How does Sup Forums feel about Chrome OS/Chromebooks?

How does Sup Forums feel about Chrome OS/Chromebooks?

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I'm getting a used C720 tomorrow. Is there anything interesting?

They're the worst purchase you can make in your entire life.

I knew that.

Why not just get a used thinkpad like everyone else?

>buying a device whose boot loader cannot be unlocked



They are not good at all. They are ONLY good for Web browsing, that's it. Nothing else. Nada. Zip.
Why? Because that's pretty much all it can do, browse the web and save photos and shit. No games or programs can be run (at least when I had one) don't buy one. Please

Everything is becoming available on the web. Someday we won't even need an operating system, it'll all be available on the cloud.

>Everything is becoming available on the web. Someday we won't even need an operating system, it'll all be available on the cloud.

>It can though

I have a T60 and T420. It can't be that bad and at least it ships with SeaBios. Arch shouldn't be that hard to get running.

>Storing your things on someone else's computer

You can dual-boot linux on it, although switching between chromeos and a distro is as easy as a button combination

You can tell ITT the people who don't know that are Sup Forumsedditors

I read somewhere that Chromebooks are part of some DDoS network due to some malware, is this true?

i got called poor in college because my x220 was too thick compared to a chromebook

I bought one for school after my laptop died on me. It's okay. I installed Debian on it for when I need actual programs. Battery lasts all day so it's nice for school and traveling. They're good for web browsing and light work for a cheap price

Chromebooks dont make very good primary machines...however they make fantastic secondary machines.

Is it possible to do light development on one without internet?

not OP

you can basically run any linux compatible applications, if you get an intel machine that is.
I personally own an ARM machine and it runs almost everything i need, except for some programs like blender.

Use xfce and xiwi. I have Ubuntu on my USB, it's comfy to use hexchat, Firefox, terminator, and tor

sudo sh ./crouton -r trusty -t cli-extra,xiwi -p /media/removable/USB\ Drive/chroots/

sudo sh ./crouton -r trusty -t xfce,cli-extra,xiwi -p /media/removable/USB\ Drive/chroots