Which is the best distro?

Which is the best distro?

Temple OS

Debian but really it's Opensuse leap



Arch is the best, but time consuming to set up. Gentoo, Fedora, and Debian are alright, too. Ubuntu is trash tier and anyone that uses it should consider suicide immediately.




I'm considering installing openSuSe Leap as main on my laptop but don't find detailed information about it on their site.

Arch Linux



>Arch is time consuming to set up
>literally takes five minutes

Here are the arch install steps:
>partition using parted or fdisk, really doesn't give you any more functionality than a GUI one in any other distro's installer
>use a script they make for you to automatically make an fstab
>use a script they make for you to automatically chroot and change your prompt
>use a script they make for you to automatically download the distro and install it
>set timezone and 2 or 3 little tiny configurations where everybody does the same thing anyway

Literally the only points in Arch installation where the user changes anything are partitioning and timezone setting, which are done easily by graphical installers. Dropping the graphical installer a few years back served no purpose except to turn a 2 minute install into a 5 minute install.

unironically gentoo

I fully understand that this post is going to get memed all over by Archfriends, but I don't care. I don't want Arch users to come over to Gentoo because they'll ruin it's reputation just like they did with Arch.


post moar

Fucking love women with gaps that let you see their balls from behind. Bonus points if they are hanging loose but panties are also fine.

That's cute. You forgot the part where you have to read through the entire manual, and the wiki entries for every piece of software you're installing.

Of course, if you have done that before or made install scripts then it's fast.

>scripts they make for you

You must be talking about Manjaro and other spin-offs. Those don't count obviously.

Why is Manjaro so popular, I as considered it shit because arch is easier to install than a daughter in her father and it doesnt even use the arch repos

>arch for babbies > ... > arch

Mint (Cinnamon)

lmao that image was made by a gimp noob wasn't it

>read the entire manual
The manual is a few paragraphs long.
>Wiki entries for every piece of software you're installing
kek literally what

>you must be taking about manjaro
>what are genfstab, arch-chroot, pacstrap, mkinitcpio, tzselect, etc
The entire Arch installation is running small install scripts that do the entire thing for you besides partitioning. Nothing is gained from the CLI installer.


>Retard-friendly core + obsolete DE

Sup Forums-tier choise

>running small install scripts that do the entire thing for you
So Windows?

No, because Windows and other Linux distros at least put everything in a step-by-step interface so you don't have to know and remember the names of various arbitrarily named scripts.

There are distros, like Gentoo, that actually need the CLI installer (although they could use GUI or TUI for some stuff I suppose) because they are so minimal that they don't do anything for you like Arch.

The one you like the most.


Fedora 24 Workstation

Debian Stable
The thing just werks

Btw, I installed Mint 18 since it is being mentioned a lot online
It was the buggiest Linux distro I have ever used, the UI was cluttered, it used the Windows 9x window management metaphor (which sucks)

The real kicker was it identified itself as ubuntu in the EFI boot menu
This is sloppy

Why is Linux Mint shilled so much?
I don't get it


The best storm is the autumn storm. The leaves are all yellow and red, and the storm makes the leaves fly around in pretty patterns in the sky. Some like the winter storm, but I prefer the autumn storm

No! The winter strom is far better than the autumn storm. In the winter, the storm is all white and majestic, not colorful and gay. It´s harder to observe the winter strom due to the cold weather, so therefore winter storms are way better than the rest

Bedrock is the best distro.