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Technology #556
KDE Neon general
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Is it safe ``enough'' ?
Does kik have end-to-end encryption?
Are there any androids that don't suck ass? I've given android a try twice
So i have a evga gtx 970sc i bought a year ago, is it worth replacing with gtx 1060 or rx 480...
What went wrong?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why are people suddenly interested in Computer Science?
How do I stop tab hoarding?
I downgraded from 10 to 8.1
19 years since it first came out
Is building a computer one of the hardest things you can do?
Is there a way to entrlirely stop windows 10 from gathering information from your computer?
/spg/ - Smartphone General: Note7 Edition
Who is vir/g/in here?
Windows 10 gathers an "excessive" amount of personal data on users...
Torrents were a mistake
I had the Lumia 925(W10) for a couple of years, a week ago ago i bought a Galaxy S7
Anyone any experience with silent PC cases?
It's the year 2016 and there is still no reliable way to imput emojis on desktop computers
*rolls up next to your desk*
UI thread
/fug/- Friendly Ubuntu General
So how Nvidia jewed us out? Why gtx 1070 is over 100$ more than gtx 970 was at launch?
Is there a laptop on the market that can be used as a 100% functional hackintosh...
How to fake this as broken?
$1500 to run 4k at 60FPS
The smartest man in Silicon valley is a die-hard Trump supporter. Why aren't you?
ZeroNet thread? ZeroNet thread
Now that KickassTorrents is dead, I need another good torrent site
Has the world of eGPU's come up with any turnkey solutions lately? I haven't looked into in a while
Reviving an old MacBook
Kali linux
GUI was a mistake
Android Camera App
Sup Forums humor
Why aren't you using Sup Forums?
Billionaires use iphones so why dont you?
How the fuck do you pronounce xubuntu?
Will it be shit Sup Forums?
Android app suggestions and requests
Steganography Thread
This is my Netflix/NOW TV machine
How did Sup Forums keep motivated learning to code? I'm on my third day, spent two days actively reading six hours...
Radeon Shows DirectX 12 Strength in 3DMark Time Spy
Bongs are technology. What's Sup Forums running? Herbal vapes and e-cigs welcome too
How fast or cheap does Zen need to be for you to consider buying it?
What pdf reader do you use on windows Sup Forums?
Where does AMD go now?
Shortly to be beaten by the 1080Ti
The Nokia N9 is the pinnacle of humanity
Why are the majority of popular tech channels so unbearably annoying?
/Mouse general/
He doesn't have an iPhone
User, why do you use a Mac?
Tech Support Stories
I dropped my LG G3 and the digitizer broke so I borrowed my mums old Xperia L
Be terrorist
How Do I Become a Grey Hat Hacker?
Reminder that fermi and kepler are still receiving driver updates and AMD has completely forgotten that the HD5000...
PSA: for those of you who used for torrenting use to search for your torrents
So, Sup Forums all you mahfuckers with ur fancy i7 4790k's, memelake 6700k and that meme card Radeon 480
Is preparing for the interview hard? Anyone done it before?
Best UI for an OS?
Why do all major operating systems suck Sup Forums?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
So I see you're running GNOME
Can chink moot please add a /linux/ board so we can get away from the new Sup Forums?
Holy shit lads!
If you don't want to upgrade to Windows 10, consider upgrading temporally...
Why there isn't any porn website which respects my privacy and supports https?
I'm considering switching from my 2013 rMBP 13" to a Thinkpad W520 and I have a few questions...
Who here has the shittiest pc
Graduate with CS degree a month ago
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How do you endure linux bullshit...
I realised recently that various crashes have been caused by my GPU overheating and after some reconsideration that the...
My new apartment complex has a contract restricting me to just Comcast as my ISP. How fucked am I?
He uses sony vegas instead of adobe premiere
AMD cards aged better than nvidia
How do i become a programmer ?
Last week I explained my situation:
Best Anti Virus
XPS 13
QBittorrent 3.3.6 is out, motherfuckers. Time to upgrade the best torrent client on earth!
Antergos is great
He doesn't use emojis in his passwords to make them ultra-secure
He uses chrome
Feelio when you remember waiting all day for the RTM to download on the slackware box like it was yesterday
What is the worst programming language?
I really wanted to go AMD this time
Music Library Thread
6 week programming bootcamp
Researching before you buy
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Panasonic toughbook thread
Why aren't you cool like me, Sup Forums?
