He doesn't have a sword crafted from ram and processors

>He doesn't have a sword crafted from ram and processors

What did you do with your childhood Sup Forums?

go outside, make friends, learn to take reasonably sharp photos.

I remember putting this up my ass once.

Give it another shot

I played with legos.

Fucked around with computers and tech in general.

>>He doesn't have a sword crafted from ram and processors

Whats up with the tomatoes

i made it with gimp
GIMP = Green is my pepper

are you clinically retarded?

Aren't they bell peppers?

>that edgy bandana.

Get on my level faggot

How did you build that?


in a cave with tony stark ?

I just saved it from Sup Forums sorry bro

I downloaded ram from Sup Forums once

do you...RAM...your sword into people when you stab them?

g-get it?

Useless against my shield.

Yes user, you're fun~