The feud between the creator of PCLinuxOS and Distrowatch continues

What is the dude's problem at Distrowatch? So he and Texstar (the creator of PCLinuxOS) disagree politically or whatnot? Who cares? I thought this was about free software? If Distrowatch refuses to show the latest releases from the PCLinuxOS website, then aren't they doing more harm than good for free software? Especially since this distribution is one of (if not, the best) distro in existence today. Why would you hinder something so good just because you disagree with the creator on certain topics? This is stupid. I was able to confirm this via an Xchat session with one of the developers. The dude from Distrowatch needs to chill. i love his website, but he just needs to allow the the latest versions to be posted.

If you go to, you will see that the latest update for PCLinuxOS was Last Update: 2016-07-06 13:20, but it is not showing up on the website like the others are. The last one to be advertised like the other distributions was the 2014-12-24. WTF?

>I thought this was about X
Welcome to how the real world works.

Tell us more of this disagreement.

>So he and Texstar (the creator of PCLinuxOS) disagree politically or whatnot


I can smell the tr**p and hi***ry shills from over here

Been using PCLOS for many years. Fuck anyone against Texstar. Fuck Gentoo. Fuck you.

You get this worked up over someone saying something negative against something you have no ownership over?

Grow up

Distrowatch is still relevant?

Never even booted PCLOS here...

>misinterpreting "fuck you" to mean anything more than fuck *you*

Retards on my Sup Forums please leave

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

Wait. Are you...him?

I haven't been on Sup Forums in ages. Are you TempleOS guy?

Can someone explain to me what is this thread even about?

Linux infighting

Who cares? They are both shite.

Are you retarded?

Yes or no you schizophrenic fuck.

Big surprise, freetards would rather spend time in inter-distro political shitflinging than actually getting shit done.

Year of the Linux desktop, amirite?


Shit, what was their last 32 bit release? I wanted to try this out on one my old machines.

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