/BST/ Last one 404d
Who here /bottlenecked/?
Need a new browser
What are the pros and cons of updating from Windows 7 to Windows 10? Is the surveillance really that bad?
Who's the oldest student on Sup Forums? Can anyone beat 25?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Edward Snowden’s New Research Aims to Keep Smartphones From Betraying Their Owners
How the hell are you supposed to know what circuit has a problem when some electrician makes an RCD control all the...
The pirate streaming cartoon network
Battery myth
What does Sup Forums think of this?
Static Webm thread
Why isn't Debian the most popular Linux distro?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Ok guys just bought 144 hz monitor have an dvi-d
KAT is down!
"dood linux is like super good and superior than winblows in every way!!!!!!"
I currently have a gtx 980 for running games at 1440p but if I sell my card and buy a 1070 that is on sale I will only...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
My package came. Can you guess what it is?
Reminder to never buy Asus GPUs. Ever
/mdg/ - Malware Development General
Does anyone know a good free program that will remove/unlock Windows 8 login password?
Debian + xfce VS Xubuntu
What's the best Android launcher, Sup Forums?
-New Linux Desktop Environment-
Only 8 days left user! Tick tock tick tock
All Firefox-based browsers have issues with video, and gets a glitch where the browser literally stops communicating
How do you use tabs, Sup Forums?
How do we stop patent trolling Sup Forums?
Python upgraded to "Tier 1" language at Microsoft
Crypto Locker
Buy an RX480
I bricked the whole damn thing fuck
Edc thread
Comcast did nothing wrong
Hobo PC build thread
New upgraded processor
ITT who fell for the ThinkPad meme
/wdg/ - Web Development General
1060 vs 480 Benchmarks
Mental Health per operating system user
Pre-orders are finally open, but stock is limited
/wt/ watch thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How does one disable Windows 10 Telemetry
Want to get first element in an array
What the hell's up with AMD's clock scaling this gen, how can a 200MHz OC give so much performance?
What does Sup Forums make of the Sloot Digital Coding System? Compressed GB worth of data into 8kb
Best $200 budget smartphone
How are they different from Google?
When will the price drop on 1080 and 1070? Why they have so jew pricing on them...
Building a Server - where to start?
Okay Sup Forums, in about 5 hours, I have an interview for a software development technical position at Facebook
Phone Thread - Post your phone and upgrade plans
What is the best way to spoof GPS? I've been using nox but it is very slow and the frame rates are low...
Botnet Awareness Thread
I left my macbook in a bag with a bottle of ayran (salty yoghurt basically) only to find out that it had leaked...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Is building a pc impressive to normies?
Can a linux make someone happy like this
Building a new PC for a family member
Be terrorist
How can a 749MB .iso be burned to a 700MB CD?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Any former freetards on this board who went back to the botnet?
Be terrorist
Post your technology fetishes
E-book readerss
I have it finally
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Get randomly infected with some garbage
Here's the situation
Thermal Grease
PC Monitor general
What are your opinions on SAP in terms of career and job security?
Is this actually true Sup Forums?
KAT IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cyber security
Korean vs Dell
Dayum it's even sexier now
Programming languages vs. spoken languages
France: Windows 10 collects ‘excessive personal data’, issues Microsoft with formal warning
Have 780ti
Guys, I'm lost. I'm a complete mess and I feel like I'm going nowhere with my CS major
At long fucking last
Nvidia can do async
Deadline is almost here. Should I upgrade to Windows 10? Using 7 now
Lets settle this: flat or textured?
What happened to IPv6? It was a "big thing" years ago but now it's completely forgotten. Was it just a failed meme?
Anyone want a free shitty looking mouse? Not sure if legit, but it can't hurt to try
ITT God tier input devices
Just Installing Lubuntu 16.04 32Bits
Do you guys have any scheme for naming your PCs?
Video Production General
I'm at the apple store right now Sup Forums, why don't you work at the apple store?
Whats your first videogame you ever played? Mine is wolfenstein 3D
Is there a ram chip that's sexier than this?
Which button do I press to hack?
Can Linux distros be ran on tablet/2 in 1s fairly well? How is support on such devices? Has anyone done it...
Screenfetch thread
Question About Graphics Cards
For those of you who use an iPhone, why?
