Has the world of eGPU's come up with any turnkey solutions lately? I haven't looked into in a while

Has the world of eGPU's come up with any turnkey solutions lately? I haven't looked into in a while

Last thing in that vein I saw was vdock, and that was crap/

Other urls found in this thread:

hwtools.net/Adapter/PE4H V3.2.html

The razer core thing looks very promising but it is also very expensive for what it is. But egpu is definitely getting more attention these days.

ye buy a case in the size of an itx case where you only put your gpu into and then you only need a laptop in addition... sorry im not a fan of it at all.

>razer core
stupid gimmick - like all razer garbage

The laptop will still bottleneck the gc so it's better to spend the extra bucks you need in a performant laptop.

>parroting bullshit

You should really actually know what you're talking about before spewing out bullshit. I've got an external GPU setup and the only "bottleneck" I come across is the gtx 770 not being fast enough for the higher settings.

Modern laptops are very much fast enough to use desktop GPU's to their full effect - my laptop with a high end ivy bridge quad core can run mostly anything on high to ultra settings, and when I have an issue, it's always the GPU not meeting the cut, NOT the rest of the laptop.

External GPU's are extremely viable and a great way to boost your laptops gaming performance, ESPECIALLY if it's a nvidia card. When you use a nvidia GPU you don't ever have to deal with the PCIe bandwidth issue anyway, not like that actually matters though. Using an external GPU lets you get great performance without shelling out a shitton of money on a shitty gaming laptop.

It's so annoying seeing people who've never even seen an egpu ramble on how they're terrible, when infact they work wonderfully if you're willing to put in the hour or two required to set it up properly.

We just have a lot of AMD shills on here. It's a really sad state that Sup Forums is in at the moment.

Don't get me wrong, AMD cards work just fine. They just don't have the advantage of being able to ignore PCIe bandwidth in this situation.

The performance difference between an equivalent AMD and nvidia card is usually negligible, but in the rare situation where you hit a PCIe bottleneck, you get some free performance with a nvidia card.

What's funny is it'snot even something they advertise. The nvidia cards do PCIe compression and it works beautifully.

Slow down billy you will choke on your burger.
I'm actually tempted to try a setup like this since a have a thunderbolt port. But it's a thunderbolt 1.
I could probably use one of those new 1060.

>choke on your own burger
what does this even mean

If you're using one of he more common egpu solutions, the version of thunderbolt won't matter because the vast majority of them are actually using pcie to expresscard to thunderbolt adapters.

The only time the version of thunderbolt you're using will matter is If you manage to find a straight pcie to thunderbolt adapter, which are quite rare. But if you do, that's awesome. Good luck!

What adapter are you using? Contemplating whether I should get the EXP GDC (30$ shipped from gearbest) or the PE4C V3.0 (88$ shipped from HWtool + customs)

EGPU's are great, if you understand the situations in which they're best suited for.

I have a very high end desktop , and a laptop with an eGPU set up. It's a heavily modified thinkpad with a gtx 770.

The situations I use the eGPU are when I'm traveling, or playing games with a friends in a lan party or something. I love getting near desktop performance when I'm on a business trip or at a friends house. i also love not having the disadvantages of having a gaming laptop, it's a normal laptop 90% of the time and I only have to deal with the extra weight when I'm gaming, which is a stationary activity anyway. The rest of the time I've got a nice fast portable laptop that works great for my job and most laptop activities. Also lets me get some use out of my old GPUs when I upgrade.

I really recommend using an external GPU if you're competent enough to set it up, you basically get to have a nice portable laptop most of the time, and a super high gaming laptop that never overheats when you are in a situation that an actual desktop is unfeasible or inconvenient.

I'd never actually recommend using one instead of having a good desktop though, it's better if used in conjunction. It makes gaming laptops like alienwares or the like totally irrelevant..

I've never even heard of the first one you mentioned.

I'm using the bog standard expresscard to pcie adapter, i'd have to check some really old emails to see if its the PE4C V3.0 or one of the other three that are almost identical.

I've got it housed in a nice homemade box with a fan and power supply mounted inside.


Okay I just looked that up, DO NOT use that one. The mini-pcie adapter are EXTREMELY frustrating to use and have crap performance compared to the expresscard solutions. Half the time you need to keep the fuckers taped down.

