So, I got bored and downloaded the old hacked myspace user/pw table

So, I got bored and downloaded the old hacked myspace user/pw table.

The table contains an ID column, email address, a cracked password (most aren't cracked yet), and one or two hashes for the account.

The table itself is fucking massive. It's like 370 million records. I don't have the space to make indexes, so just searching for an email address takes about a minute.

Anyway... been cracking some of the hashes with hashcat. AMA? Plus... if you know a thing or two about crashing hashes... feel free to post.

and yes, I know nobody uses myspace... the thing is... 100's of millions of people did at one time...

a lot of those email addresses are still valid and being used...

a stupid amount of people also reuse passwords... a lot of high profile people got other accounts hacked because of things like this...



This use a GPU?


I'm not familiar with this.

Are you saying that at one time, the information on the entire myspace user base was compromised?

That's correct. Email address and the hashed passwords.

Got an email address you want me to look up? Want me to attempt to crack the password?

think of all the photobucket wins!?

Wow, when did this happen?

Where's the link to the file?


Thanks senpai

is myspace tom's password in there?

I love playing with this shit, thanks


What is this program called?

u brand new?

No, I just don't click on PC speed/perepherials threads


Hagrid. You're driving me over the line.

upload the crack hashes senpai

So what exactly can you do with a hashed password?

Dump for freedom of information? Would love to contribute to hash cracks.