This is what happens when you choose to use Windows and not Linux
Windows 10 vs ElementnaryOS
Mfw fell for the pascal meme
Wh-who needs a 1060 anyway...AMD offers a premium Vulkan and DX12 experience!
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What are you sitting at Sup Forums? What's the best desk?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT: God tier hardware that aged well
Why hasn't the iPhone 5 been topped in terms of pure design? Is it the best looking smartphone ever made?
Consoles don't get viruses
Is it posible to hack a facebook account??
Are there any shadowplay alternatives?
GTX 1060 vs RX 480 Benchmarks
My dad has been watching the RNC every night this week, which disgusts me to put it simply...
How do I justify buying a laptop when I never leave the house and already have a solid desktop PC?
Does this look legal?
I found a good deal on 1070, but it's by Zotac. Zotac GTX 1070 AMP Extreme. Should I pull the trigger Sup Forums?
Oh Android, what have you done?!?!
Just bought a S7, first time Android user
Will a 750ti work well with an oc Q6600?
/bst/ - BattleStation
Sup Forums Chan, daisuki~
In order to match an overclocked GTX 1060 in Firestreak Extreme you are going to need to overclock a RX 480 to around...
How much customer technology do I have to buy to get a gf like this?
How did you get into technology?
GTX 1060 Leaf Edition
/mkg/ mechanical keyboard general
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Still waiting for the 480 LOL
Current gen video card aesthetics
NVIDIA texture trouble on DOOM
Using public trackers
Anyone using openPEPE unironically on Sup Forums?
Interesting tech thread~
Best distro to introduce someone to Linux?
Graphics card thread. Post what your graphics card is currently outputting
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Sticker thread
Sup Forums ways of killing pests?
/o/ here, i want to record a cockpit type of view video in my car but was having some difficulties when i tried last...
So, looks like Windows 10 sends screenshots on special events like installing software straight to Microsoft
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
We should blame the 14nm Globalfoundries process or the Polaris architecture?
What's the best gallery for Android is it Quick pic?
What's the best tool to teach kids programming?
Post your homescreens and rate the ones before you g
4k monitor
Hi Sup Forums
How does Sup Forums feel about Chrome OS/Chromebooks?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So Sup Forums, how do we make PC building more normie friendly?
SMB vs NFS vs GFS2
Homescreen thread
Do you use a UPS? If so, on what?
Does window really send everything you type to MS servers?
Were you a whiz kid when you were young?
Nvidiots say the 1060 is better than the RX 480 in every way, ignoring the fact it costs 25% more
What is the best linux for gaming?
Programming/SQL semantics discussion...
Botnet File Explorer
Have 3 variations of Firefox for different uses
Rainbow flag emoji
Signal's protocol is "great" so why don't we implement it into an open source client?
When will high end cards start looking like this again? much better than the gaudy "I'm a gaymen PC...
So this faggot microcenter jew sold me the "extended replacement plan" under the guise of "You can bring in your parts...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What is the best language for game development Sup Forums?
Now that the PCIe power draw maymay has been fixed, how terrible is the reference model...
newfags can't triforce
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
AIB 1060s for 10€ more than cheapest RX480s
How much better is DDR4 than DDR3?
What is the best monitor as of 2016?
Windows xp
What went wrong?
Be Brit
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Nexus 5x
Pens are technology
HTTPS Everywhere fuck-up
Ipod hacked??
A very skilled hacker with the intent on causing nothing but destruction, has found out your ip address
Ran a netstat command recently and found a very weird connection on a system level (pid=4)
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki!
Server virtualization
Help me out here Sup Forums what's the benefit of using an SSD?
Do my job for me
Custom Android ROMs
There are people IN THIS BBS that LEGITIMATELY and NON-IRONICALLY use Linux
/wt/ watch thread
Whats the best way to fap on your phone?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
To whomever deleted my Twitter Harassment thread
The Hitachi Ultrastar 7K3000 is the world's first and only 7200 RPM hard drive rated at 2.0 million hours MTBF
Making a Sup Forums approved Arch Linux distro
Twitter is a shitshow, would this improve things?
Gtx 960 launch price $220
ISPs using secret speed cap?
Hey Sup Forums the speaker on my mouse stopped working, what should I get as a replacement?
How much of an improvement will cannonlake be over kaby lake?
So what's the consensus on this?
Image viewers
Is this the end if Apple?