Either go with the expresscard solution, or wait for someone to make a true thunderbolt solution, which should happen soon. Intel gave the official OK for thunderbolt to pcie, so it's coming. The only question is when.

The GDC is more finnicky since there are PCIe 2.0 signalling issues due to the socketted connection. Sometimes this comes loose and the card intermittently loses functionality. Whatever program was running on it will crash.

PE4C is better because the connection is soldered straight so it's more reliable.

Whether the additional $50 is justifiable or not is entirely on you.

X220 w/ GTX 580 here.

I believe there are 2 types of eGPUs - Stuff like Razer Core are usually prohibitively expensive, and are nice if your interest in eGPU is for laptop portability and you want desktop graphics at home, and don't care about the crazy price tag.

Things like EXP GDC and PE4C are really meant for the more frugal folk to whom every dollar counts, and their interest in eGPU is to breathe more life into their already-existing craptops. Since these solutions are bottlenecked by the PCIe x1 lane, it makes more sense to buy used parts like a 580 for rock-bottom prices, and then use technical know-how to compensate for not having spent large amounts of money.

You usually see people on TechInferno that have no idea how electronics even work and expect to get an eGPU working.

>Okay I just looked that up, DO NOT use that one. The mini-pcie adapter are EXTREMELY frustrating to use and have crap performance compared to the expresscard solutions. Half the time you need to keep the fuckers taped down.
If you had truly looked it up, you'll realise that there is an Expresscard version.

Also, there is no reason to have any performance difference between mPCIe and Expresscard, provided they are both operating at PCIe gen 2 speeds.

They both utilise 1 lane of PCIe 2.0.

>Either go with the expresscard solution, or wait for someone to make a true thunderbolt solution, which should happen soon.
1. Has already happened, and
2. Is completely irrelevant if user doesn't have a laptop with TB.

But it is like that with everyone.

People who can only program loops try to act like they are professional programmers.

Gamers who only play csgo talking about how not having a 1080 is retarded.

Everyone here is just spewing cancer based on prejudice opinions gained from reading some shills website, or watching some dickheads youtube clip.

Alright, thanks for the input. I've already tried it out with the PE4H v2.4 (via ExpressCard), but wasn't really satisfied with the performance due to the PCIe gen 1 bottleneck.

Might pull the trigger on the PE4C as it seems like the safer choice for gen 2 speeds.

>If you had truly looked it up
What does that even mean? I googled it, and saw at first glance that gearbest.com/laptop-accessories/pp_229101.html
is mini-pcie. How did I not truly look it up? Was I suppose to do extensive research?

And I don't recommend using any nvidia cards older than kepler with expresscard and intel cpus older than ivybridge - you don't get the pcie compression andd ssandy bridge and older don't get pcie 2.0

From what I've seen, the mini-pcie solutions tend to suffer from a bunch of issues, ranging from poor connection uses, poor ergonomics, and signalling issues.

Also, can you show me some of these thunderbolt solutions? If any of them seem viable I may end up upgrading my laptop.

>Is completely irrelevant if user doesn't have a laptop with TB
That's kind of a shitty point because most laptops dont have expresscard either, and mini-pcie is becoming rare

As mentioned earlier, if you want to avoid pcie bottleneck, make sure you're using an ivy bridge or newer chipset, and a nvida card really helps. The pcie compression really goes a long way - I don't know how it works, but it made a huge difference when i compared a 660 with a 7870

I understand and partially agree with your sentiment but the analogies you used were really shitty and don't really apply to this situation.

Apparently the PE4H V3.2 is gen2-capable: hwtools.net/Adapter/PE4H V3.2.html

Akitio Thunder 2, Sonnet EE, Razer Core.

I don't know what shit you googled, but this was the first result and scrolling down 10 lines shows Expresscard and M.2 versions: banggood.com/Mini-PCI-E-Version-V8_0-EXP-GDC-Beast-Laptop-External-Independent-Video-Card-Dock-p-1011222.html

>I don't know what shit you googled
Did you read the user's original post? He specifically mentioned gearbest GDC. Which takes you to the link I posted. Notice the lack of expresscard on that page.

Was I suppose to look at something other than what the user specifically mentioned he wanted to buy? I'm having a hard time understand what I did wrong here.

Any of those thunderbolt adapters currently worth buying retail, or should I just order a few wholesale and sell the rest at the shop?

