Holy shit lads!

holy shit lads!
i literally just called my internet provider, threatening them to cancel my services, and they literally cut my price in half.
im literally paying $46.87 a month now for 250Mbps for an entire 2 years. take advantage of this my fellow neet bros

It literally costs them almost nothing to provide people with internet. If anything this should make you angry.

I can't do that I have a contract with my ISP.

I"ve tried this twice now and the pajeet on the other end has called my bluff straight away.

can confirm this

I work as a Retention Agent with DirecTV, and we give people ridiculous offers when they say they want to go to Dish.

They do this all the time, but only if you actually have a competing offer or are willing to negotiate well enough.

But, most of the time people just call in and literally think acting like a manchild is going to get me to give them a discount. I've literally given laptops away to keep customers, but I sure as fuck won't do so to some poor sounding bloke who wants his $50 bill reduced without resigning the contract LMAO

I don't have the patience. And cancel them right away.

>out of contract
>they called me to extend and gave me a 10% discount.
feels bad man

Post story.

Bell gave me 100 dollars off a galaxy s7, and a free case because I mentioned Telus.

The funny thing is they already were 100 dollars cheaper than Telus.

not really much to it?

>my service has been cutting out constantly the last few weeks for days at a time this is ridiculous
>I'm sorry sir
>I feel like I shouldn't have to pay for the days it's been out or something
>I'm sorry sir I can refund 1 day
>this is ridiculous why don't I just cancel my service
>ok sir i can do that now for you
>b-baka don't cancel it just..give me the 1 day.


>tfw my isp is the best in my area
The only other provider has a max speed if 1/2 what i get for 2x the price.

Gotta love the part of Kansas that is full of gullible old people

I have Cox Communications serve my area. The only other thing in San Diego is AT&T Uverse which sucks shit because their internet is typically max 6 mbps with their elite tier 24 mbps just rolling out over here. It's much slower than Cox that offers for the same 24 mbps 50 or 100 mbps speeds. Cox knows they have a monopoly here and only rolled out 1 gbps connections in some areas ("gig life") because of google fiber webpage saying San Diego is a potential fiber site (would LOVE to dump overpriced Cox). The best Cox does is extend your discounted rate with a contract.

>or something
Alpha abdul sensed you were an omega male without testicles

out of nowhere they doubled my monthly data from 500g to 1tb though. I would've preferred to pay less for the same but whatever.

>not having unlimited data
They loosened your chastity device just a little bit

>Bell gave me 100 dollars off a galaxy s7, and a free case because I mentioned Telus.
>The funny thing is they already were 100 dollars cheaper than Telus.
Fuck off canadain cunt

If I have time warner what name should I drop get the sweet discounts?

>It literally costs them almost nothing to provide people with internet.

This the mentality of a parasite. Gibs me dat. Everything should be free! At the same time, they won't lift a finger to help other people.

>I don't know how broadband internet was first introduced to America: the post

They were given a virtual monopoly by the state. They are the welfare queens here.

This is why i could never migrate from my shitty country. 2nd fastest speed in world, unlimited data, and no fucking anti-pirate hunting. I honestly cant imagine living in another country. I expect that in 2016 i am able to load a 4k video instantly even if i have 15 torrents on. Even slight buffering makes me go rage.

Its kind of like a pattern. I remembered my mom would threaten to cancel everytime the price grew too much.

I'd do it, but I feel like Charter would call my bluff instantly, since there isn't another ISP in the area. At the moment I just tell my roommates that their share of the internet is about 3x what it should be because it's "premium high speed." They're big enough normies that they can't check it, and I get free internet+a nice little kickback.

What are you paying? I'm paying around $80 a month for 300mbps down off contract. Also are you using their shit Arris router/modem?

xfinty is my ISP. Pretty good modem/Wifi router all in one they give us.

Great for gaming too.

flip off

>have literally only 1 internet provider in my area
>call them up to threaten to cancel if they don't cut my bill in half
>"ok then see ya"
>hang up

you're not very smart user

>for 250Mbps
i-it's a joke, r-right?

doubt it works with charter out here, they know my area there's only two isp. one being them and the other being att, which their highest speed they offer is 6mbps download for $55...

atm with charter it's $40 a month for 65/5 for one year. so I'm sure they'll just laugh if i threaten to leave since they know the other isp can't even compete with their speeds.

>paying $46.87 a month now for 250Mbps
What the actual fuckaroo. I'm paying 18€ for that which is about 20 bucks.

I'm literally thankful for the info. I will literally try this as soon as I literally get home from work .

>hurr durr it's ok that romania has chaper , faster internet than the first world

But you live in a 3rd world shithole, no thanks

I pay 19 euros a month for 350/25.

sd here and i fucking hated uverse, slow as shit and expensive. and they recently put up a data cap, which was awful for me because i live in a house where everyone streams shit.
switched to time warner despite hearing horror stories and its much better

I did this to my mobile operator
Now I pay 6 bucks/mo for call, sms and 4 gb of data

Might as well move to Kansas city and get google fiber

>$46.87 a month
>used to pay $93.74
Is this normal for America? Do you have a monopoly over there or some shit? For a land of the free and the home of free market capitalism you sure let corporations fuck you up the ass a lot.