Why should i use linux?
Whats the best programming language for a girl?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How do I mount a .iso onto a USB stick on Linux which is NOT a Linux .iso...
What's the best Linux distro and why? I'm using Ubuntu w Gnome 3 atm and I wanna change-
You will never code with Cameron
No speccy thread?
Sup Forums recommends qBittorrent
Has anyone on Sup Forums actually clicked on an internet ad intentionally
/fug/- Friendly Ubuntu General
Why is notch the only tech billionaire with a nice house. all the others are so stingy and live in awful houses
Opera thread
Does anyone know a way to factory reset an iphone without the icloud or passcode?
Dump me all of your knowledge on this thing
Why do even shitty two bay NASes with sub-cellphone hardware specs cost so much money...
AMD spends 200 million on R&D every quarter for both CPU and GPU
Passive aggressive reminder that Linux UI is stuck either being an OS X or Windows clone for this single reason:
Hello Sup Forums *leans forward* how are you today :3 I was wondering...
What specifically lets Ubuntu seemingly always have wifi and sound buttons justwerk on laptops compared to Debian...
Robot Wars comeback 24th of July
Fury X or 980Ti/1070
Paranoid, loser, virgin
SLi removal
C programming thread
What do you eat for breakfast /gee/
Alienware m11x r1 gaming laptop thoughts
If linux mint is a beginner distro, what is the next step?
What's the best way to learn C++?
Would Sup Forums buy an SBC with a HelioX10 or SD808 and 3 or 4GB ram if there was one available?
Hello, I hope I am not opening a can of worms by asking this but here we go
Greetings from Sup Forums (sorry)
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Graphics card stuck
Erlang Thread
Wtf it this monitor, got this huge monitor for free, cant even turn it on
/uptime/ thread
Sup Forums here. Can someone please explain to me why this board has a picture of some communist cuck stickied?
Grafics kard thread
Will this work on the AT&T network?
Why is Japan much more technologically advanced than the rest of the world?
RX 480 vs. Nvidia 1060
Arch Linux General - /alg/
Ideapad 100s, HP stream 11, or macbook air?
Ask a guy who just sold his 3 year old Nexus 5 anything
Why is there no 4k content out there other than pr0n?
Explain how Hillary Clinton had a "Private Email Server," Sup Forums
Why is W10 so ugly?
I want a laptop strictly for writing and occasionally research
Tfw cleaning a smokers computer
What did you guys do to Stallman?
New battle station thread?
Best Purchase You Ever Made
What would happen if all the Linux developers teamed up in a single distro?
If I see that fucking Amada one more time
Anyone have an up to date PSP hack websites/forums?
ITT ghetto little ideas that paid off
Work in computer repair shop
What is your mouse on top of Sup Forums?
DDOS attacks
FutureMark Async Compute Detailed
What's the best powerbank out there that won't fry your phone?
Could you kill all messenger programs ( >>55654130 ) by making SMS free?
Posture Advice
Running 'sudo apt-get update && apt get upgrade'
What would happen if you plug an etherkiller cable into the ethernet jack from your ISP?
GTX 1060
Reusing Parts
What's going to flop harder, Vega or Zen?
This is technology related!!
Thread for g/entoomen who work in tech
Assume you get hit by a bus after the Singularity. If your family downloads your mind into a new...
Sup Forums says the new amd card is great
Sup Forums, explain this to me...
God damn Qt Creator is comfy! Post comfy software!
Is technology made to break?
RX 480 30% faster than 1060 in Vulkan(Doom)
Anonymization general /ag/
He calls programs "apps"
BSD And Other Things
Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is not anonymous. Watch your back
Browser bread
Intel Coffee Lake
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Last night I cleaned out my computer of dust and found my CPU fan was covered in a fuck load of it. Take the fan off...
What are your thoughts on the C.H.I.P. by Next Thing Co?
Why don't you own an additional 11-inch qtp2t laptop for light, portable hacking/devving?
Hahahahha wow I fucking fell for the GNU plus Linux meme
Brand loyality
You roll you create
Let me give you the red pill about the graphics cards
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Just dropped my work phone Sup Forums
TFW I can't find an RX480 for $199
Finally we can all agree
Are the fm2/fm2+ socket type proccesors worth it in a budget gaming build? Also general AMD thread
Tries to download stock samsung rom
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why can't we ever win
Fuck off Pajeet. We're not going to buy your phones just because someone else did
What type of font does Sup Forums use for UI?