>Apparently the PE4H V3.2 is gen2-capable
Yeah, but it also costs a lot more than the PE4C (which is also compatible with gen3)

>make sure you're using an ivy bridge or newer chipset, and a nvida card really helps
Well, my X220 only has the i7-2620M, which is sandy bridge, so I guess i will suffer a little bit here. I do plan to run it with my 670.

I should mention, I'm looking more for a thunderbolt to epcie adapter, instead of some silly box with flashing lights. Also looking for something that takes advantage of the most recent thunderbolt specification. I do need a newer laptop soon anyway,ad was planning on giving my current one to my girlfriend, egpu, dock, and all

I'm not sure if sandy bridge supports optimus - I didn't look into it because I'm using ivy.

You need hardware that mostly supports optimus to get the compression benefit.

Any eGPU to thunderbolt stuff that does thunderbolt 3?

My setup has a Gtx960 with a EXP GDC v8.3 and a shitty PSU.
The connection is made via expresscard.

I only had one problem after setup, which was caused by me half dislodging the connection cable between the adapter and the laptop. It caused a driver crash.

Somewhat hot pluggable: sometimes it detects the card correctly, sometimes not.
Hibernation doesn't really work with egpus

Full pci-e v2.0 which is so much faster than v1.0
Great performance compared with integrated gpu (hd4000)
Better performance than dedicated laptop graphics cards (same or better performance than 970m)
So much cheaper than a gaming laptop/desktop (less than 200€ total)

Pic related.

How is it "hot pluggable"?

By plugging the expresscard after boot, during windows.
Half the time the card is detected and you can use it. The other half the card goes into full overdrive with the fans spinning at max rpm and the card isn't detected by the OS

The last time I tried to 'hot-plug' my eGPU, the voltage regulator on the GDC blew and I had to replace the GDC. I plugged it into the EC slot while Windows was running (ie, I could open a browser and such).

Now I normally plug the eGPU in when the system is cold shut off or in standby.

When do you hotplug your eGPU?

just a quick question guys:
what connectors are used to set up a external gpu setup like OP's pic besides the new thunderbolt?

and what connector is being used in OP's pic?

I plug it usually when the pc is powered down, so I know for sure that the card will be detected, but the times it detected in the OS was in the desktop.

Anyone know of thunderbolt pcie docks that arent ridiculously expensive?

I'd like to use something like pic related and make my own custom enclosure since it requires a psu for the gpu and its not long enough for most cards. But it just costs so much

Linus made a ok review on the new Razer thing

If you care at all about price then TB docks aren't for you.

EXP GDC or just buy a gaymen PC.

All he did was state shit that everyone already knows. It lets you use a desktop card with a laptop. He just benched it with a 1080 and that was it. No comparison to any other eGPU. Completely meaningless - It might as well just be an ad designed to raise awareness for the product.

Apparently he does plan to compare it to an EXP GDC M.2, but that's not out yet, so I reserve judgment.

the comparison that matters is the one that says the razer thing isn't using proprietary cables/connections like other manufacturers , all in all it's just about form factor for those things anyways

Are any of the thunderbolt docks thunderbolt v3? I want that sweet sexy bandwidth

turnkey, fuck off with that corporate jargon there mate

what laptop is that ? sexy as fuck but I can't read the name

Right now? Razer Core. It's expensive as fuck though, just wait until a competitor comes out. Certainly the companies that made PCI-e Thunderbolt 2 docks will come out with Thunderbolt 3 versions in due time.

precision m6800

>sexy as fuck
He's into fatties

EXP GDC Beast here.

The card has dropped off of the PCI bus a few times when I nudged the cable too hard, but other than that it works without any hiccups.

Man I've been looking into an egpu for my X220T. I'm just not sure which graphics card and how much it will get bottlenecked. I'm sure the sandybridge is still pretty damn good right guys?

I'd get an eGPU for my W510 but I would lose the wifi if I hooked one up and sadly I need the wifi

You can use the expresscard slot.

Can you think of word describing the concept that isn't corporate jargon?

It doesn't exist, you either use the words you have or waste everyone's time describing it in detail.

Anyone got the Setup 1.30? I need to get rid of this shitty error 12

Fuck I would like an egpu for my X220 but it's all too confusing and there's not enough info about using them.

Sandy bridge isn't ideal for egpu