused to hear it. Also, what MS did to Nokia and the disaster that was Windows Phone.

What exactly do devs get to see when I click yes? Can they just browse my pics like on a cloud?

>Because dick/pussy is better than privacy
maybe you should go back to Sup Forums
>And if you don't agree then you've never gotten your dick wet.
the path to wizardry isn't for everyone user

Because they don't give a fuck you fucking nerd.

Can confirm.

>Make app to do qr scanning and send the result to a database
>Lol you need 5 permisions suckah

>Because Android's permission system is horribly broken in a whole lot of ways


You've got to accept all the permission requests for the app to even download and run.

On iOS apps must ask for each category the first time it tries to access them (iOS now periodically confirms if it's still okay for an app to use certain data, like GPS, if you've had the app for a while), and the user can opt out for each. It might break some functionality of the app, but it at least gives the user more informed choice.

new android works like that.
>Anyone updating that code until 3~ years from now

because normies literally don't even know what a FILE is, let alone permissions

99% of people using smartphones have no fucking idea how to use one

> this is literally what vir/g/ins think

No, you're not special, certainly not in the top 1% of fucking cell phone usage.

Everyone born from the 80s and up has a firm grasp on their usage.

Of all the things to be elitist about, you chose operating a goddamned phone. Hang yourself.

Mobile dev here:
He's right, the average person has an aneurysm trying to operate anything under the basic GUI of a phone.

Mobile dev here:
Stop making datamining fart-button apps with obtuse permissions and settings. Make your app not shit and even chromosome-rich people can use it.

They can use it.

I do still data mine. And you're no dev whitey, otherwise you'd know we'll datamine 24/7 whatever happens.

Regards, Panjeet.

Android permission work pretty well now, and most apps I use work with the updated permissions

>I Will Never Have An Orgasm Not Induced By Myself: The Post

every single person i met hasn't closed a single app since he bought the fucking phone

and doesn't even have a fucking idea about how apps run, what are permissions, or anything else

i bet you're one of them, you fucking turd

Are you guys retarded?

Any camera app has OS permissions to use your camera.
Any contact app has OS permissions to use your contact lists.

And so on, do you expect any software to do what it's designed for without access to the needed resource?

Even basic shit like clock on linux needs permissions to access the hardware/cpu clock.