Post homescreens Sup Forums
About to buy a cheap 21.5'' full hd monitor. Will I regret not paying more for a bigger size?
FUCK windows 10
Nearly all major public trackers now officially comply with DMCA takedown notices
Sup Forums humour thread
Custom RX 480
How do you name/label your hard drives Sup Forums? Any sort of system for organizing and keeping track of them?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Using a microwave
"Slightly more productive than pokemon go" edition
What is the best browser right now in terms of speed and ease of use?
When should I upgrade Sup Forums?
More ads on Windows 10
GTX 1060 $249
I was waiting for the tea water to boil and messing with the infrared themometer when I realize I had never tried to...
Do you still use floppy disks?
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
Zen is a flop
/adsg/ - Algorithms + Data Structures General
Gold medal: GTX 1080
Is Windows 10 usable nowadays? Or is it still a broken piece of shit?
I just ordered gtx 1060 from amazon
RX 480 vs. GTX 1060
Gelbooru finally found a way around adblockers like uBlock Origin. I can't block any of their adbanners any more
Are chromebooks the future?
Apple Laptop thread
Mainboards option
GTX 1060
1060 is here!
Faster than fury non-x for $250
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
How do you convince yourself that using an ad blocker is ethical?
So Sup Forums, I had been looking at this one for like 1 week now. Then I decided to go get it...
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
What internet are you fat fucks using?
By 2020 most people will use Tablets as their main computers
Why does almost everyone hate BSD?
First 1060 review is up from china
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Fuck's your thermal paste?
You're seriously going to tell me that Linux is more complex than Windows...
Can you explain what's wrong with systemd without shouting memes and acting like an alt-right weirdo?
UltraBook Thread
What does Sup Forums think of piracy?
Daily i7 Masterrace Thread
1060 prices start popping up
Remember, by using debian you support liberal SJW agenda
2gb of 1066 ddr2 ram
>BST - NeckBeardEdition<
Daily keplar forgotten thread
The A in Async is for Amada!
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Homescreen Thread
Any dubious clearnet websites?
go to kickass to download adobe premiere
What are some obscure PC accessories, peripherals, upgrade etc that you would recommend?
What is the best screen recording software for windows?
Post the most beautiful electronic device you've ever seen
/GOG/ - Getting Off Google General
>Double Your Computer CPU Speed for Free
Any 1TB SSDs that don't cost an arm and a leg?
This is why you dont want monopolies kids
Do you guys think that P = NP or P ≠ NP?
ITT: Sup Forums designs his dream laptop
Am I going deaf or are my headphones getting quieter? Last year I needed the volume at around 20 now I need it at 60...
Specs for Nitro+ (Not Nitro) are in excluding base clock
Favorite language?
Be me
PC help
How often do you guys switch to a new computer? How about smartphone? My comp's 4 years now, and phone is 3...
Best Torrent client?
User, show us your music player
U.S. Army switching from Android to the iPhone 6s due to poor performance
Explain this to me
Is there any durable laptop brand or model which can be disassembled, cleaned and assembled easily, like a gun...
My first ssd
ITT best device you ever owned
Yes, we know everything is already from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest...
Embarassing things you see on a regular basis
Build a gaming desktop one year ago
I don't even know why i'm doing this. most of you people are idiot wastoids that don't deserve any life hints
Best GUI Framework?
Why aren't you using the world's most advanced operating system?
Which is the best & cheapest smartphone today?
Against government surveillance
W10 master race
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Ignore the SD Spammer Edition
Where did it all go so wrong?
ITT: 10/10 tech only
DRM cunts BTFO
Now that the dust has FINALLY settled, should you upgrade to Windows 10?
Fuck it I've spent 4 months getting memed while trying to figure out which programming language I want to learn
Will Apple ever release a PowerBook G5?
Lockpicking Sets
802.11 APs
Install windows
Vintage computers
So I want to learn about networking. I can set up a Linux server, I can program web applications in Java and C#...
I'm guessing this is the best place to ask about this issue
Chinkshit Batteries = OK?
What went wrong?
Anyone here have a shitty laptop like me
Should we upgrade to Windows 10?
FreeBSD - The one true server, embedded, and desktop OS
Tfw fell for meme
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
ITT: Normie encounters
Take PC to shop because I cant figure out whats wrong for once
Hacking An Instagram Account
Trying to root my new phone and can't seem to get past this. Following the guide here. Any ideas? Be gentle
How do I know you're not also an Nvidia shill?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Computer chair
Opinions on this meme?
Mpv, madvr & co
Why hasn't Sup Forums make its own UNIX like OS?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How To Hack An IG Account?
What famous pieces of software are developed mainly by female programmers?
Does technology cause more terrorism?
Why do people care about privacy? Not a bait thread, please explain it to me why a "normal" person should give s fuck
Has using android negatively affected your relationships with normies?
Post em
Should every programmer know assembly?
What does Sup Forums think about Github?
Itt who fell first the think pad meme?
Why does anyone use Spotify in 2016? Play music has superior library, a much less buggy app...
Heroes of newerth - google chrome
I have just observed something
Why didn't SoftBank buy AMD instead of ARM?
More like Fractured Design. Fucking hell... I'm mad
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Your daily reminder to love Lain
Taking notes on a laptop, yay or nay?
Anyone know where I can trade a VPN subscription? I have an account for PIA with 260 days in it...
Razer blade stealth
How to turn off Windows 10 Telemetry
Thermal Paste
Now that Google is officially using everything you ever look at on the internet to build a profile on you...
Not shilling, just curious. Why are so many people against discord? What is their criticism on it?
Ok anons i need your advice/idea
Hey Sup Forums did a storm ever fry your electronics?
Speccy Thread
Your perfect operating system?
Small Questions Thread
Uses for Nvidia GPUs
What's the best browser for phones?
Mommy, what was the point of cyber cafes?
Is Arch good or is it a meme?
My monitor suddenly started looking like f.lux and I don`t even have it installed
Opera sold to chinks for $600 million
How do I make Windows 10 as secure as Linux? (or as secure as possible?)
ITT technology you thought would flop but turned out being pretty good or at least successful
Why do all home/casual use printers suck? Endless error messages, planned obsoleteness, breaking quickly...
Is 2gib of ram the perfect comfy amount for work and everyday use?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Is this a good purchase? It costs £1,700~
I need a new mouse, Sup Forums. My last beauty, an MS Intellimouse 3.0...
What's the best tech-related thing I can douche around with that costs $50 bucks or less?
GTX 1060
Got a paper from police department
I will not buy an iPhone until a microSD card port is added
Anyone on Sup Forums using a mac
Reminder that GIF is pronounced "JIFF"
Lets talk about encryption
How does one rice Windows 10?
When are you ditching that Lagxus, user?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/trigger warning/
Bst - battlestation thread
Is there really any reason to go for razer or any other overpriced brand when alternatives like this exist that cost...
I am a Mexican programmer in America
How do you pronounce "Router"?
Sup Forumsman walking down the streat
>female hackers
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Should I turn off my modem at night?
Plugged in my psp to charge and for the first time in the 10 years I've had this, it's got coil whine
Should I upgrade to Windows 10 from Win7? Is it an improvement when I'm just interested in gaming...
Arduino is the JavaScript of the embedded world
My future school force their students to use ArchLinux
Type 100wpm+
Why is xiaomi so popular? There are other good Chinese brands like LeTV, Ulefone, and Leagoo with great budget phones
Cucked tech
I am a Japanese engineer!!
Windows 10 privacy
Why don't we have oled keyboard yet?
Found one of these at a garage sale. What can I do with it?
Ayy yo, tablet thread
Hello Sup Forums!
Should I build this computer?
Whats up poorfags ? ;) ;))
ARM to be acquired by SoftBank
Mfw I built the first modern desktop
Is there a browser that won't rape my RAM just for DARING to open a few dozen tabs?
Got a paper from police department
He doesn't dumpster dive behind his local electronics store then flip the haul for cash
Who >old computer here
Nexus 5X vs. iPhone SE?
GTX 1060 vs RX 480 (including aftermarket for both)
Available on FIVE different platforms!
Windows 10 LAG Thread
Its true that this drives are slow as fuck?
/wt/ watch thread
It's been a while since I've posted here
Having a facebook account
Arch Linux
Unfucking Windows 10 - General
What went wrong?
What is your MBTI Sup Forums?
You will never have a stealth black iPhone again
What's the best technology for warding off pokemon go players?
Just your daily reminder to secure your router and WiFi
PSA: I just found the best Android launcher ever
You roll you create
There is no reason to pick GNU/Linux over BSD
Why were the 80s-90s so magical bros?
Guys I accidentally the thermal adhesive
Programming Tunes
2017, year of the linux desktop
Looking for a new home television. Want a not-shit one. Target is ~60in with a budget of $1000-$1500...
How come there's no universal symbol to represent the free software movement?
/offthegrid/ est thread
Will integrated graphics ever be usable for gaming?
Nothing is better than a beautfiul GNOME desktop. Prove me wrong
He doesn't have a 23500mah phone
Can someone help me hack one of my neighbors' wifi? I can't afford internet right now and I'm over my phones data cap :(
16 GiB
Alright girls, code an emoji! ^_^
ITT: we gather TLDRs and data for the launch in three hours
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is it possible to be too comfy Sup Forums?
Red pill me on Manjaro
It's summer in some part of the world, also winter in another part where it's used to heat...
Gaming Laptop 800-1000$
Trying to write a very basic payroll program in python, and feel like a fucking retard right now
Lubuntu will be on LXQt since version 16.10
Desktop /thread
He actually uses Google Chrome
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Fingerprinting Thread
Why do we hate systemd again?
I cant afford a fanless gaming pc but I'll just dream on. I believe fanless computers are the future...
Tfw no shadowplay
Thermal paste
Tell me Sup Forums why is Google and leftists pushing SO HARD for females and 3rd worlders to code?
Can someone tell me what the fuck this is?
Whats the point of other web browsers when everything becoming chrome clone nowadays?
Homescreen bread
Is it possible to get rid of the Internet anymore?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
How did this genius invent Linux all by himself?
/dpt/ daily programming thread
C-doubleplus vs C-hashtag
Not using based Fedora 24
Do you still burn DVDs for hoarding your torrented shit or whatever?
Windows 10: advanced adware
Should a person learn openGL before diving into vulkan...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Where were you when Nvidia flooded the market with 1060 AIB's killing AMD just through shitty marketing tactics...
Novidya BTFO
Gsync worth it?
Sticker thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
EDC Thread
Is there anywhere I can buy a LCD TV or monitor that has the look of a CRT? I hate the look of flat screens so much
How do you backup your data?
MicroUSB Planned Obsolescence Scam
Remember when JavaScript was universally despised...
What DE does Sup Forums prefer?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Phone got stolen today, I'm looking for a cheap and reliable phone, what should I buy ?
/ ram /
Why isn't there an official "Delete your Facebook account" day?
What was the last thing you programmed?
He doesnt build his own computer
Apple spent 2 years designing this
ITT: sad stories
Androidfags will defend this
So Sup Forums do you really think programming is hard or something?
I can't notice any difference between FLAC and MP3
UTorrent 2.2.1
When did your first SSD die? Mine croaked last week, after 5 ½ years
What is the current status on Artificial Intelligence? Are we even close to creating a self-conscious machine?
Why can only Apple get emojis right?
Is Piracy ever justified?
At what point does having windows 10 and other programs installed on an SSD...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Running some android game
I'm thinking of buying an Ikea Markus, since my current cheap chair is giving me some back pain
He doesn't notice a difference between 120hz and 144hz
A private tracker wich is like the best tracker in my country dosent use HTTPS
Are there any pmps with 4 (micro) SD slots? I want a 512gb mp3 player and I think this would be the cheapest/easiest
Is Firefox desktop ever going to get a "Reopen closed tab" option like Chrome mobile?
I know the "muh botnet" meme, but can we have a comfy botnet thread?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
IOS Jailbreak
Making linux better
Daily reminder that linux is crap...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Convince me why I should keep using windows
Best Micro ATX Case?
/BST/ Battlestation Thread
Are there any good, free antivirus programs out there? I know common sense is good but i just want to feel extra safe
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Madvr, mpv, mpdn
How can I become a based hacker and join anonymous?
Under US copyright law...
Buys ATX full tower
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Want to start a website
Why the hell does every Nvidia GPU aftermarket cooler look like a childs toy? fucking flodded with LED's...
Which is the best distro?
Windows 10
He fell for the wifi repeater meme instead of using soda cans to boost his signal
Does anyone on Sup Forums know regex? I have this string and need to remove everything except "Pepeman, hueman"...
What's your opinion on pic related?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...